TR-6018 Manual - Winegard

TR-6018 Manual - Winegard

TR-6018 Manual - Winegard

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Satellite Antenna with Tripodwww.winegard.comFor Technical Services, Call 1-800-788-4417For Receivers and Programming, Call 1-866-609-9374For up-to-date information on receiver compatibilityand programming, visit www.winegard.com/receiversDO NOT RETURN ANTENNA TO PLACE OF PURCHASE.<strong>TR</strong>-<strong>6018</strong>This manual provides instructions for both assembling and disassembling your tripod mount with home digitalsatellite antenna. To set up your tripod mount with satellite antenna, begin with assembling the tripod. The tripodrequires only a one-time assembly and can be stored between uses. See page 7 for more information on storageand disassembly.Assembling the TripodPartslegs (3)bubblelevelstakes (3)storagebagtripod baseFind a place to set1up the tripod with aclear view of the southernsky. Avoid obstructionssuch as trees, hills, orbuildings—these canblock the signal from thesatellite.Push in the tabs on2either side of oneleg, and slide the leg intothe tripod base until theleg locks into the desiredposition. Repeat for allthree legs.tabs3Place the bubblelevel on top of thetripod, and pushdown until thelevel snaps intoplace. Loosen thelock knobs on thetripod base.Slide legs toward or For extra stability,4away from the base5insert the stakesuntil the bubble rests in into the holes on thethe center of the bubble pivot feet of the legs, andlevel. The tripod is now push the stakes into thelevel. Tighten the lock ground. Check thatknobs, and remove the the tripod is stillbubble level.level.lock knobbubble shouldbe in the centerpivotfootAfter assembling the tripod, follow the instructions to assemble the satellite antenna. If the satellite antenna isalready assembled but is being set up at a new location, follow the instructions for receiver setup. Turn topage 3 for DISH ® receiver setup or to page 5 for DIRECTV ® receiver setup.24522251

8Input zip code of current location and dish type. On the display, Dish Systemshould always be Dish 300. Note that whenever you move the satellite antennato a new location, you must enter the zip code of your new current location.Satellite should be whatever satellite you want to point at. Satellite 119 is theprimary satellite, and the majority of programming is located here. If you cannotfind your desired standard programming on Satellite 119, try Satellite 110. For HDprogramming, choose Satellite 129 (for HD receivers only).If using Satellite 119 or 110, use Transponder 11. If using Satellite 129, useTransponder 21.DIRECTV Receiver SetupIn most receivers, the setup is done through the “Repeat Satellite Setup” option in yourreceiver menu. The following instructions are based on a D12 receiver. If your receiverdiffers from the options shown, you may need to consult your receiver manual. Toaccess the “Repeat Satellite Setup” option, go through these steps. The wording anddisplay used in your receiver may differ slightly.For Help, Call 1-800-788-4417With all information entered, an Azimuth Angle and Elevation Angle will be displayed under the Zip Code. Use thesepointing angles to point the dish. If you have selected Satellite 129 as your desired satellite, an azimuth and elevationangle may not be displayed. In this case, refer to the Satellite Location 129°W Angles Table included with this unit.If using a 311 or previous model receiver, select Peak Angles to enter your satellite and zip code.1Press Menu onyour remote,and then selectParental, Fav’s &Setup.2Select SystemSetup.Pointing the Home Digital Satellite AntennaElevationLoosen the elevation bolts on either side of the back-up/feed support assy. Raise the dishto the specified elevation angle that you found in step 8 of the receiver setup. The redline on the back-up/feed support assy., shown next to the elevation bolt, should line upwith the correct angle molded into the back-up/feed support assy.When searching for the strongest signal, you may need to adjust the elevation angle up/down a couple of degrees. Refer to the instructions at the bottom of the page if havingtrouble finding a satellite. After raising the dish to the correct elevation angle, tighten thenuts on the elevation bolts.AzimuthLoosen the azimuth hex nuts. Standing directly behind (but not too close to) the unit,align the compass so that it points towards North. Refer to the specified angle that youfound in step 8 of the receiver setup. Adjust the unit so that it points in the generaldirection of the specified angle. Then, slowly rotate the dish 3° at a time, and monitor thesignal strength. Repeat until finding the strongest signal. Tighten the azimuth nuts.If you do not come across a satellite on your first attempt at pointing, you may need tochange the elevation angle up or down a couple of degrees. Continue to make slow scansof the sky until you locate the satellite. Once you find the satellite, make slight adjustmentsto both the elevation and azimuth to get the signal as strong as possible. Using a <strong>Winegard</strong>signal meter (SF1000) and satellite compass (SC2000, sold separately) can help with thisstep. After making adjustments so that the signal is as strong as possible, tighten the azimuthnuts to prevent the satellite dish from rotating. Keep in mind that buildings, vehicles, people,trees and various other obstructions can weaken or block the signal from the satellite.Once accurately9pointed, thesignal meter willturn green. Makesmall adjustmentsto get the signalas high aspossible. Checkthat the bar atthe bottom of thescreen is greenand that the satellite displayed is the desired satellite.elevation boltSF1000azimuthboltsSC2000Sold SeparatelyPress Cancel fourtimes to exit thereceiver menu. Thereceiver setup iscomplete. As thereceiver acquiressignal, it willcomplete a numberof steps and thenwill download yournew program guide.You are now ready to watch TV!4 Satellite Antenna with Tripod Kit103In your receiverMenu, you willneed to identifythe SatelliteMenu. TheSatellite Menuwill have anoption forSatellite Setup.If Switch Type5displays “SWM”or if given theoption ofselecting a SwitchType, selectMultiswitch.Then, set the DishType for Round,18”, Single LNB,or 1 SATELLITE,depending on the wording used in your receiver. PressContinue.In the box, it now7gives you anAZIM (AzimuthAngle) and ELEV(Elevation Angle).These are thepointing anglesyou will needwhen you go topoint the dish.Now selectSignal Strength to get to the Signal Meter.It may require youto press theDASH (-) beforeproceeding(underneath #7on the remote).Then, select theDish Pointingoption. Enterthe Zip Codefor your currentlocation. Then,press OK.Select SignalMeters.Disclaimer: Receiver setup instructions are accurate at time of printing and maySatellite Antenna with Tripod Kit change without notice. Call <strong>Winegard</strong> tech line for assistance: 1-800-788-4417.5468

