Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience: Dynamical Systems in Neuroscience:

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254 Excitability(a) integrator(b) resonatorK + activation gateinhibitionexcitation-60 -40 -20membrane potential, mVinhibitionexcitation-60 -40 -20membrane potential, mVFigure 7.30: Direction of excitatory and inhibitory input in integrators (a) and resonators(b).hyperpolarizing steps, it does not depend on the bifurcation mechanism of excitability,and it can occur in integrators or resonators.Some neurons can exhibit rebound spikes after short and relatively weak hyperpolarizingcurrents, as we illustrate in Fig. 7.29. The negative pulse deactivates afast low-threshold resonant current, e.g., K + current, which is partially activated atrest. Upon release from the hyperpolarization, there is a deficit of the outward currentand the net membrane current results in rebound depolarization and possibly a spike.Such a response occurs on the fast time scale and it does depend on the bifurcationmechanism of excitability.In Fig. 7.30 we show why integrators cannot fire rebound spikes to short stimulation,while resonators typically can. A brief excitatory pulse of current depolarizes themembrane and brings it closer to the threshold manifold, as in Fig. 7.30a. Consequently,an inhibitory pulse hyperpolarizes the membrane and increases the distance to thethreshold manifold. The dynamics of such a neuron is consistent with our intuitionthat excitation facilitates spiking and inhibition prevents it.Contrary to our intuition, inhibition can also facilitate spiking in resonator neuronsbecause the threshold set may wrap around the resting state, as in Fig. 7.30b. A sufficientlystrong inhibitory pulse can push the state of the neuron beyond the thresholdset thereby evoking a rebound action potential. If the inhibitory pulse is not strong, itstill can have an excitatory effect, since it brings the state of the system closer to thethreshold set. For example, it can enhance the effect of subsequent excitatory pulses,as we illustrate in Fig. 7.31. The excitatory pulse here is subthreshold if applied alone.However, it becomes superthreshold if preceded by an inhibitory pulse. The timing ofpulses is important here, as we discussed in Sect. 7.2.2. John Rinzel suggested to callthis phenomenon a post-inhibitory facilitation.

Excitability 2557.2.8 Inhibition-induced spikingIn Fig. 7.32, top, we use the I Na,t -model introduced in Chap. 5 to illustrate an interestingproperty of some resonators — inhibition-induced spiking. Recall, that the modelconsists of an Ohmic leak current and a transient Na + current with instantaneous activationand relatively slow inactivation kinetics. It can generate action potentials dueto the interplay between the amplifying gate m and the resonant gate h.We widened the activation function h ∞ (V ) so that Na + current is largely inactivatedat the resting state; see the inset in Fig. 7.32. Indeed, h = 0.27 when I = 0. Eventhough such a system is excitable, it cannot fire repetitive action potentials when apositive step of current, e.g., I = 10, is injected. Depolarization produced by theinjected current inactivates Na + current so much that no repetitive spikes are possible.Such a system is Class 3 excitable.Remarkably, injection of a negative step of current, e.g., I = −15 in the figure,results in a periodic train of action potentials! How is it possible? Inhibition-inducedspiking or bursting are possible in neurons having slow h-current or T-current, such asthe thalamo-cortical relay neurons. (We discuss these and other examples in the nextchapter.) The I Na,t -model does not have such currents, yet it can fire in response toinhibition.Figure 7.33 summarizes the ionic mechanism of inhibition-induced spiking. Theresting state in the model corresponds to the balance of the outward leak current anda partially activated, partially inactivated inward Na + current. When the membranepotential is hyperpolarized by the negative injected current, two processes take place:Na + current deinactivates (variable h increases), and deactivates (variable m = m ∞ (V )decreases). Since m ∞ (V ) is flatter than h ∞ (V ), deinactivation is stronger than deacti-K + activation gate10 mV1 msinhibitorypulseexcitatorypulseinhibitorypulseexcitatorypulse-60 -40 -20membrane potential, mVFigure 7.31: Post-inhibitory facilitation: A subthreshold excitatory pulse can becomesuperthreshold if it is preceded by an inhibitory pulse.

Excitability 2557.2.8 Inhibition-<strong>in</strong>duced spik<strong>in</strong>gIn Fig. 7.32, top, we use the I Na,t -model <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> Chap. 5 to illustrate an <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>gproperty of some resonators — <strong>in</strong>hibition-<strong>in</strong>duced spik<strong>in</strong>g. Recall, that the modelconsists of an Ohmic leak current and a transient Na + current with <strong>in</strong>stantaneous activationand relatively slow <strong>in</strong>activation k<strong>in</strong>etics. It can generate action potentials dueto the <strong>in</strong>terplay between the amplify<strong>in</strong>g gate m and the resonant gate h.We widened the activation function h ∞ (V ) so that Na + current is largely <strong>in</strong>activatedat the rest<strong>in</strong>g state; see the <strong>in</strong>set <strong>in</strong> Fig. 7.32. Indeed, h = 0.27 when I = 0. Eventhough such a system is excitable, it cannot fire repetitive action potentials when apositive step of current, e.g., I = 10, is <strong>in</strong>jected. Depolarization produced by the<strong>in</strong>jected current <strong>in</strong>activates Na + current so much that no repetitive spikes are possible.Such a system is Class 3 excitable.Remarkably, <strong>in</strong>jection of a negative step of current, e.g., I = −15 <strong>in</strong> the figure,results <strong>in</strong> a periodic tra<strong>in</strong> of action potentials! How is it possible? Inhibition-<strong>in</strong>ducedspik<strong>in</strong>g or burst<strong>in</strong>g are possible <strong>in</strong> neurons hav<strong>in</strong>g slow h-current or T-current, such asthe thalamo-cortical relay neurons. (We discuss these and other examples <strong>in</strong> the nextchapter.) The I Na,t -model does not have such currents, yet it can fire <strong>in</strong> response to<strong>in</strong>hibition.Figure 7.33 summarizes the ionic mechanism of <strong>in</strong>hibition-<strong>in</strong>duced spik<strong>in</strong>g. Therest<strong>in</strong>g state <strong>in</strong> the model corresponds to the balance of the outward leak current anda partially activated, partially <strong>in</strong>activated <strong>in</strong>ward Na + current. When the membranepotential is hyperpolarized by the negative <strong>in</strong>jected current, two processes take place:Na + current de<strong>in</strong>activates (variable h <strong>in</strong>creases), and deactivates (variable m = m ∞ (V )decreases). S<strong>in</strong>ce m ∞ (V ) is flatter than h ∞ (V ), de<strong>in</strong>activation is stronger than deacti-K + activation gate10 mV1 ms<strong>in</strong>hibitorypulseexcitatorypulse<strong>in</strong>hibitorypulseexcitatorypulse-60 -40 -20membrane potential, mVFigure 7.31: Post-<strong>in</strong>hibitory facilitation: A subthreshold excitatory pulse can becomesuperthreshold if it is preceded by an <strong>in</strong>hibitory pulse.

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