2011-07 (Adobe Reader) - Standartizacijos departamentas prie AM

2011-07 (Adobe Reader) - Standartizacijos departamentas prie AM

2011-07 (Adobe Reader) - Standartizacijos departamentas prie AM


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Lietuvos standartizacijos departamentoBIULETENIS<strong>2011</strong>Nr. 7VILNIUS, <strong>2011</strong>

Lietuvos standartizacijos <strong>departamentas</strong>T. Kosciuðkos g. 30LT-01100 VilniusTelefonas: (8~5) 270 9360El. paðtas: lstboard@lsd.ltInterneto tinklalapis: http://www.lsd.lt

<strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7 LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENISTK 25 RIÐ<strong>AM</strong>OSIOS MEDÞIAGOSIR SILIKATINIAI DIRBINIAILST EN 196-5:<strong>2011</strong> enCemento bandymø metodai. 5 dalis. Pucolaninio cementopucolaniðkumo nustatymasPakeièia LST EN 196-5:2005F (34 Lt)LST EN 1520:<strong>2011</strong> enSurenkamieji armuotieji atvirastruktûrio lengvøjø uþpildøbetono komponentai su konstrukcine arba nekonstrukcinearmatûraNuo 2012-12-31 pakeièia LST EN 1520+AC:2003XA (108 Lt)TK 26 TERMOIZOLIACINËS MEDÞIAGOSLST EN ISO 12567-1:2010/AC:<strong>2011</strong> enÐiluminës langø ir durø charakteristikos. Ðilumos perdavimokoeficiento nustatymas karðtosios dëþës metodu. 1 dalis.Surinkti langai ir durys. 1 techninë pataisa(ISO 12567-1:2010/Cor.1:2010)TK 28 DUJØ SISTEMOSLST EN 161:<strong>2011</strong> enAutomatinës dujiniø degikliø ir dujiniø <strong>prie</strong>taisø uþdarymosklendësNuo 2014-03-30 pakeièia LST EN 161:20<strong>07</strong>Q (65 Lt)LST EN 624:<strong>2011</strong> enTechniniai suskystintø naftos dujø <strong>prie</strong>taisø reikalavimai.Transporto <strong>prie</strong>monëse ir laivuose árengiama uþdarosiosapytakos patalpø ðildymo áranga, naudojanti suskystintasnaftos dujasPakeièia LST EN 624:2002, LST EN 624:2002/A2:20<strong>07</strong>U (80 Lt)TK 32 SVEIKATALST EN 1041:2008 ltGamintojo su medicinos <strong>prie</strong>monëmis pateikiama informacijaL (53 Lt)TK 35 DARBØ SAUGALST EN 953:2000+A1:2009 ltMaðinø sauga. Apsaugai. Tvirtinamøjø ir judamøjø apsaugøprojektavimo ir konstravimo bendrieji reikalavimaiP (63 Lt)LST EN 953:2000+A1:2009/P:<strong>2011</strong> enMaðinø sauga. Apsaugai. Tvirtinamøjø ir judamøjø apsaugøprojektavimo ir konstravimo bendrieji reikalavimaiTK 38 STATYBINËS KONSTRUKCIJOSLST EN 1991-1-6:2005/NA:<strong>2011</strong> ltEurokodas 1. Poveikiai konstrukcijoms. 1-6 dalis. Bendriejipoveikiai. Poveikiai vykdymo metuC (24 Lt)LST EN 1991-3:2006/NA:<strong>2011</strong> ltEurokodas 1. Poveikiai konstrukcijoms. 3 dalis. Kranø irmaðinø sukelti poveikiaiA (17 Lt)LST EN 1991-4:2006/NA:<strong>2011</strong> ltEurokodas 1. Poveikiai konstrukcijoms. 4 dalis. Silosai irrezervuaraiC (24 Lt)TK 43 GELEÞINKELIØ TRANSPORTASLST EN 12080:20<strong>07</strong>+A1:<strong>2011</strong> ltGeleþinkelio taikmenys. Aðidëþës. Riedëjimo guoliaiP (63 Lt)LST EN 12081:20<strong>07</strong>+A1:<strong>2011</strong> ltGeleþinkelio taikmenys. Aðidëþës. Plastiðkieji tepalaiH (42 Lt)LST EN 12082:20<strong>07</strong>+A1:<strong>2011</strong> ltGeleþinkelio taikmenys. Aðidëþës. Eksploataciniøcharakteristikø bandymaiN (58 Lt)LST EN 50122-1:<strong>2011</strong> enGeleþinkelio taikmenys. Stacionarieji árenginiai. Apsauga nuoelektros, áþeminimas ir gráþtamoji grandinë. 