9You’ll want toOnce accuratelyIn the last step,make sure you 1013pointed, the signalyour setup will 14are looking atSatellite 101 andTransponder 1. Ifnot, use +/- toadjust accordingly.Now, refer to thepointing sectionbelow. You’llwant to have someone watch or listen to the signalmeter will showa signal strength.You’ll want tomake small adjustmentsto get thesignal as high aspossible. Oncethe signal ispeaked, selectDone.be verified.meter at the bottom of the screen while pointing. Afterpointing, continue with step 10.Once your setupis verified, youmay need todownload aprogram guide.You are now ready to watch TV!Pointing the Home Digital Satellite AntennaWhenever moving the unit to a new location, the tripod should be stored according to the instructions below. Then,the satellite antenna should be disassembled in a careful manner so as to prevent damaging or losing any parts.ElevationLoosen the elevation bolts on either side of the back-up/feed support assy. Raise the dishto the specified elevation angle that you found in step 8 of the receiver setup. The redline on the back-up/feed support assy., shown next to the elevation bolt, should line upwith the correct angle stamped into the back-up/feed support assy.When searching for the strongest signal, you may need to adjust the elevation angle up/down a couple of degrees. Refer to the instructions at the bottom of the page if havingtrouble finding a satellite. After raising the dish to the correct elevation angle, tighten thenuts on the elevation bolts.AzimuthLoosen the azimuth hex nuts. Standing directly behind (but not too close to) the unit,align the compass so that it points towards North. Refer to the specified angle that youfound in step 8 of the receiver setup. Adjust the unit so that it points in the generaldirection of the specified angle. Then, slowly rotate the dish 3° at a time, and monitor thesignal strength. Repeat until finding the strongest signal. Tighten the azimuth nuts.elevation boltazimuthboltsStoring the TripodRemove the satellite1antenna from the topof the tripod mast.Loosen the three2lock knobs on thetripod base, and collapsethe legs into thefolded position,shown here.folded positionPush in the tabs on3either side of a leg,and slide the leg towardthe tripod base until theleg locks into the storageposition. Repeat foreach leg.tabTighten the three4lock knobs. Thetripod is now in thestorage position. Placeadditional parts in thestorage bag attached tothe tripod leg, and store.storage positionDisassembling the Home Digital Satellite AntennaIf you do not come across a satellite on your first attempt at pointing, you may need tochange the elevation angle up or down a couple of degrees. Continue to make slow scansof the sky until you locate the satellite. Once you find the satellite, make slight adjustmentsto both the elevation and azimuth to get the signal as strong as possible. Using a <strong>Winegard</strong>signal meter (SF1000) and satellite compass (SC2000 sold separately) can help with thisstep. After making adjustments so that the signal is as strong as possible, tighten theazimuth nuts to prevent the satellite dish from rotating.Keep in mind that buildings, vehicles, people, trees and various other obstructions canweaken or block the signal from the satellite.SF 1000SC 2000Sold SeparatelyWork carefully while1disassembling sothat parts are notdamaged or lost. After allparts are disassembled,store the parts in a safeplace. This way, thesatellite dish can easily bereassembled at anothertime or location.Loosen the azimuth2hex nuts on theback-up/feed supportassy.azimuthhex nutsSlide the satellite3antenna up and offof the tripod mast.Loosen the 10-324hex nut on the feedarm. Remove the 10-32hex nut and the 10-32 x1-1/4”carriage bolt.11This screen willshow your signalstrength on alltransponders.Select Done tocontinue.12Select Continue toverify your setup.Follow steps 13 and14 on the next pageto completeDIRECTV receiversetup.5Pull apart the LNBFand the feed arm.Unscrew the RG-66coaxial cable fromthe LNBF port.Working from theback of the feedarm, pull the RG-6coaxial cable out of thefeed arm.7 8coaxial cablefeed armRemove the four1/4-20 flange hexnuts and four 1/4-20 x5/8” carriage bolts fromthe back-up/feed supportassy.hex nutshex nuts6 Satellite Antenna with Tripod KitSatellite Antenna with Tripod Kit 7

