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454 ReferencesTuckwell H.C. (1988) Introduction to Theoretical Neurobiology. Cambridge, UK, CambridgeUniversity Press.Uhlenbeck G.E. and Ornste<strong>in</strong> L.S. (1930) On the theory of the Brownian motion. Phys. Rev.36:823–841.van Vreeswijk C., Abbott L.F., Ermentrout G.B. (1994) When <strong>in</strong>hibition not excitation synchronizesneural fir<strong>in</strong>g. Journal of Computational <strong>Neuroscience</strong>, 1:313–321van Vreeswijk C. and Hansel D. (2001) Patterns of Synchrony <strong>in</strong> Neural Networks with SpikeAdaptation. Neural Comp. 13:959–992van Vreeswijk C. (2000) Analysis of the Asynchronous State <strong>in</strong> Networks of Strongly CoupledOscillators. Physical Review Letters, 84, 5110–5113.de Vries G. (1998) Multiple Bifurcations <strong>in</strong> a Polynomial Model of Burst<strong>in</strong>g Oscillations. Journalof Nonl<strong>in</strong>ear Science, 8:281–316.Wang X.-J. (1999) Fast burst fir<strong>in</strong>g and short-term synaptic plasticity: a model of neocorticalchatter<strong>in</strong>g neurons. <strong>Neuroscience</strong> 89:347-362.Wang X.-J. and R<strong>in</strong>zel J. (1992) Alternat<strong>in</strong>g and synchronous rhythms <strong>in</strong> reciprocally <strong>in</strong>hibitorymodel neurons. Neural Computation. 4:84–97.Wechselberger M. (2005) Existence and Bifurcation of Canards <strong>in</strong> R 3 <strong>in</strong> the Case of a FoldedNode. SIAM J. Appl. <strong>Dynamical</strong> <strong>Systems</strong>, 4:101–139.Wessel R., Kristan W.B., and Kle<strong>in</strong>feld D. (1999) Supral<strong>in</strong>ear Summation of Synaptic Inputs byan Invertebrate Neuron: Dendritic Ga<strong>in</strong> Is Mediated by an “Inward Rectifier” K + Current.The Journal of <strong>Neuroscience</strong>, 19:5875–5888.White J.A., Rub<strong>in</strong>ste<strong>in</strong> J. T., and Kay A. R. (2000) Channel noise <strong>in</strong> neurons.<strong>Neuroscience</strong>, 23:131–137.Trends <strong>in</strong>Williams J.T., North R.A., and Tokimasa T. (1988) Inward Rectification of Rest<strong>in</strong>g and Opiate-Activated Potassium Currents <strong>in</strong> Rat Locus Coeruleus Neurons. The Journal of <strong>Neuroscience</strong>,8:4299–4306Williams S.R. and Stuart G.J. (2003) Role of dendritic synapse location <strong>in</strong> the control of actionpotential. TINS, 26:147–154.Willms A.R., Baro D.J., Harris-Warrick R.M., and Guckenheimer J. (1999) An Improved ParameterEstimation Method for Hodgk<strong>in</strong>-Huxley Models, Journal of Computational <strong>Neuroscience</strong>,6:145–168.Wilson C.J. (1993) The generation of natural fir<strong>in</strong>g patterns <strong>in</strong> neostriatal neurons. In Progress<strong>in</strong> Bra<strong>in</strong> Research. (Arbuthnott G., Emson P.C. eds),277–297. Amsterdam. ElsevierWilson C. J. and Groves P. M. (1981) Spontaneous fir<strong>in</strong>g patterns of identified sp<strong>in</strong>y neurons<strong>in</strong> the rat neostriatum. Bra<strong>in</strong> Research, 220:67–80Wilson H.R. and Cowan J.D. (1972) Excitatory and <strong>in</strong>hibitory <strong>in</strong>teraction <strong>in</strong> localized populationsof model neurons. Biophys J 12:1–24.Wilson H.R. and Cowan J.D. (1973) A Mathematical theory of the functional dynamics ofcortical and thalamic nervous tissue. Kybernetik 13:55–80.Wilson H.R. (1999) Spikes, Decisions, and Actions: The dynamical foundations of neuroscience.

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