Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience: Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

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268 Excitability(a)150100I K(M)(b)300200I fast (V)=I L +I Na,p +I Kcurrent, I500-50I (V)current, I1000-100I (V)-100I fast (V)=I L +I Na,p +I K-200-150-100 -50 0membrane potential, V (mV)-300-100 -50 0 50membrane potential, V (mV)Figure 7.45: Slow conductances can mask the true I-V relation of the spike-generatingmechanism. (a) The I Na,p +I K -model with parameters as in Fig. 4.1a has a nonmonotonicI-V curve I fast (V ). Addition of the slow K + M-current with parametersas in Sect. 2.3.5 and g M = 5 (dashed curve) makes the asymptotic I-V relation, I ∞ (V ),of the full I Na,p +I K +I K(M) -model monotonic. (b) Addition of a slow inactivation gateto the K + current of the I Na,p +I K -model with parameters as in Fig. 4.1b results in anon-monotonic asymptotic I-V relation of the full I Na,p +I A -model.gate to the persistent K + current, effectively transforming it into transient A-current.If the inactivation kinetics is sufficiently slow, the I Na,p +I A -model retains resonatorproperties on the millisecond time scale, i.e., on the time scale of individual spikes.However, its asymptotic I-V relation, depicted in Fig. 7.45b, becomes non-monotonic.Besides spike-frequency acceleration, the model acquires another interesting property— bistability. A single spike does not inactivate I A significantly. A burst of spikescould inactivate the K + A-current to such a degree that repetitive spiking becomessustained. Slow inactivation of the A-current is believed to facilitate the transitionfrom down- to up-states in neocortical and neostriatal neurons.When a neuronal model consists of conductances operating on drastically differenttime scales, it has multiple I-V relations, one for each time scale. We illustrate thisphenomenon in Fig. 7.46 using the I Na,p +I K +I K(M) -model with activation time constantof 0.01 ms for I Na,p , 1 ms for I K , and 100 ms for I K(M) . The up-stroke of an actionpotential is described only by leak and persistent Na + currents, since the K + currentsdo not have enough time to activate during such a short event. During the up-stroke,the model can be reduced to a one-dimensional system (see Chap. 3) with instantaneousI-V relation I 0 (V ) = I leak + I Na,p (V ) depicted in Fig. 7.46a. The dynamics during andimmediately after the action potential is described by the fast I Na,p +I K -subsystemwith its I-V relation I fast (V ) = I 0 (V ) + I K (V ). Finally, the asymptotic I-V relation,I ∞ (V ) = I fast (V ) + I K(M) (V ), takes into account all currents in the model.The three I-V relations determine the fast, medium, and asymptotic behavior ofa neuron in a voltage-clamp experiment. If the time scales are well separated (theyare in Fig. 7.46), all three I-V relations can be measured from a simple voltage-clamp

Excitability 269(a)current, I3002001000-100-200I (V)I fast (V)I 0 (V)-300-100 -50 0 50membrane potential, V (mV)(b)current, I2000150010005000-500current response to voltage-clamp stepsI 0 (V)I fast (V)I (V)-2 -1 0 1 2 3time, (logarithmic scale, log 10 ms)(c)current, I10005000instantaneous I-V (d) fast I-V relation (e) steady-state I-V15002000I 0 (V)1000current, I5000I fast (V)current, I150010005000I (V)-5000 0.1 0.2time (ms)-5000 10 20time (ms)-5000 500 1000time (ms)Figure 7.46: (a) The I Na,p +I K +I K(M) -model in Fig. 7.45a has three I-V relations: InstantaneousI 0 (V ) = I leak (V ) + I Na,p (V ) describes spike upstroke dynamics. The curveI fast (V ) = I 0 (V ) + I K (V ) is the I-V relation of the fast I Na,p +I K -subsystem responsiblefor spike-generating mechanism. The curve I ∞ (V ) = I fast (V ) + I K(M) (V ) is thesteady-state (asymptotic) I-V relation of the full model. Dots denote values obtainedfrom a simulated voltage-clamp experiment in (b); notice the logarithmic time scale.Magnifications of current responses are shown in (c,d,e). Simulated time constants:τ Na,p (V ) = 0.01 ms, τ K (V ) = 1 ms, τ M (V ) = 100 ms.experiment, depicted in Fig. 7.46b. We hold the model at V = −70 mV and stepthe command voltage to various values. The values of the current, taken at t = 0.05ms, t = 5 ms, and t = 500 ms in Fig. 7.46b, result in the instantaneous, fast, andsteady-state I-V curves, respectively. Notice that the data in Fig. 7.46b are plottedon the logarithmic time scale. Various magnifications using the linear time scale aredepicted in Fig. 7.46c,d, and e. Numerically obtained values of the three I-V relationsare depicted as dots in Fig. 7.46a. They approximate the theoretical values quite wellbecause there is a 100-fold separation of time scales in the model.

