SPRAYBOR - Nulandis

SPRAYBOR - Nulandis

SPRAYBOR - Nulandis


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<strong>SPRAYBOR</strong> TMWATER SOLUBLE SODIUM BORATEFERTILIZER GROUP 2ACTIVE INGREDIENT:Boron (B) ……………………………………………………..165 g/kgMANUFACTURED AND REGISTERED BY:Gouws & Scheepers Pty LtdReg. No. 1954/003213/07Trading as PLAASKEMP O BOX 14418WITFIELD1467 Trademark of Plaaskem (Pty) LtdReg.No. B2414 Act No. 36/1947APPLICATION DETAILS:<strong>SPRAYBOR</strong> is a water soluble form of boron which can either be applied as a foliar spray or as a direct soil treatment.<strong>SPRAYBOR</strong> can either be applied at or before planting or as a foliar spray to crops.DO NOT EXCEED A STOCK SOLUTION OF MORE THAN 5% FOR AERIAL APPLICATION.COMPATIBILITY:<strong>SPRAYBOR</strong> can be applied in tank mixes with a wide range of pesticides, herbicides, foliar feeds as well as urea.<strong>SPRAYBOR</strong> is not compatible with Zinc sulphate, Manganese sulphate, Lime sulphur or miscible oil formulations.RECOMMENDED USAGE:CROP DOSAGE REMARKSApples, pears,apricots, plums,peaches, cherriesGrapesCitrus1,25 - 2,5 kg/haDo not exceed aconcentration of100 g/100 l water1,0 - 2,5 kg/ha50 - 100 g/100 l water100 - 200 g/100 l water1,0 - 2,5 kg/haMaximum of25 - 50 g/tree1,0 - 2,5 kg/ha100 - 200 g/100 l waterApply two treatments:1. At 30% blossoming.2. Post harvest in autumn.Apply two treatments:1. Just before flowering stage.2. Post harvest treatment.Spread evenly in the drip zone of trees. Do not repeat within3 years and do not treat young trees.Apply not more than once a year as full cover spray.Use in 1 000 – 2 000 l water/ha.Potatoes,groundnuts andother crops175 - 350 g/ha Apply 4-5 times per season with 3 weekly intervals as aerialor tractor spray.During the following years two treatments should be applied.Onions 375 - 750 g/ha Apply first treatment 3 weeks after plants are established andrepeat 3 weeks later.Sunflowers,cauliflowers, othercole crops andtomatoes375 - 750 g/ha Apply as a full cover spray. Repeat after new leaves haveformed. If necessary apply a third spray.Cotton 375 - 750 g/ha Apply as a full cover spray with or shortly after floweringstage.Flowers andornamentals75 - 150 g/100 l water Apply 2-3 sprays at monthly intervals, starting as soon asplants are established.

CROP DOSAGE REMARKSTobacco 350 - 750 g/ha Apply 4 - 5 times per season with 3 weekly intervals. Applyas an aerial or tractor application.Avocadoes 1,25 - 2,5 kg/ha Apply as a full cover spray to maintain boron levels. Repeatafter harvest.Macadamias 50 - 150 g/100 l water Apply as a full cover spray to maintain boron levels.Lucerne0-15% clay16-30% clay> 31% clay0-15% clay16-30% clay> 31% clayMaizePre-plant soilapplication0-15% clay16-30% clay> 31% claySunflowersPre-plant soilapplication0-15% clay16-30% clay> 31% clay250 - 500 g/ha500 - 1 000 g/ha750 - 1 500 g/ha2,5 - 5,0 kg/ha5 - 10,0 kg/ha7,5 - 15,0 kg/ha2,5 - 5,0 kg/ha5 - 10,0 kg/ha7,5 - 15,0 kg/ha2,5 - 5,0 kg/ha5 - 10,0 kg/ha7,5 - 15,0 kg/ha1. Maintenance TreatmentApply as an overall spray treatment 10 days aftercutting.2. Corrective TreatmentApply an overall spray directly after cutting whenanalysis of top 15 cm of plant contains less than 20 mgBoron/kg (20ppm) before flowering.Spray evenly over the soil before final planting preparation,except where leaf analysis of the previous crop may allowomission of treatment.Where sunflowers are to be grown, spray soil evenly beforefinal preparation.Where leaf analysis of previous crop allows, treatment maybe omitted.IMPORTANT: Before applying this fertiliser, consult a qualified Agronomist or Agricultural Advisor on the necessity ofusing it. Use lower recommended rates for maintaining boron levels. Use higher recommended rates for correctingdeficiencies. Where any of the Max range of fertilisers are used in combination with Spraybor, always use the lowerrecommended rates.November 02

