Modelling reactive distillation

Modelling reactive distillation

Modelling reactive distillation


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5210 R. Taylor, R. Krishna / Chemical Engineering Science 55 (2000) 5183}5229di!usivity method for their mass transfer model. Unlessthe equilibrium constant has some unconventional definition,the reaction equation given in their "rst paperrepresents an irreversible reaction. The system of di!erentialequations that constitute their model was solvednumerically. Their second paper includes parametricstudies that show how conversion changes as a functionof catalyst #ow rate, pressure, feed composition, re#uxratio, reboil ratio, feed #ow rates, and feed position.In 1990 ASPEN Technology Inc. introduced theRATEFRAC model for rate-based multicomponent separationmodelling (Sivasubramanian & Boston, 1990).RATEFRAC appears to be based on the NEQ model ofKrishnamurthy and Taylor (1985) with the addition ofequations to account for the e!ect of reaction on masstransfer, and chemical equilibrium constraints (if needed).Zheng and Xu (1992b) have used an NEQ model tosimulate catalytic <strong>distillation</strong> operations in a packed columnwith bag-type porous catalyst. Theirs is a pseudohomogeneousmodel very similar to that describedabove. Vapor}liquid mass transfer is modelled using theMS equations. However, it is not completely clear howthe reaction is modelled. Elsewhere in the paper it isstated that liquid}solid mass transfer coe$cients in thecatalyst bed are computed from a correlation derived intheir "rst paper (Zheng & Xu, 1992a). Yet no equationsor terms for mass transfer from the liquid to thecatalyst appear anywhere else in the paper. It is possiblethat the reaction is treated pseudo-homogeneously wheree!ects of reaction on mass transfer (and the e!ectsof mass transfer on reaction) in the catalyst are lumpedinto the bulk liquid reaction term. Thermodynamic propertiesfor the liquid-phase are described with theUNIFAC model and the virial equation is used for thevapor phase. The resulting set of algebraic equations wassolved using Newton's method. They model productionof MTBE and provide numerically calculated concentration,temperature and #ux pro"les. Only for the temperaturepro"le is there any comparison with experimentaldata.Zhu and Shen (1995) discussed the modi"cation of theNEQ model of Krishnamurthy and Taylor (1985) tohandle RD. Few precise details are provided, however,and it is impossible to be sure how the presence ofreaction(s) modi"es any of the NEQ model equations.Simulation results appear to show reasonable agreementwith temperature and liquid composition pro"les measuredfor the esteri"cation of ethanol and acetic acidcarried out in an Oldershaw column.Kreul, Gorak and Barton (1999a) used an NEQ modelof homogeneous RD and, via a series of case studies,studied the importance of various model simpli"cations.They found little di!erence between the full MS descriptionof multicomponent mass transfer and the simplere!ective di!usivity models. However, they also concludethat there can be signi"cant di!erences between EQ andNEQ models, and that the additional e!ort of the morecomplicated NEQ approach is justi"ed.Baur et al. (1999) have compared the EQ and the NEQmodels for the MTBE process. They underlined somecounter-intuitive features of RD processes. For example,for a methanol feed location yielding a low-conversionsteady-state, the introduction of mass transfer resistance(i.e. use of the NEQ model), leads to a conversion higherthan that predicted by the EQ model; see Fig. 20 (b). Theintroduction of a mass transfer resistance alleviatesa `bad situationa and has the e!ect of improving conversion.Lee and Dudukovic (1998) described an NEQ modelfor homogeneous RD in tray columns. The Maxwell}Stefanequations are used to describe interphasetransport, with the AIChE correlations used for the binary(Maxwell}Stefan) mass transfer coe$cients. Newton'smethod and homotopy continuation are used tosolve the model equations. A close agreement betweenthe predictions of EQ and NEQ models was found onlywhen the tray e$ciency could be correctly predicted forthe EQ model. In a subsequent paper Lee andDudukovic (1999) extend the dynamic NEQ model ofKooijman and Taylor (1995) to cover the dynamic operationof RD in tray columns. The DAE equations weresolved by use of an implicit Euler method combined withhomotopy-continuation. Murphree e$ciencies calculatedfrom the results of a simulation of the productionof ethyl acetate were not constant with time.Kenig et al. (1999) described a software package for thesynthesis and design of RD operations. The package isone of the results of a major research program on RDsupported by the European Union under the BRITE-EURAM program. The designer part of the package isbased on an NEQ model that accounts for possiblereaction in the mass transfer "lm and includes a catalyste$ciency calculation to account for di!usion and reactionin the catalyst. A large number of correlations for themass transfer coe$cients in di!erent types of columninternal are available in the program. Stage hydrodynamicmodels included in the package are: completely mixed vapor and liquid; completely mixed liquid, plug-#ow vapor; mixed pool model for the liquid-phase; eddy di!usion model for the liquid-phase.No mathematical details of the model are provided in thepaper. The model equations are solved using Newton'smethod. The program is illustrated by modelling theMTBE process and a comparison with some experimentaldata (numerical values not given) shows excellentagreement with the calculated pro"les.Schenk, Gani, Bogle and Pistikopolous (1999) describein considerable detail a hybrid-modelling environment inwhich <strong>distillation</strong>-type processes can be simulated usinga combination of steady-state, dynamic, EQ stage,

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