1 dalis. Apsaugosnuo elektros smûgio <strong>prie</strong>monësNuo 2013-11-16 pakeièia LST EN 50122-1:2001,LST EN 50122-1:2001/P:2005,LST EN 50122-1:2001/AC:20<strong>07</strong>X (102 Lt)LST EN 50122-2:<strong>2011</strong> enGeleþinkelio taikmenys. Stacionarieji árenginiai. Apsauga nuoelektros, áþeminimas ir gráþtamoji grandinë. 2 dalis. Apsaugosnuo klaidþiojanèiøjø sroviø, kurias sukelia nuolatinës srovëstraukos sistemos, poveikio <strong>prie</strong>monësNuo 2013-10-01 pakeièia LST EN 50122-2:2001,LST EN 50122-2:2001/A1:2002,LST EN 50122-2:2001/AC:2005N (58 Lt)LST EN 50122-3:<strong>2011</strong> enGeleþinkelio taikmenys. Stacionarieji árenginiai. Apsauga nuoelektros, áþeminimas ir gráþtamoji grandinë. 3 dalis.Kintamosios ir nuolatinës srovës traukos sistemø sàveikaN (58 Lt)LST EN 50159:<strong>2011</strong> enGeleþinkelio taikmenys. Ryðiø, signalizavimo ir duomenøapdorojimo sistemos. Su sauga susijæ ryðiai, naudojamiperdavimo sistemoseNuo 2013-09-01 pakeièia LST EN 50159-1:2002,LST EN 50159-1:2002/P:2003,LST EN 50159-1:2002/AC:2010,LST EN 50159-2:2002, LST EN 50159-2:2002/P:2003,LST EN 50159-2:2002/AC:2010V (88 Lt)LST EN 60349-1:<strong>2011</strong> enElektrinë trauka. Geleþinkeliø ir keliø transporto <strong>prie</strong>moniøsukiosios elektros maðinos. 1 dalis. Maðinos, kitokios neielektroniniø keitikliø maitinami kintamosios srovës varikliai(IEC 60349-1:2010)Nuo 2013-11-01 pakeièia LST EN 60349-1:2002,LST EN 60349-1:2002/A1:2003V (88 Lt)LST EN 60349-2:<strong>2011</strong> enElektrinë trauka. Geleþinkeliø ir keliø transporto <strong>prie</strong>moniøsukiosios elektros maðinos. 2 dalis. Kintamosios srovësvarikliai, kuriuos maitina elektroniniai keitikliai(IEC 60349-2:2010)Nuo 2013-12-01 pakeièia LST EN 60349-2:2002,LST EN 60349-2:2002/P:2003R (69 Lt)LST EN 61881-1:<strong>2011</strong> enGeleþinkelio taikmenys. Riedmenø áranga. Galios elektronikoskondensatoriai. 1 dalis. Popieriniai ir plastikiniai plëveliniaikondensatoriai (IEC 61881-1:2010)Nuo 2014-01-02 pakeièia LST EN 61881:2001S (72 Lt)6

<strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7 LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENISLST EN 651:<strong>2011</strong> enTampriosios grindø dangos. Polivinilchloridinës grindødangos su putplasèio sluoksniu. Techniniai reikalavimaiPakeièia LST EN 651:2002,LST EN 651:2002/A1:2004G (37 Lt)LST EN 652:<strong>2011</strong> enTampriosios grindø dangos. Polivinilchloridinës grindødangos su kamðtienos pagrindu. Techniniai reikalavimaiPakeièia LST EN 652:2002G (37 Lt)LST EN 1811:<strong>2011</strong> enPamatinis tyrimo metodas iðskirti nikelá ið strypeliø sàrankø,ádedamø á perveriamas þmogaus kûno dalis, ir ið gaminiø,tiesiogiai ir ilgà laikà lieèianèiø odàPakeièia LST EN 1811:2002+A1:2008N (58 Lt)LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTAS 2)LST EN 2240-051:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 051: Lamp,code 1163 - Product standardC (24 Lt)LST EN 2240-052:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 052: Lamp,code 1222 - Product standardC (24 Lt)LST EN 2240-053:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 053: Lamp,code 1308 - Product standardC (24 Lt)LST EN 2240-054:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 054: Lamp,code 1317 - Product standardC (24 Lt)LST EN 2240-055:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 055: Lamp,code 1495 - Product standardC (24 Lt)LST EN 