Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience: Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

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412 Solutions to Exercises, Chap. 321.51xBifurcationDiagramstableb0.50stableunstableb-0.5-1Pitchforkbifurcationstable-1.5b-2-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3Representative Phase Portraits42xbx-x 321xbx-x 310.5xbx-x 30x0x0x-2-1-0.5-4-2 0 2b=-1-2-2 0 2-1-2 0 2b=0 b=+1Figure 10.6: Pitchfork bifurcation diagram and representative phase portraits of the system ẋ =bx − x 3 (see Chap. 3, Ex. 8).Voltage V40200-20-40-60excitedthresholdrest-800.5 1 1.5 2 2.5leak conductance g Lasaddle-node(fold)bifurcationsVoltage V500-50-100thresholdrestexcited-150-150 -100 -50 0leak reverse potential E Lbsaddle-node(fold)bifurcationsFigure 10.7: Bifurcation diagrams of the I Na,p -model (3.5) with bifurcation parameters (a) g L and(b) E L (see Chap. 3, Ex. 11).

Solutions to Exercises, Chap. 3 413-10MonostabilityBistabilityMonostabilityMembrane Voltage, V (mV)-20-30-40-50-60Saddle-node(fold) bifurcationRest ("down") stateThreshold-704 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8Injected Curent, IRest ("up") stateSaddle-node(fold) bifurcationFigure 10.8: Bifurcation diagram of the I Kir -model (3.11).12010020membrane voltage, V806040200membrane voltage, V100-10magnification-200 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000injected dc-current, I-200 50 100 150 200injected dc-current, IFigure 10.9: Dependence of the position of equilibrium in the Hodgkin-Huxley model on the injecteddc-current; see Ex. 10.15. When V is sufficiently large, ˙V ≈ V 2 . The solution of ˙V = V 2 is V (t) = 1/(c − t) (check bydifferentiating), where c = 1/V (0). Another way to show this is to solve (3.9) for V and findthe asymptote of the solution.16. Each equilibrium of the system ẋ = a + bx − x 3 is a solution to the equation 0 = a + bx − x 3 .Treating x and b as free parameters, the set of all equilibria is given by a = −bx + x 3 , and itlooks like the cusp surface in Fig. 6.34. Each point where the cusp surface folds corresponds toa saddle-node (fold) bifurcation. The derivative with respect to x at each such point is zero;alternatively, the tangent vector to the cusp surface at each such point is parallel to the x-axis.The set of all bifurcation points is projected to the (a, b)-plane at the bottom of the figure, andit looks like a curve having two branches. To find the equation for the bifurcation curves oneneeds to remember that each bifurcation point satisfies two conditions:• It is an equilibrium; that is, a + bx − x 3 = 0.• The derivative of a + bx − x 3 with respect to x is zero; that is, b − 3x 2 = 0.Solving the second equation for x and using the solution x = ± √ b/3 in the first equation yieldsa = ∓2(b/3) 3/2 . The point a = b = 0 is called a cusp bifurcation point.

Solutions to Exercises, Chap. 3 413-10MonostabilityBistabilityMonostabilityMembrane Voltage, V (mV)-20-30-40-50-60Saddle-node(fold) bifurcationRest ("down") stateThreshold-704 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8Injected Curent, IRest ("up") stateSaddle-node(fold) bifurcationFigure 10.8: Bifurcation diagram of the I Kir -model (3.11).12010020membrane voltage, V806040200membrane voltage, V100-10magnification-200 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000<strong>in</strong>jected dc-current, I-200 50 100 150 200<strong>in</strong>jected dc-current, IFigure 10.9: Dependence of the position of equilibrium <strong>in</strong> the Hodgk<strong>in</strong>-Huxley model on the <strong>in</strong>jecteddc-current; see Ex. 10.15. When V is sufficiently large, ˙V ≈ V 2 . The solution of ˙V = V 2 is V (t) = 1/(c − t) (check bydifferentiat<strong>in</strong>g), where c = 1/V (0). Another way to show this is to solve (3.9) for V and f<strong>in</strong>dthe asymptote of the solution.16. Each equilibrium of the system ẋ = a + bx − x 3 is a solution to the equation 0 = a + bx − x 3 .Treat<strong>in</strong>g x and b as free parameters, the set of all equilibria is given by a = −bx + x 3 , and itlooks like the cusp surface <strong>in</strong> Fig. 6.34. Each po<strong>in</strong>t where the cusp surface folds corresponds toa saddle-node (fold) bifurcation. The derivative with respect to x at each such po<strong>in</strong>t is zero;alternatively, the tangent vector to the cusp surface at each such po<strong>in</strong>t is parallel to the x-axis.The set of all bifurcation po<strong>in</strong>ts is projected to the (a, b)-plane at the bottom of the figure, andit looks like a curve hav<strong>in</strong>g two branches. To f<strong>in</strong>d the equation for the bifurcation curves oneneeds to remember that each bifurcation po<strong>in</strong>t satisfies two conditions:• It is an equilibrium; that is, a + bx − x 3 = 0.• The derivative of a + bx − x 3 with respect to x is zero; that is, b − 3x 2 = 0.Solv<strong>in</strong>g the second equation for x and us<strong>in</strong>g the solution x = ± √ b/3 <strong>in</strong> the first equation yieldsa = ∓2(b/3) 3/2 . The po<strong>in</strong>t a = b = 0 is called a cusp bifurcation po<strong>in</strong>t.

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