<strong>SPRAYBOR</strong> TMWATEROPLOSBARE NATRIUM BORAATMISSTOF GROEP 2AKTIEWE BESTANDDEEL:Boor (B) …………………………………………………….165 g/kgVERVAARDIG EN GEREGISTREER DEUR:Gouws & Scheepers Edms BpkReg. No. 1954/003213/07Handeldrywend as PLAASKEMPOSBUS 14418WITFIELD1467 Handelsmerk van Plaasekm (Edms) Bpk.Reg.Nr. B2414 Wet Nr. 36/1947GEBRUIKSAANWYSINGS:TOEDIENINGSBESONDERHEDE:<strong>SPRAYBOR</strong> is ‘n wateroplosbare vorm van boor wat of as ‘n blaarbespuiting of as ‘n direkte grondbehandelingtoegedien kan word. <strong>SPRAYBOR</strong> kan met of voor plant toegedien word, of as ‘n blaarbespuiting op gewasse. MOETNIE ‘N MENGOPLOSSING VAN MEER AS 5 % OORSKRY VIR LUGBESPUITING NIE.VERENIGBAARHEID<strong>SPRAYBOR</strong> kan met ‘n wye reeks van plaag- en onkruidbeheermiddels, blaarvoedingsmiddels, asook ureum in dietenk gemeng word. <strong>SPRAYBOR</strong> is nie verenigbaar met Sinksulfaat, Mangaansulfaat, Kalkswawel of mengbareolieformulasies nie.GEWAS DOSIS OPMERKINGSAppels, pere, appelkose, pruime,perskes, kersiesDruiweSitrus1,25 - 2,5 kg/haMoenie >nkonsentrasie van 100g/100 l water oorskrynie1 - 2,5 kg/ha50 - 100 g/100 l water100 - 200 g/100 l water1 – 2,5 kg/haMaksimum van25 – 50 g boom1 - 2,5 kg/ha100 - 200 g/100 l waterDien twee behandelings toe:1) Met 30% blom.2) Na-oes in die herfs.Dien twee behandelings toe:1) Net voor blomstadium.2) Na-oes behandeling.Versprei egalig in die drupsone van die bome.Moenie binne drie jaar herhaal of op jong bometoedien nie.Moenie meer as een keer per jaar toedien nie.Gebruik in 1 000 - 2 000 l water/ha.Aartappels, grondbone en andergewasse175 – 350 g/ha Dien 4-5 keer per seisoen met tussenposes van 3weke as lug- of trekkerbespuiting toe.Gedurende die volgende jare sal net tweebespuitings nodig wees.Uie 375 – 750 g/ha Dien die eerste bespuiting 3 weke na vestiging vanplante toe en herhaal 3 weke later.Sonneblomme, blomkool, anderkoolgewasse en tamaties375 – 750 g/ha Dien as ‘n volle dekbespuiting toe. Herhaal nadatnuwe blare ontwikkel het. Indien nodig, dien ‘nderde bespuiting toe.Katoen 375 – 750 g/ha Dien as ‘n volle dekbespuiting met of kort nablomstadium toe.

GEWAS DOSIS OPMERKINGSBlomme en sierplante 75 - 150 g/100 l water Begin toedienings sodra plante gevestig is en dien2-3 bespuitings met maandelikse tusenposes toe.Tabak 350 – 750 g/ha Dien 4 - 5 keer per seisoen toe met tussenposesvan 3 weke, as lug- of trekker bespuitings.Avokado=s 1,25 – 2,5 kg/ha Dien as ‘n volle dekbespuiting toe, vir dieinstandhouding van boor vlakke. Herhaal na oes.Makadamia=s 50 - 150 g/100 l water Dien as ‘n volle dekbespuiting toe, vir dieinstandhouding van boor vlakke.Lusern0-15% klei16-30% klei>31% klei0-15% klei16-30% klei>31% kleiMieliesVoorplant grondbehandeling0-15% klei16-30% klei>31% kleiSonneblommeVoorplant grondbehandeling0-15% klei16-30% klei>31% klei250 g/ha500 g/ha750 g/ha2,5 – 5,0 kg/ha5,0 – 10,0 kg/ha7,5 – 15,0 kg/ha2,5 – 5,0 kg/ha5,0 – 10,0 kg/ha7,5 – 15,0 kg/ha2,5 – 5,0 kg/ha5, 0 10,0 kg/ha7,5 – 15,0 kg/ha1. OnderhoudsbehandelingDien as ‘n algehele bespuiting 10 dae na elkesnysel toe.2. Korrektiewe BehandelingDien as ’n algehele bespuiting direk na sny toeas die ontleding van die boonste 15 cm van dieplant voor blom minder as 20 mg Boor/kg (20dpm) lewer.Spuit voor finale plantvoorbereidings eweredig oordie grond tensy blaarontledings van vorige oes ‘ntoediening onnodig laat blyk.Waar sonneblomplantings beplan word, spuitgrond egalig voor finale voorbereiding.Waar blaarontledings van die vorige oes dittoelaat, mag behandelings onnodig wees.BELANGRIK:Raadpleeg ‘n gekwalifiseerde Agronoom of Landboukundige voordat hierdie misstof toegedien word oor dienoodsaaklikheid van die gebruik daarvan.Gebruik die laer aanbevole dosisse vir instandhouding van boor vlakke.Gebruik die hoër dosisse vir opheffing van tekorte.Indien enige van die misstowwe in die Max-reeks in kombinasie met Spraybor gebruik word, gebruik altyd die laeraanbevole dosisse.November 02

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