WINEGARD MOBILE PRODUCTS LIMITED WARRANTY(2 YEARS PARTS; 1 YEAR LABOR)<strong>Winegard</strong> Company warrants this product against defects in materials or workmanship for a period of two (2)years from the date of original purchase. During year one (1) of such warranty, <strong>Winegard</strong> Company will also payauthorized labor costs to an authorized <strong>Winegard</strong> dealer to repair or replace defective products. No warrantyclaim will be honored unless at the time the claim is made, Customer presents proof of purchase to an authorized<strong>Winegard</strong> dealer (to locate the nearest authorized <strong>Winegard</strong> dealer, contact <strong>Winegard</strong> Company, 3000 KirkwoodStreet, Burlington, Iowa 52601, Telephone 800-288-8094 or visit www.winegard.com). Customer must provideproof of purchase with a dated sales receipt for the <strong>Winegard</strong> product to verify the product is under warranty. Ifthe date of purchase cannot be verified, the warranty period shall be considered to begin thirty (30) days after thedate of manufacture.If a defect in material or workmanship is discovered, Customer may take the product to an authorized <strong>Winegard</strong>dealer for service. Customer must provide proof of purchase to verify the product is under warranty. If theproduct is brought to an authorized <strong>Winegard</strong> dealer for service prior to expiration of year one (1) of the warrantyperiod and a defect in material or workmanship is verified by <strong>Winegard</strong> Technical Services, <strong>Winegard</strong> Companywill cover the <strong>Winegard</strong> dealer’s labor charges for warranty service. The <strong>Winegard</strong> dealer must contact <strong>Winegard</strong>Technical Services in advance for pre-approval of the service. Approval of the service is at the sole discretion of<strong>Winegard</strong> Company.Alternatively, Customer may ship the product prepaid to <strong>Winegard</strong> Technical Services (located at 3111 KirkwoodStreet, Burlington, Iowa 52601, Telephone 800-788-4417). Customer must return the product along with a briefdescription of the problem and provide <strong>Winegard</strong> Technical Services with Customer’s name, address, and phonenumber. Customer must also provide proof of purchase to verify the product is under warranty. If the product isreturned before the expiration of the warranty period, <strong>Winegard</strong> Company will (at its option) either repair orreplace the product.This Limited Warranty does not apply if the product has been damaged, deteriorates, malfunctions or fails from:improper installation, misuse, abuse, neglect, accident, tampering, modification of the product as originallymanufactured by <strong>Winegard</strong> in any manner whatsoever, removing or defacing any serial number, usage not inaccordance with product instructions or acts of nature such as damage caused by wind, lightning, ice or corrosiveenvironments such as salt spray and acid rain. This Limited Warranty also does not apply if the product becomesunable to perform its’ intended function in any way as a result of the television signal provider making anychanges in technology or service.RETURN AUTHORIZATION POLICYA Return Material Authorization (RMA) is required prior to returning any product to <strong>Winegard</strong> Company or<strong>Winegard</strong> Warranty Services under this warranty policy. Please call our Technical Services Department at800-788-4417 or send an e-mail to warranty@winegard.com to obtain the RMA number. Please furnish the date ofpurchase when requesting an RMA number. Enclose the product in a prepaid package and write the RMA numberin large, clear letters on the outside of the package. To avoid confusion or misunderstanding, a shipment(s)without an RMA number(s) or an unauthorized return(s) will be refused and returned to Customer freight collect.WINEGARD COMPANY DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITIES FOR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, MADE BY ANY OTHER PERSON.ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY INCLUDING WARRANTIES OFFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY ARE LIMITED TO THE TWO YEAR PERIOD OFTHIS WARRANTY.In states that do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or the exclusion of limitation of incidental orconsequential damages, the above limitations or exclusions do not apply.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or the exclusion of limitation ofincidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.This warranty gives Customer specific legal rights. Customer may also have other rights that may vary fromstate to state.SATELLITE RECEIVER WARRANTYSee manufacturer’s limited warranty policy.WS-MOBWARREV2Rev. 1/10<strong>Winegard</strong> Company • 3000 Kirkwood St. • Burlington, IA 52601-20001-800-788-4417 • FAX 319/754-0787 • www.winegard.comPrinted in U.S.A. ©2011 <strong>Winegard</strong> Company Rev4 02/12 2452225<strong>Winegard</strong> is a registered trademark of <strong>Winegard</strong> Company. DISH is a registered trademark of DISH Network L.L.C.DIRECTV is a registered trademark of DIRECTV, Inc., a unit of Hughes Electronics Corp.

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