Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

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Solutions to Exercises, Chap. 10 51512. [MATLAB] An example is the file adjo<strong>in</strong>t.mfunction Q=adjo<strong>in</strong>t(F,t,x0)% f<strong>in</strong>ds solution to the Malk<strong>in</strong>’s adjo<strong>in</strong>t equation Q’ = -DF^t Q% at time-po<strong>in</strong>ts t with t(end) be<strong>in</strong>g the period% ’x0’ is a po<strong>in</strong>t on the limit cycle with zero phasetran=3; % the number of skipped cyclesdx = 0.000001; dy = 0.000001; % for evaluation of JacobianQ(1,:)=feval(F,0,x0)’;[t,x] = ode23s(F,t,x0);% <strong>in</strong>itial po<strong>in</strong>t;% f<strong>in</strong>d limit cyclefor k=1:tranQ(length(t),:)=Q(1,:); % <strong>in</strong>itial po<strong>in</strong>t;for i=length(t):-1:2% backward <strong>in</strong>tegrationL = [(feval(F,t(i),x(i,:)+[dx 0])-feval(F,t(i),x(i,:)))/dx,...(feval(F,t(i),x(i,:)+[0 dy])-feval(F,t(i),x(i,:)))/dy];Q(i-1,:) = Q(i,:) + (t(i)-t(i-1))*(Q(i,:)*L);end;end;Q = Q/(Q(1,:)*feval(F,0,x0)); % normalizationAn example of a call of the function is Q=adjo<strong>in</strong>t(’F’,0:0.01:2*pi,[1 0]); withfunction dx = F(t,x);z=x(1)+1i*x(2);dz=(1+1i)*z-z*z*conj(z);dx=[real(dz); imag(dz)];13. [MATLAB] We assume that PRC (ϑ) is given by its truncated Fourier series with unknownFourier coefficients. Then, we f<strong>in</strong>d the coefficients that m<strong>in</strong>imize the difference between predictedand actual <strong>in</strong>terspike <strong>in</strong>tervals. MATLAB file f<strong>in</strong>dprc.m takes the row vector of spikemoments, not count<strong>in</strong>g the spike at time zero, and the <strong>in</strong>put function p(t), determ<strong>in</strong>es thesampl<strong>in</strong>g frequency, the averaged period of oscillation and then calls file prcerror.m to f<strong>in</strong>dPRC.function PRC=f<strong>in</strong>dprc(sp,pp)global spikes p tau n% f<strong>in</strong>ds PRC of an oscillator theta’= 1 + PRC(theta)pp(t)% us<strong>in</strong>g the row-vector of spikes ’sp’ (when theta(t)=0)spikes = [0 sp];p=pp;tau = spikes(end)/length(p) % time step (sampl<strong>in</strong>g period)n=8; % The number of Fourier terms approximat<strong>in</strong>g PRCcoeff=zeros(1,2*n+1); % <strong>in</strong>itial approximationcoeff(2*n+2) = spikes(end)/length(spikes); % <strong>in</strong>itial periodcoeff=fm<strong>in</strong>search(’prcerror’,coeff);a = coeff(1:n) % Fourier coefficients for s<strong>in</strong>b = coeff(n+1:2*n) % Fourier coefficients for cosb0= coeff(2*n+1) % dc termT = coeff(2*n+2) % period of oscillationPRC=b0+sum((ones(floor(T/tau),1)*a).*s<strong>in</strong>((tau:tau:T)’*(1:n)*2*pi/T),2)+...sum((ones(floor(T/tau),1)*b).*cos((tau:tau:T)’*(1:n)*2*pi/T),2);

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