Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

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Simple Models 287membrane potential, v (mV)40200-20-40(a) (b) v peak-600 200 400 600 800 1000time (ms)upstrokev resetAHP20 msdownstroke(reset)recovery variable, u500-50I=0 I=70AHPrest<strong>in</strong>gu-nullcl<strong>in</strong>ev-nullcl<strong>in</strong>eafter-spike resetspik<strong>in</strong>g limit cycle attractor-60-40-200 20 35v resetvpeakmembrane potential, v (mV)v r v t(c)Figure 8.6: (a) Output of the MATLAB code simulat<strong>in</strong>g the simple model (8.5, 8.6).(b) Comparison of the simulated (cont<strong>in</strong>uous curve) and experimental (dashed curve)voltage traces shows two major discrepancies marked by arrows. (c) Phase portrait ofthe model.v=vr*ones(1,n); u=0*v; % <strong>in</strong>itial valuesI=[zeros(1,0.1*n),70*ones(1,0.9*n)];% pulse of <strong>in</strong>put dc-currentfor i=1:n-1% forward Euler methodv(i+1)=v(i)+tau*(k*(v(i)-vr)*(v(i)-vt)-u(i)+I(i))/C;u(i+1)=u(i)+tau*a*(b*(v(i)-vr)-u(i));if v(i+1)>=vpeak% a spike is fired!v(i)=vpeak;% padd<strong>in</strong>g the spike amplitudev(i+1)=c;% membrane voltage resetu(i+1)=u(i+1)+d;% recovery variable updateend;end;plot(tau*(1:n), v);% plot the resultNotice that the spikes were padded to v peak to avoid amplitude jitter associatedwith the f<strong>in</strong>ite simulation time step tau=1 ms. In Fig. 8.6b we magnify the simulatedvoltage trace and compare it with record<strong>in</strong>g of a neocortical pyramidal neuron (dashedcurve). There are two discrepancies, marked by arrows: The pyramidal neuron has(1) sharper spike upstroke and (2) smoother spike downstroke. The first discrepancycan be removed by assum<strong>in</strong>g that the coefficient k of the square polynomial <strong>in</strong> (8.5)

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