2240-056:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 056: Lamp,code 1506 - Product standardC (24 Lt)LST EN 2240-057:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 057: Lamp,code 1512 - Product standardC (24 Lt)LST EN 2240-058:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 058: Lamp,code 1524 - Product standardC (24 Lt)LST EN 2240-059:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 059: Lamp,code 1591 - Product standardC (24 Lt)LST EN 2240-060:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 060: Lamp,code 1619 - Product standardC (24 Lt)LST EN 2757:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Structural adhesives system - Test method- Determination of the drying and ignition residues of primersC (24 Lt)LST EN 2825:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Burning behaviour of non metallicmaterials under the influence of radiating heat and flames -Determination of smoke densityE (30 Lt)LST EN 2826:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Burning behaviour of non metallicmaterials under the influence of radiating heat and flames -Determination of gas components in the smokeE (30 Lt)LST EN 2997-001:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Connectors, electrical, circular, coupledby threaded ring, fire-resistant or non fire-resistant, operatingtemperatures – 65 °C to 175 °C continuous, 200 °C continuous,260 °C peak - Part 001: Technical specificationPakeièia LST EN 2997-001:20<strong>07</strong>W (94 Lt)LST EN 2997-015:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Connectors, electrical, circular, coupledby threaded ring, fire-resistant or non fire-resistant, operatingtemperatures - 65 °C to 175 °C continuous, 200 °C continuous,260 °C peak - Part 015: Jam-nut mounted receptaclewith integrated accessory - Product standardE (30 Lt)LST EN 3280:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Bearings, airframe rolling, rigid or selfaligning- Technical specificationPakeièia LST EN 3280:2001Q (65 Lt)LST EN 3475-603:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Testmethods - Part 603: Resistance to wet arc trackingPakeièia LST EN 3475-603:20<strong>07</strong>F (34 Lt)LST EN 4160:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Paints and varnishes - Determination ofthe effect of thermal exposureC (24 Lt)LST EN 4165-024:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Connectors, electrical, rectangular,modular - Operating temperature 175 °C continuous -Part 024: Single module plug - Product standardG (37 Lt)LST EN 4165-026:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Connectors, electrical, rectangular,modular - Operating temperature 175 °C continuous -Part 026: Accessories for single modules - Product standardH (42 Lt)LST EN 4476:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Paints and varnishes - Cold curingintermediate coatH (42 Lt)LST EN 4604-009:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Cable, electrical, for signal transmission -Part 009: Cable, coaxial, light weight, 50 ohms, 180 °C,type KW (light WN) - Product standardPakeièia LST EN 4604-009:2009F (34 Lt)2) Lietuvos standartizacijos departamento Technikos komisijos nutarimu (2006 m. vasario 24 d. posëdþio protokolas Nr. TKP-6) Europos standartizacijoskomiteto technikos komiteto AECMA standartø (iðskyrus darniuosius), perimamø kaip Lietuvos standartai, antraðtës neverèiamos á lietuviø kalbà.8

LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENIS <strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7LST EN 4604-010:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Cable, electrical, for signal transmission -Part 010: Cable, coaxial, light weight, 50 Ohms, 200 °C,type KX (light WD) - Product standardPakeièia LST EN 4604-010:2009F (34 Lt)LST EN 4641-301:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Cables, optical 125 ìm diameter cladding- Part 301: Tight structure 50/125 µm GI fibre nominal1,8 mm outside diameter - Product standardG (37 Lt)LST EN 4660-001:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Modular and Open Avionics Architectures- Part 001: ArchitectureL (53 Lt)LST EN 4660-002:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Modular and Open Avionics Architectures- Part 002: Common Functional ModulesR (69 Lt)LST EN 4660-003:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Modular and Open Avionics Architectures- Part 003: Communications/NetworkK (49 Lt)LST EN 4660-004:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Modular and Open Avionics Architectures- Part 004: PackagingS (72 Lt)LST EN 4660-005:<strong>2011</strong> enAerospace series - Modular and Open Avionics Architectures- Part 005: SoftwareXL (208 Lt)Parengë Dalia Reginienë9

<strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7 LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENISNETEKÆ GALIOS LIETUVOS STANDARTAINetekæs galios Lietuvos standartas Vietoj jo galiojaTK 1 ELEKTRONIKALST EN 6<strong>07</strong>30-1+A11:2002/A15:20<strong>07</strong> Buitiniø ir panaðios paskirties <strong>prie</strong>taisø LST EN 6<strong>07</strong>30-1+A11:2002/A2:2009automatiniai elektriniai valdymo átaisai. 1 dalis. Bendrieji reikalavimaiLST EN 61280-2-2:2005 Ðviesolaidinio ryðio posistemiø bandymo procedûros. LST EN 61280-2-2:20082-2 dalis. Skaitmeninës sistemos. Optinës akies diagramos, signalo pavidaloparametrø ir ekstinkcijos santykio matavimas (IEC 61280-2-2:2005)LST EN 61290-11-1:2003 Optiniø stiprintuvø bandymo metodai. 11-1 dalis. LST EN 61290-11-1:2008Poliarizacinë dispersija. Jones’o matricos savitosios analizës (JME) metodas(IEC 61290-11-1:2003)LST EN 61996:2002 Jûrø navigacinë ir radijo ryðio áranga bei sistemos. Laivø LST EN 61996-1:2008kelionës duomenø raðytuvas (VDR). Veikimo ir eksploataciniø charakteristikøreikalavimai, bandymo metodai ir reikalaujami bandymo rezultatai (IEC 61996:2000)LST EN 61996-2:2006 Jûrø navigacinë ir radijo ryðio áranga bei sistemos. Laivo LST EN 61996-2:2008kelionës duomenø raðytuvas (VDR). 2 dalis. Supaprastintas kelionës duomenøraðytuvas (S-VDR). Eksploataciniai reikalavimai, bandymø metodai ir bûtiniejibandymo rezultatai (IEC 61996-2:2006)LST EN 62002-1:20<strong>07</strong> DVB-T/H radijo ryðio <strong>prie</strong>iga <strong>prie</strong> mobiliøjø ir neðiojamøjø LST EN 62002-1:2008átaisø. 1 dalis. Sietuvo apraðas (IEC 62002-1:2005)LST EN 62002-2:20<strong>07</strong> DVB-T/H radijo ryðio <strong>prie</strong>iga <strong>prie</strong> mobiliøjø ir neðiojamøjø LST EN 62002-2:2008átaisø. 