Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

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Simple Models 2958.2.1 Regular spik<strong>in</strong>g (RS) neuronsRegular spik<strong>in</strong>g neurons are the major class of excitatory neurons <strong>in</strong> the neocortex.Many are Class 1 excitable, as we show <strong>in</strong> Fig. 7.3 us<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> vitro record<strong>in</strong>gs of a layer 5pyramidal cell of rat’s primary visual cortex; see also Tateno et al. (2004). RS neuronshave a transient K + current I A , whose slow <strong>in</strong>activation delays the onset of the firstspike and <strong>in</strong>creases the <strong>in</strong>terspike period, and a persistent K + current I M , which isbelieved to be responsible for the spike frequency adaptation seen <strong>in</strong> Fig. 7.43. Let ususe the simple model (8.5, 8.6) to capture qualitative and some quantitative featuresof typical RS neurons.We assume that the rest<strong>in</strong>g membrane potential is v r = −60 mV and the <strong>in</strong>stantaneousthreshold potential is v t = −40 mV; that is, <strong>in</strong>stantaneous depolarizations above−40 mV cause the neuron to fire, as <strong>in</strong> Fig. 3.15. Assum<strong>in</strong>g that the rheobase is 50pA, and the <strong>in</strong>put resistance is 80 MΩ, we f<strong>in</strong>d k = 0.7 and b = −2. We take themembrane capacitance C = 100 pF, which yields a membrane time constant of 8 ms.S<strong>in</strong>ce b < 0, depolarizations of v decrease u as if the major slow current is the<strong>in</strong>activat<strong>in</strong>g K + current I A . The <strong>in</strong>activation time constant of I A is around 30 ms<strong>in</strong> the subthreshold voltage range, hence we take a = 0.03 ≈ 1/30. The membranepotential of a typical RS neuron reaches the peak value v peak = +35 mV dur<strong>in</strong>g aspike (the precise value has little effect on dynamics) and then repolarizes to c = −50mV or below, depend<strong>in</strong>g on the fir<strong>in</strong>g frequency. The parameter d describes the totalamount of outward m<strong>in</strong>us <strong>in</strong>ward currents activated dur<strong>in</strong>g the spike and affect<strong>in</strong>g theafter-spike behavior. Try<strong>in</strong>g different values, we f<strong>in</strong>d that d = 100 gives a reasonableF-I relationship, at least <strong>in</strong> the low-frequency range.As it follows from Ex. 10, we can also <strong>in</strong>terpret u as the membrane potential ofa passive dendritic compartment, taken with the m<strong>in</strong>us sign. Thus, when b < 0, thevariable u represents the comb<strong>in</strong>ed action of slow <strong>in</strong>activation of I A and slow charg<strong>in</strong>gof the dendritic tree. Both processes slow down the frequency of somatic spik<strong>in</strong>g.Notice that we round-up all the parameters, e.g., we use d = 100 and not 93.27.Nevertheless, the simulated voltage responses <strong>in</strong> Fig. 8.12 agree quantitatively withthe <strong>in</strong> vitro record<strong>in</strong>gs of the layer 5 pyramidal neuron used <strong>in</strong> Fig. 7.3. Tweak<strong>in</strong>gthe parameters, consider<strong>in</strong>g multidimensional u, or add<strong>in</strong>g multiple dendritic compartments,one can def<strong>in</strong>itely improve the quantitative correspondence between the modeland the <strong>in</strong> vitro data of that particular neuron, but this is not our goal here. Instead,we want to understand the qualitative dynamics of RS neurons us<strong>in</strong>g the geometry oftheir phase portraits.Phase plane analysisFigure 8.13 shows record<strong>in</strong>gs of two pyramidal RS neurons from the same slice whilean automated procedure <strong>in</strong>jects pulses of dc-current to determ<strong>in</strong>e their rheobase. Theneuron on the left exhibits monotonically <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g (ramp<strong>in</strong>g) or decreas<strong>in</strong>g responsesof membrane potential to weak <strong>in</strong>put pulses, long latencies of the first spike and norebound spikes, whereas the neuron on the right exhibits non-monotone overshoot<strong>in</strong>g

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