268 Excitability(a)150100I K(M)(b)300200I fast (V)=I L +I Na,p +I Kcurrent, I500-50I (V)current, I1000-100I (V)-100I fast (V)=I L +I Na,p +I K-200-150-100 -50 0membrane potential, V (mV)-300-100 -50 0 50membrane potential, V (mV)Figure 7.45: Slow conductances can mask the true I-V relation of the spike-generat<strong>in</strong>gmechanism. (a) The I Na,p +I K -model with parameters as <strong>in</strong> Fig. 4.1a has a nonmonotonicI-V curve I fast (V ). Addition of the slow K + M-current with parametersas <strong>in</strong> Sect. 2.3.5 and g M = 5 (dashed curve) makes the asymptotic I-V relation, I ∞ (V ),of the full I Na,p +I K +I K(M) -model monotonic. (b) Addition of a slow <strong>in</strong>activation gateto the K + current of the I Na,p +I K -model with parameters as <strong>in</strong> Fig. 4.1b results <strong>in</strong> anon-monotonic asymptotic I-V relation of the full I Na,p +I A -model.gate to the persistent K + current, effectively transform<strong>in</strong>g it <strong>in</strong>to transient A-current.If the <strong>in</strong>activation k<strong>in</strong>etics is sufficiently slow, the I Na,p +I A -model reta<strong>in</strong>s resonatorproperties on the millisecond time scale, i.e., on the time scale of <strong>in</strong>dividual spikes.However, its asymptotic I-V relation, depicted <strong>in</strong> Fig. 7.45b, becomes non-monotonic.Besides spike-frequency acceleration, the model acquires another <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g property— bistability. A s<strong>in</strong>gle spike does not <strong>in</strong>activate I A significantly. A burst of spikescould <strong>in</strong>activate the K + A-current to such a degree that repetitive spik<strong>in</strong>g becomessusta<strong>in</strong>ed. Slow <strong>in</strong>activation of the A-current is believed to facilitate the transitionfrom down- to up-states <strong>in</strong> neocortical and neostriatal neurons.When a neuronal model consists of conductances operat<strong>in</strong>g on drastically differenttime scales, it has multiple I-V relations, one for each time scale. We illustrate thisphenomenon <strong>in</strong> Fig. 7.46 us<strong>in</strong>g the I Na,p +I K +I K(M) -model with activation time constantof 0.01 ms for I Na,p , 1 ms for I K , and 100 ms for I K(M) . The up-stroke of an actionpotential is described only by leak and persistent Na + currents, s<strong>in</strong>ce the K + currentsdo not have enough time to activate dur<strong>in</strong>g such a short event. Dur<strong>in</strong>g the up-stroke,the model can be reduced to a one-dimensional system (see Chap. 3) with <strong>in</strong>stantaneousI-V relation I 0 (V ) = I leak + I Na,p (V ) depicted <strong>in</strong> Fig. 7.46a. The dynamics dur<strong>in</strong>g andimmediately after the action potential is described by the fast I Na,p +I K -subsystemwith its I-V relation I fast (V ) = I 0 (V ) + I K (V ). F<strong>in</strong>ally, the asymptotic I-V relation,I ∞ (V ) = I fast (V ) + I K(M) (V ), takes <strong>in</strong>to account all currents <strong>in</strong> the model.The three I-V relations determ<strong>in</strong>e the fast, medium, and asymptotic behavior ofa neuron <strong>in</strong> a voltage-clamp experiment. If the time scales are well separated (theyare <strong>in</strong> Fig. 7.46), all three I-V relations can be measured from a simple voltage-clamp

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