2 dalis. Sietuvo atitikties tikrinimas (IEC 62002-2:2005)LST HD 590 S1:2002 Mechaninis sàsajos átaisas, naudojamas klausos aparatø LST EN 60318-6:2008vibratoriø, garsà perduodanèiø per kaulus, charakteristikoms matuoti(IEC 60373:1990)LST P 1359:1995 Integriniai grandynai. Terminai ir apibrëþimai –TK 4 INFORMACIJOS TECHNOLOGIJALST ISO/IEC 10646:2005 Informacijos technologija. Universalus keliais baitais LST ISO/IEC 10646:<strong>2011</strong>koduotø þenklø rinkinys (tpt ISO/IEC 10646:2003)LST ISO/IEC 10646:2005/A1:2005 Informacijos technologija. Universalus keliais LST ISO/IEC 10646:<strong>2011</strong>baitais koduotø þenklø rinkinys. 1 keitinys. Glagolicos, koptø, gruziniðki ir kitokieraðmenys (tpt ISO/IEC 10646:2003/Amd. 1:2005)LST ISO/IEC 10646:2005/A2:20<strong>07</strong> Informacijos technologija. Universalus keliais LST ISO/IEC 10646:<strong>2011</strong>baitais koduotø þenklø rinkinys. 2 keitinys. N’Ko, Phags-pa, Phoeniko ir kitokieþenklai (tapatus ISO/IEC 10646:2003/Amd.2:2006)LST ISO/IEC 10646:2005/A3:2009 Informacijos technologija. Universalus keliais LST ISO/IEC 10646:<strong>2011</strong>baitais koduotø þenklø rinkinys. 3 keitinys. Lepcha, Ol Chiki, Saurashtra, Vai irkitokie þenklai (tapatus ISO/IEC 10646:2003/Amd.3:2008)LST ISO/IEC 10646:2005/A4:2009 Informacijos technologija. Universalus keliais LST ISO/IEC 10646:<strong>2011</strong>baitais koduotø þenklø rinkinys. 4 keitinys. Cham, Game Tiles ir kitokie þenklai(tapatus ISO/IEC 10646:2003/Amd.4:2008)LST ISO/IEC 10646:2005/A5:2009 Informacijos technologija. Universalus keliais LST ISO/IEC 10646:<strong>2011</strong>baitais koduotø þenklø rinkinys. 5 keitinys. Tai Tham, Tai Viet, Avestan, Egiptohieroglifai, CJK unifikuotas ideografinis plëtinys C ir kitokie þenklai (tapatusISO/IEC 10646:2003/Amd.5:2008)LST ISO/IEC 10646:2005/A6:2010 Informacijos technologija. Universalus keliais LST ISO/IEC 10646:<strong>2011</strong>baitais koduotø þenklø rinkinys. 6 keitinys. Bamum, javos, lisu, meetei mayek,samaritan ir kitokie þenklai (tapatus ISO/IEC 10646:2003/Amd.6:2009)LST ISO/IEC 10646:2005/A7:2010 Informacijos technologija. Universalus keliais LST ISO/IEC 10646:<strong>2011</strong>baitais koduotø þenklø rinkinys. 7 keitinys. Mandaic, batak, brahmi ir kitokieþenklai (tapatus ISO/IEC 10646:2003/Amd.7:2010)TK 5 ELEKTROTECHNIKALST EN 50106+A1:1999, LST EN 50106+A1:1999/A2:2002 Buitiniø ir panaðios LST EN 50106:2009paskirties elektriniø <strong>prie</strong>taisø sauga. Standartø EN 60335-1 ir EN 60967 taikymosrities <strong>prie</strong>taisø priimamøjø bandymø taisyklës10

LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENIS <strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7Netekæs galios Lietuvos standartasVietoj jo galiojaLST EN 60034-3:2005 Sukiosios elektros maðinos. 3 dalis. Specialieji LST EN 60034-3:2008reikalavimai, keliami neryðkiapolëms sinchroninëms maðinoms(IEC 60034-3:2005)LST EN 60317-0-3+A1:2001, LST EN 60317-0-3+A1:2001/A2:2005 Kai kuriø LST EN 60317-0-3:2008tipø apvijiniø laidø techniniai reikalavimai. 0 dalis. Bendrieji reikalavimai.3 skyrius. Emaliuotas apvalus aliumininis laidas (IEC 60317-0-3:1997+A1:1999)LST EN 61326+A1+AC:2000, LST EN 61326+A1+AC:2000/A2:2002, LST EN 61326-1:2006LST EN 61326+A1+AC:2000/A3:2004 Elektrinë matavimo, valdymo ir LST EN 61326-2-1:2006laboratorijø áranga. EMS reikalavimai (IEC 61326:1997) LST EN 61326-2-2:2006LST EN 61326-2-3:2006LST EN 61326-2-4:20<strong>07</strong>LST EN 61326-2-5:20<strong>07</strong>LST EN 61326-2-6:2006LST EN 61326-3-1:2008LST EN 61326-3-2:2008LST EN 61386-1+AC:2004 Vamzdþiø sistemos elektrai árengti. 