Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience: Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

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88 One-Dimensional SystemsVF (V)1VVF (V) 2F (V)1VF (V) 2VF (V) 2F (V)1VabcF (V)1VF (V)1VF (V)1VF (V) 2VF (V) 2VF (V) 2VdefFigure 3.37: Which of the pairs correspond to topologically equivalent dynamical systems?(All intersections with the V axis are marked as dots.)5. Draw phase portraits of the systems in Fig. 3.37. Which of the pairs in the figurecorrespond to topologically equivalent dynamical systems?6. (Saddle-node bifurcation) Draw the bifurcation diagram and representative phaseportraits of the system ẋ = a + x 2 , where a is a bifurcation parameter. Find theeigenvalues at each equilibrium.7. (Saddle-node bifurcation) Use definition in Sect. 3.3.4 to find saddle-node bifurcationpoints in the following systems:(a) ẋ = a + 2x + x 2 ,(b) ẋ = a + x + x 2 ,(c) ẋ = a − x + x 2 ,(d) ẋ = a − x + x 3 (Hint: verify the non-hyperbolicity condition first),(e) ẋ = 1 + ax + x 2 ,(f) ẋ = 1 + 2x + ax 2 ,where a is the bifurcation parameter.8. (Pitchfork bifurcation) Draw the bifurcation diagram and representative phaseportraits of the system ẋ = bx − x 3 , where b is a bifurcation parameter. Find theeigenvalues at each equilibrium.

One-Dimensional Systems 8910. (V)0-140 -70 0Membrane Voltage (mV)Current200-20-40-60I (V)LI (V)Kir-80E KE L-100-140 -70 0Membrane Voltage (mV)210-1-2F(V)-100 -50 0Membrane Voltage (mV)Figure 3.38: The I Kir -model having injected current (I), leak current (I L ), and instantaneousK + inward rectifier current (I Kir ) and described by (3.11). Inactivation curveh ∞ (V ) is modified from Wessel et. al (1999). Parameters: C = 1, I = 6, g L = 0.2,E L = −50, g Kir = 2, E K = −80, V 1/2 = −76, k = −12 (see Fig. 2.20). (V)0-100 -50 0 50 100Membrane Voltage (mV)Current100500-50I (V)LE L-100E Na-150-100 -50 0 50 100Membrane Voltage (mV)INa,p(V)500F(V)-50-100 -50 0 50 100Membrane Voltage (mV)Figure 3.39: The I Na,p -model with leak current (I L ) and persistent Na + current (I Na,p ),described by (3.5) with the right-hand side function F (V ). Parameters: C = 1, I = 0,g L = 1, E L = −80, g Na = 2.25, E Na = 60, V 1/2 = −20, k = 15 (see Fig. 2.20).9. Draw the bifurcation diagram of the I Kir -modelC ˙V = I − g L (V − E L ) −instantaneous I Kir{ }} {g Kir h ∞ (V )(V − E K ) , (3.11)using parameters from Fig. 3.38 and treating I as a bifurcation parameter.10. Derive an explicit formula that relates the position of the equilibrium in theHodgkin-Huxley model to the magnitude of the injected dc-current I. Are thereany saddle-node bifurcations?11. Draw the bifurcation diagram of the I Na,p -model (3.5) using parameters fromFig. 3.39 and treating(a) g L as a bifurcation parameter,(b) E L as a bifurcation parameter.

One-Dimensional <strong>Systems</strong> 8910. (V)0-140 -70 0Membrane Voltage (mV)Current200-20-40-60I (V)LI (V)Kir-80E KE L-100-140 -70 0Membrane Voltage (mV)210-1-2F(V)-100 -50 0Membrane Voltage (mV)Figure 3.38: The I Kir -model hav<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>jected current (I), leak current (I L ), and <strong>in</strong>stantaneousK + <strong>in</strong>ward rectifier current (I Kir ) and described by (3.11). Inactivation curveh ∞ (V ) is modified from Wessel et. al (1999). Parameters: C = 1, I = 6, g L = 0.2,E L = −50, g Kir = 2, E K = −80, V 1/2 = −76, k = −12 (see Fig. 2.20). (V)0-100 -50 0 50 100Membrane Voltage (mV)Current100500-50I (V)LE L-100E Na-150-100 -50 0 50 100Membrane Voltage (mV)INa,p(V)500F(V)-50-100 -50 0 50 100Membrane Voltage (mV)Figure 3.39: The I Na,p -model with leak current (I L ) and persistent Na + current (I Na,p ),described by (3.5) with the right-hand side function F (V ). Parameters: C = 1, I = 0,g L = 1, E L = −80, g Na = 2.25, E Na = 60, V 1/2 = −20, k = 15 (see Fig. 2.20).9. Draw the bifurcation diagram of the I Kir -modelC ˙V = I − g L (V − E L ) −<strong>in</strong>stantaneous I Kir{ }} {g Kir h ∞ (V )(V − E K ) , (3.11)us<strong>in</strong>g parameters from Fig. 3.38 and treat<strong>in</strong>g I as a bifurcation parameter.10. Derive an explicit formula that relates the position of the equilibrium <strong>in</strong> theHodgk<strong>in</strong>-Huxley model to the magnitude of the <strong>in</strong>jected dc-current I. Are thereany saddle-node bifurcations?11. Draw the bifurcation diagram of the I Na,p -model (3.5) us<strong>in</strong>g parameters fromFig. 3.39 and treat<strong>in</strong>g(a) g L as a bifurcation parameter,(b) E L as a bifurcation parameter.

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