Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience: Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

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476 Synchronization (see www.izhikevich.com)Figure 10.22: Ioel Gil’evich Malkin (IoзlьGilьeviq Malkin, 1907-1958).where the T -periodic function Q is the solution to the linear “adjoint” equation˙Q = −{Df(x(t))} ⊤ Q , with Q(0) · f(x(0)) = 1 , (10.10)where Df(x(t)) ⊤ is the transposed Jacobian of f (matrix of partial derivatives) atthe point x(t) on the limit cycle, and the normalization condition can be replaced byQ(t) · f(x(t)) = 1 for any and hence all t (prove it). Here Q · f is the dot product oftwo vectors, which is the same as Q ⊤ f.Though this theorem looks less intuitive than the methods of Winfree and Kuramoto,it is actually more useful because (10.10) can be solved numerically quiteeasily. Applying the MATLAB procedure in Ex. 12 to the four oscillators in Fig. 10.3,we plot their functions Q in Fig. 10.23. It is not a coincidence that each componentof Q looks like PRC along the first or the second state variable, respectively, shown inFig. 10.6. Subtracting (10.9) from (10.8) or from (10.6), we conclude thatZ(ϑ) = grad ϑ(x) = Q(ϑ) ,(see also Ex. 7), so that we can determine the linear response function of the phasemodel using any of the three alternative methods: via PRCs, via isochrons, or solvingthe adjoint equation (10.10). This justifies why many refer to the function as just PRC,implicitly assuming that it is measured to the infinitesimal stimuli and then normalizedby the stimulus amplitude.10.2.4 Measuring PRCs experimentallyIn Fig. 10.24 we exploit the relationship (10.9) and measure the infinitesimal PRCsof a layer 5 pyramidal neuron of mouse visual cortex. First, we stimulate the neuronwith 40 pA dc-current to elicit periodic spiking. Initially, the firing period starts at50 ms, and then relaxes to the averaged value of 110 ms (Fig. 10.24a). The standardmethod of finding PRCs consists in stimulating the neuron by brief pulses of currentat different phases of the cycle and measuring the induced phase shift, which couldbe approximated by the difference between two successive periods of oscillation. Themethod works fine in models, see Ex. 5, but should be used with caution in real neuronsbecause their firing is too noisy, as we demonstrate in Fig. 10.24b. Thus, one needs

Synchronization (see www.izhikevich.com) 4771Andronov-Hopf oscillator1Q 1 ( )Q( )Q 2 ( )Q 2Q 1 phase,1Q 2Q 1van der Pol oscillatorQQ( )1 ( )1Q 2 ( )0000Q 1 Q 1-1-1-1-1 0 1 0 2 4 6-1-2 0 2 0 2phase,4 6Q 2 Q 21000.2 Q 1 ( )800Q( ) 0.01Q 2 ( )Q( )I Na +I K -model (Class 1) I Na +I K -model (Class 2)-1006005-20400-30-0.22000-40-0.1 0 0.1 0.2-0.40.01Q 2 ( )0 2 4 6phase,0-200-5 0 5-5Q 1 ( )0 1 2 3phase,Figure 10.23: Solutions Q = (Q 1 , Q 2 ) to adjoint problem (10.10) for oscillators inFig. 10.3.to apply hundreds if not thousands of pulses and then average the resulting phasedeviations (Reyes and Fetz 1993).Starting with time 10s we inject a relatively weak noisy current εp(t) that continuouslyperturbs the membrane potential (Fig. 10.24c) and hence the phase of oscillation(the choice of p(t) is important; its Fourier spectrum must span a range of frequenciesthat depends on the frequency of firing of the neuron). Knowing εp(t), the momentsof firing of the neuron, i.e., zero crossings ϑ(t) = 0, and the relationship˙ϑ = 1 + PRC (ϑ)εp(t) ,we solve the inverse problem for the infinitesimal PRC (ϑ) and plot the solution inFig. 10.24d. As one expects, the PRC is mostly positive, maximal just before the spikeand almost zero during the spike. It would resemble the PRC in Fig. 10.23 (Q 1 (ϑ) inClass 1) if not for the dip in the middle, for which we have no explanation (probably itis due to overfitting). The advantage of this method is that it is more immune to noise,because intrinsic fluctuations are spread over the entire p(t) and not concentrated atthe moments of pulses, unless of course p(t) consists of random pulses, in which casethis method is equivalent to the standard one. The drawback is that we need to solvethe equation above, which we do in Ex. 13 using an optimization technique.

Synchronization (see www.izhikevich.com) 4771Andronov-Hopf oscillator1Q 1 ( )Q( )Q 2 ( )Q 2Q 1 phase,1Q 2Q 1van der Pol oscillatorQQ( )1 ( )1Q 2 ( )0000Q 1 Q 1-1-1-1-1 0 1 0 2 4 6-1-2 0 2 0 2phase,4 6Q 2 Q 21000.2 Q 1 ( )800Q( ) 0.01Q 2 ( )Q( )I Na +I K -model (Class 1) I Na +I K -model (Class 2)-1006005-20400-30-0.22000-40-0.1 0 0.1 0.2-0.40.01Q 2 ( )0 2 4 6phase,0-200-5 0 5-5Q 1 ( )0 1 2 3phase,Figure 10.23: Solutions Q = (Q 1 , Q 2 ) to adjo<strong>in</strong>t problem (10.10) for oscillators <strong>in</strong>Fig. 10.3.to apply hundreds if not thousands of pulses and then average the result<strong>in</strong>g phasedeviations (Reyes and Fetz 1993).Start<strong>in</strong>g with time 10s we <strong>in</strong>ject a relatively weak noisy current εp(t) that cont<strong>in</strong>uouslyperturbs the membrane potential (Fig. 10.24c) and hence the phase of oscillation(the choice of p(t) is important; its Fourier spectrum must span a range of frequenciesthat depends on the frequency of fir<strong>in</strong>g of the neuron). Know<strong>in</strong>g εp(t), the momentsof fir<strong>in</strong>g of the neuron, i.e., zero cross<strong>in</strong>gs ϑ(t) = 0, and the relationship˙ϑ = 1 + PRC (ϑ)εp(t) ,we solve the <strong>in</strong>verse problem for the <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>itesimal PRC (ϑ) and plot the solution <strong>in</strong>Fig. 10.24d. As one expects, the PRC is mostly positive, maximal just before the spikeand almost zero dur<strong>in</strong>g the spike. It would resemble the PRC <strong>in</strong> Fig. 10.23 (Q 1 (ϑ) <strong>in</strong>Class 1) if not for the dip <strong>in</strong> the middle, for which we have no explanation (probably itis due to overfitt<strong>in</strong>g). The advantage of this method is that it is more immune to noise,because <strong>in</strong>tr<strong>in</strong>sic fluctuations are spread over the entire p(t) and not concentrated atthe moments of pulses, unless of course p(t) consists of random pulses, <strong>in</strong> which casethis method is equivalent to the standard one. The drawback is that we need to solvethe equation above, which we do <strong>in</strong> Ex. 13 us<strong>in</strong>g an optimization technique.

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