2010 Annual Report - Ventana Wildlife Society

2010 Annual Report - Ventana Wildlife Society

2010 Annual Report - Ventana Wildlife Society


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Reducing Threats to Wild Birds and BatsGoal:Reduce bird fatalities associated with overhead wires and windturbines through research, education, and collaboration withgovernment and industry.patterns, we can evaluate relative risksassociated with wind energy structures.Our substantial experience trackingCalifornia Condors and mappingmovement patterns allows us to identifyareas of high risk for this criticallyendangered species. Less is knownabout risks to other birds and the diverseassemblage of bats at proposed sites.In 2009, the City of Soledad contracted<strong>Ventana</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong> <strong>Society</strong> to study birdand bat use of two sites proposed forwind energy development. We purchasedAnabat ultrasonic detectors and haverecorded numerous bats at night.Daytime surveys included weekly...withAnabatultrasonicdetectors, wehave recordednumerous batsat night.counts of birds, particularly those flying atthe potential height of rotor blades. Uponcompletion in <strong>2010</strong>, our study will helpthe City of Soledad identify species mostat risk, along with temporal and spatialfactors influencing risk.Bird collisions and electrocutions atpower lines remain a significant problemfor wild bird populations worldwide.<strong>Ventana</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong> <strong>Society</strong> continues towork closely with power companies andgovernment agencies to prevent birddeaths through research, monitoring, andconsultation. Much remains to be done,and we are working to develop a broadcooperative approach to the problem.Hoary Bat in the hand of a <strong>Ventana</strong> <strong>Wildlife</strong> <strong>Society</strong> biologistWind has become one of the fastest growing sources ofrenewable energy. Although wind-generated electricityis considered environmentally friendly, there is growingconcern over the effects of wind energy facilities onbirds and bats. By studying bird and bat movement12

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