Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience: Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

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424 Solutions to Exercises, Chap. 62. (a) The systemẋ = bx 2 , b ≠ 0cannot exhibit saddle-node bifurcation: It has one equilibrium for any non-zero b, or aninfinite number of equilibria when b = 0. The equilibrium x = 0 is non-hyperbolic and thenon-degeneracy condition is satisfied (a = b ≠ 0). However, the transversality conditionis not satisfied at the equilibrium x = 0. Another example is ẋ = b 2 + x 2 .(b) The systemẋ = b − x 3has a single stable equilibrium for any b. However, the point x = 0 is non-hyperbolic whenb = 0, and the transversality condition is also satisfied. The non-degeneracy condition isviolated, though.3. It is easy to check (by differentiating) that√c(b − bsn )V (t) = √ tan( √ ac(b − b sn )t)ais a solution to the system. Since tan(−π/2) = −∞ and tan(+π/2) = +∞, it takesfor the solution to go from −∞ to +∞.T =π√ac(b − bsn )4. The first system can be transformed into the second one if we use complex coordinates z = u+iv.To obtain the third system, we use polar coordinatesso thatre iϕ = z = u + iv ∈ C ,ż(c(b)+iω(b))z+(a+id)z|z| 2{ }} { { }} {ṙe iϕ + re iϕ i ˙ϕ = (c(b) + iω(b))re iϕ + (a + id)r 3 e iϕ .Next, we divide both sides of this equation by e iϕ and separate the real and imaginary partsto obtain{ṙ − c(b)r − ar 3 } + ir{ ˙ϕ − ω(b) − dr 2 } = 0 ,which we can write in the polar-coordinates form.5. (a) The equilibrium r = 0 of the systemṙ = br 3 ,˙ϕ = 1 ,has a pair of complex-conjugate eigenvalues ±i for any b, and the non-degeneracy conditionis satisfied for any b ≠ 0. However, the transversality condition is violated, andthe system does not exhibit Andronov-Hopf bifurcation (no limit cycle exists near theequilibrium).(b) The equilibrium r = 0 for b = 0ṙ = br ,˙ϕ = 1 ,has a pair of complex-conjugate eigenvalues ±i and the transversality condition is satisfied.However, the bifurcation is not of the Andronov-Hopf type because no limit cycleexists near the equilibrium for any b.

Solutions to Exercises, Chap. 6 4256. The Jacobian matrix at the equilibrium (u, v) = (0, 0) has the form( )b −1L =.1 bIt has eigenvalues b±i. Therefore, the loss of stability occurs at b = 0, and the non-hyperbolicityand transversality conditions are satisfied. Since the model can be reduced to the polarcoordinatesystem (see Ex. 4), and a ≠ 0, the non-degeneracy condition is also satisfied, andthe system undergoes an Andronov-Hopf bifurcation.7. Since(cr + ar 3 ) ′ r = c + 3ar 2 = c + 3a|c/a| =the limit cycle is stable when a < 0{c + 3|c| when a > 0,c − 3|c| when a < 0,8. The sequence of bifurcations is similar to that of the RS neuron in Fig. 8.15. The restingstate is a globally asymptotically stable equilibrium for I < 5.64. At this value a stable(spiking) limit cycle appears via a big saddle homoclinic orbit bifurcation. At I = 5.8 asmall-amplitude unstable limit cycle is born via another saddle homoclinic orbit bifurcation.This cycle shrinks to the equilibrium and makes it lose stability via subcritical Andronov-Hopfbifurcation at I = 6.5. This unstable focus becomes an unstable node when I increases, andthen it coalesces with the saddle (at I = 7.3) and disappears. Notice that there is a saddle-nodebifurcation according to the I-V relation, but it corresponds to the disappearance of an unstableequilibrium.9. The Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives has the form( )−I′L = V (V, x) −I x(V, ′ x)x ′ ,∞(V )/τ(V ) −1/τ(V )so thatandThe characteristic equationhas two solutionstr L = −{I ′ V (V, x) + 1/τ(V )}det L = {I ′ V (V, x) + I ′ x(V, x)x ′ ∞(V )}/τ(V ) = I ′ ∞(V )/τ(V ) .which might be complex-conjugate.10. Let z = re ϕi , thenλ 2 − λ tr L + det L = 0c{ }} { { √ }} {(tr L)/2 ± {(tr L)/2}2 − det Lωr ′ = ar + r 3 − r 5 ,ϕ ′ = ω .Any limit cycle is an equilibrium of the amplitude equation, i.e.,a + r 2 − r 4 = 0 .The system undergoes fold limit cycle bifurcation when the amplitude equation undergoes asaddle-node bifurcation, i.e., whena + 3r 2 − 5r 4 = 0(check the non-degeneracy and transversality conditions). The two equations have the nontrivialsolution (a, r) = (−1/4, 1/ √ 2).

Solutions to Exercises, Chap. 6 4256. The Jacobian matrix at the equilibrium (u, v) = (0, 0) has the form( )b −1L =.1 bIt has eigenvalues b±i. Therefore, the loss of stability occurs at b = 0, and the non-hyperbolicityand transversality conditions are satisfied. S<strong>in</strong>ce the model can be reduced to the polarcoord<strong>in</strong>atesystem (see Ex. 4), and a ≠ 0, the non-degeneracy condition is also satisfied, andthe system undergoes an Andronov-Hopf bifurcation.7. S<strong>in</strong>ce(cr + ar 3 ) ′ r = c + 3ar 2 = c + 3a|c/a| =the limit cycle is stable when a < 0{c + 3|c| when a > 0,c − 3|c| when a < 0,8. The sequence of bifurcations is similar to that of the RS neuron <strong>in</strong> Fig. 8.15. The rest<strong>in</strong>gstate is a globally asymptotically stable equilibrium for I < 5.64. At this value a stable(spik<strong>in</strong>g) limit cycle appears via a big saddle homocl<strong>in</strong>ic orbit bifurcation. At I = 5.8 asmall-amplitude unstable limit cycle is born via another saddle homocl<strong>in</strong>ic orbit bifurcation.This cycle shr<strong>in</strong>ks to the equilibrium and makes it lose stability via subcritical Andronov-Hopfbifurcation at I = 6.5. This unstable focus becomes an unstable node when I <strong>in</strong>creases, andthen it coalesces with the saddle (at I = 7.3) and disappears. Notice that there is a saddle-nodebifurcation accord<strong>in</strong>g to the I-V relation, but it corresponds to the disappearance of an unstableequilibrium.9. The Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives has the form( )−I′L = V (V, x) −I x(V, ′ x)x ′ ,∞(V )/τ(V ) −1/τ(V )so thatandThe characteristic equationhas two solutionstr L = −{I ′ V (V, x) + 1/τ(V )}det L = {I ′ V (V, x) + I ′ x(V, x)x ′ ∞(V )}/τ(V ) = I ′ ∞(V )/τ(V ) .which might be complex-conjugate.10. Let z = re ϕi , thenλ 2 − λ tr L + det L = 0c{ }} { { √ }} {(tr L)/2 ± {(tr L)/2}2 − det Lωr ′ = ar + r 3 − r 5 ,ϕ ′ = ω .Any limit cycle is an equilibrium of the amplitude equation, i.e.,a + r 2 − r 4 = 0 .The system undergoes fold limit cycle bifurcation when the amplitude equation undergoes asaddle-node bifurcation, i.e., whena + 3r 2 − 5r 4 = 0(check the non-degeneracy and transversality conditions). The two equations have the nontrivialsolution (a, r) = (−1/4, 1/ √ 2).

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