Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience: Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

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256 Excitabilitymembrane potential, V (mV)200-20-40Na+ inactivation gate, h-600.5I=-20h (V)I=10 0.60I=-15-80 mV rest 20 mV0.70 50 100 150-60 -40 -20 0 20 40time (ms)membrane potential, V (mV) (V)V-nullclinesFigure 7.32: Inhibition-induced spiking in the I Na,t -model. Parameters are the sameas in Fig. 5.6b, except g leak = 1.5 and m ∞ (V ) has k = 27.hyperpolarizationdeinactivationof I Naexcessof I Nanegativeinjecteddc-currentrestingpotentialinactivationof I Naactivationof I NaspikeFigure 7.33: Mechanism of inhibitioninducedspiking in the I Na,t -model.vation and the Na + conductance, g Na mh, increases. This leads to an imbalance of theinward current and to the generation of the first spike. During the spike, the currentinactivates completely, and the leak and negative injected currents repolarize and thenhyperpolarize the membrane. During the hyperpolarization, clearly seen in the figure,Na + current deinactivates and is ready for the generation of the next spike.To understand the dynamic mechanism of such an inhibition-induced spiking, weneed to consider the geometry of the nullclines of the model, depicted in Fig. 7.32,bottom. Notice how the position of the V -nullcline depends on I. Negative I shifts thenullcline down and leftward so that the vertex of its left knee, marked by a dot, movesto the left. As a result, the equilibrium of the system, which is the intersection of theV - and h-nullclines, moves toward the middle branch of the cubic V -nullcline. WhenI = −2, the equilibrium loses stability via supercritical Andronov-Hopf bifurcation,and the model exhibits periodic activity.Instead of the I Na,t -model, we could have used the I Na + I K -model or any othermodel with a low-threshold resonant gating variable. The key point here is not the ionicbasis of the spike-generation mechanism, but its dynamic attribute — the Andronov-Hopf bifurcation. Even the FitzHugh-Nagumo model (4.11, 4.12) can exhibit thisphenomenon; see Ex. 1.

Excitability 25720 mV50 ms-75 mV0 pA20 pAFigure 7.34: Long latencies and threshold crossing of layer 5 neuron recorded in vitroin rat motor cortex.7.2.9 Spike latencyIn Fig. 7.34 we illustrate an interesting neuronal property - latency-to-first-spike. Abarely superthreshold stimulation evokes action potentials with a significant delay,which could be as large as a second in some cortical neurons. Usually, such a delay isattributed to slow charging of the dendritic tree or to the action of the A-current, whichis a voltage-gated transient K + current with fast activation and slow inactivation. Thecurrent activates quickly in response to a depolarization and prevents the neuron fromimmediate firing. With time, however, the A-current inactivates and eventually allowsfiring. (A low-threshold slowly activating Na + or Ca 2+ current would achieve a similareffect.)In Fig. 7.35 we explain the latency mechanism from dynamical systems point ofview. Long latencies arise when neurons undergo saddle-node bifurcation depictedin Fig. 7.35, left. When a step of current is delivered, the V -nullcline moves up sothat the saddle and node equilibria that existed when I = 0 coalesce and annihilateeach other. Although there are no equilibria, the vector field remains small in theshaded neighborhood, as if there were still a ghost of the resting equilibrium there(see Sect. 3.3.5). The voltage variable increases and passes that neighborhood. Aswe discussed in Ex. 3 at the end of the previous chapter, the passage time scales as1/ √ I − I b , where I b is the bifurcation point, see Fig. 6.8. Hence, the spike is generatedwith a significant latency. If the bifurcation is on an invariant circle, then the stateof the neuron returns to the shaded neighborhood after each spike resulting in firingwith small frequency, characteristic of Class 1 excitability; see Fig. 7.3. In contrast, ifthe saddle-node bifurcation is off an invariant circle, then the state does not returnto the neighborhood, and the firing frequency can be large, as in Fig. 7.34 or in theneostriatal and basal ganglia neurons reviewed in Sect. 8.4.2.We see that the existence of long spike latencies is an innate neuro-computationalproperty of integrators. It is still not clear how or when the brain is using it. Two mostplausible hypotheses are 1) Neurons encode the strength of input into spiking latency.

Excitability 25720 mV50 ms-75 mV0 pA20 pAFigure 7.34: Long latencies and threshold cross<strong>in</strong>g of layer 5 neuron recorded <strong>in</strong> vitro<strong>in</strong> rat motor cortex.7.2.9 Spike latencyIn Fig. 7.34 we illustrate an <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g neuronal property - latency-to-first-spike. Abarely superthreshold stimulation evokes action potentials with a significant delay,which could be as large as a second <strong>in</strong> some cortical neurons. Usually, such a delay isattributed to slow charg<strong>in</strong>g of the dendritic tree or to the action of the A-current, whichis a voltage-gated transient K + current with fast activation and slow <strong>in</strong>activation. Thecurrent activates quickly <strong>in</strong> response to a depolarization and prevents the neuron fromimmediate fir<strong>in</strong>g. With time, however, the A-current <strong>in</strong>activates and eventually allowsfir<strong>in</strong>g. (A low-threshold slowly activat<strong>in</strong>g Na + or Ca 2+ current would achieve a similareffect.)In Fig. 7.35 we expla<strong>in</strong> the latency mechanism from dynamical systems po<strong>in</strong>t ofview. Long latencies arise when neurons undergo saddle-node bifurcation depicted<strong>in</strong> Fig. 7.35, left. When a step of current is delivered, the V -nullcl<strong>in</strong>e moves up sothat the saddle and node equilibria that existed when I = 0 coalesce and annihilateeach other. Although there are no equilibria, the vector field rema<strong>in</strong>s small <strong>in</strong> theshaded neighborhood, as if there were still a ghost of the rest<strong>in</strong>g equilibrium there(see Sect. 3.3.5). The voltage variable <strong>in</strong>creases and passes that neighborhood. Aswe discussed <strong>in</strong> Ex. 3 at the end of the previous chapter, the passage time scales as1/ √ I − I b , where I b is the bifurcation po<strong>in</strong>t, see Fig. 6.8. Hence, the spike is generatedwith a significant latency. If the bifurcation is on an <strong>in</strong>variant circle, then the stateof the neuron returns to the shaded neighborhood after each spike result<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> fir<strong>in</strong>gwith small frequency, characteristic of Class 1 excitability; see Fig. 7.3. In contrast, ifthe saddle-node bifurcation is off an <strong>in</strong>variant circle, then the state does not returnto the neighborhood, and the fir<strong>in</strong>g frequency can be large, as <strong>in</strong> Fig. 7.34 or <strong>in</strong> theneostriatal and basal ganglia neurons reviewed <strong>in</strong> Sect. 8.4.2.We see that the existence of long spike latencies is an <strong>in</strong>nate neuro-computationalproperty of <strong>in</strong>tegrators. It is still not clear how or when the bra<strong>in</strong> is us<strong>in</strong>g it. Two mostplausible hypotheses are 1) Neurons encode the strength of <strong>in</strong>put <strong>in</strong>to spik<strong>in</strong>g latency.

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