1 dalis. Bendrieji LST EN 61386-1:2008reikalavimai (IEC 61386-1:1996 + A1:2000)LST EN 61986:2003 Sukiosios elektros maðinos. Lygiavertës apkrovos ir LST EN 60034-29:2008superpozicijos metodai. Netiesioginis bandymas virðtemperatûriui nustatyti(IEC 61986:2002)TK 8 ELEKTROMAGNETINIS SUDERIN<strong>AM</strong>UMASLST EN 55025:2003 Radijo trikdþiø charakteristikos, taikomos transporto LST EN 55025:2008<strong>prie</strong>monëse, laivuose ir maðinose naudojamø radijo imtuvø apsaugai.Leidþiamieji lygiai ir matavimo metodai (CISPR 25:2002)TK 22 PRIEÐGAISRINË SAUGALST EN 54-1:2000 Gaisro aptikimo ir gaisrinës signalizacijos sistemos. LST EN 54-1:<strong>2011</strong>1 dalis. ÁvadasTK 25 RIÐ<strong>AM</strong>OSIOS MEDÞIAGOS IR SILIKATINIAI DIRBINIAILST EN 196-5:2005 Cemento bandymø metodai. 5 dalis. Pucolaninio cemento LST EN 196-5:<strong>2011</strong>pucolaniðkumo nustatymasTK 28 DUJØ SISTEMOSLST EN 624:2002, LST EN 624:2002/A2:20<strong>07</strong> Techniniai suskystintø naftos dujø LST EN 624:<strong>2011</strong><strong>prie</strong>taisø reikalavimai. Transporto <strong>prie</strong>monëse ir laivuose árengiama uþdarosiosapytakos patalpø ðildymo áranga, naudojanti suskystintas naftos dujasTK 32 SVEIKATALST EN 60601-2-31+A1:2000 Elektrinë medicinos áranga. 2-31 dalis. Specialieji LST EN 60601-2-31:2008saugos reikalavimai iðoriniams ðirdies stimuliatoriams su vidiniu srovës ðaltiniu(IEC 60601-2-31:1994+A1:1998)LST EN 61223-3-2:2001 Ávertinimo ir áprastiniai bandymai medicininiuose LST EN 61223-3-2:2008vizualizavimo skyriuose. 3-2 dalis. Priimamieji bandymai. Mamografijos rentgenoárangos vizualizavimo charakteristikos (IEC 61223-3-2:1996)TK 35 DARBØ SAUGALST EN 131-2+AC:2003 Kopëèios. Reikalavimai, bandymas, þenklinimas LST EN 131-2:2010TK 45 ELEKTROS ENERGETIKALST EN 60289:2001, LST EN 60289:2001/A11:2002 Reaktoriai (IEC 60289:1988, LST EN 60<strong>07</strong>6-6:2008modifikuotas)LST EN 61241-14:2004 Elektriniai aparatai, naudojami esant degiøjø dulkiø. –14 dalis. Parinkimas ir árengimas (IEC 61241-14:2004)11

<strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7 LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENISNetekæs galios Lietuvos standartas Vietoj jo galiojaTK 49 LIEJININKYSTËLST EN 12373-9:2000 Aliuminis ir aliuminio lydiniai. Anodavimas. 9 dalis. Anodiniø LST EN ISO 8251:<strong>2011</strong>oksidiniø dangø atsparumo dilimui ir dilimo rodiklio matavimas dilinant abrazyviniu diskuLST EN 12373-10:2000 Aliuminis ir aliuminio lydiniai. Anodavimas. 10 dalis. Anodiniø LST EN ISO 8251:<strong>2011</strong>oksidiniø dangø vidutinio savitojo atsparumo dilimui matavimas, naudojant abrazyvopurðkimo <strong>prie</strong>taisàTK 50 ÐILDYMO IR VËDINIMO SISTEMOSLST EN 488:2004 Centralizuoto ðilumos tiekimo vamzdþiai. Bekanaliø karðto vandens LST EN 488:<strong>2011</strong>tinklø ið anksto neardomai izoliuotø vamzdþiø sistemos. Plieniniø vamzdþiø plieniniaiuþdarymo ir reguliavimo átaisai, poliuretaninë ðilumos izoliacija ir iðorinispolietileninis apvalkalasTK 56 NAFTOS PR<strong>AM</strong>ONËS ÁRENGINIAILST EN 593:2009 Pramoninës sklendës. Metalinës droselinës sklendësLST EN 593:2009+A1:<strong>2011</strong>LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTASLST EN 3280:2001 Orlaiviai ir erdvëlaiviai. Aviaciniø konstrukcijø standûs arba LST EN 3280:<strong>2011</strong>susilygiuojantieji riedëjimo guoliai. Techniniai reikalavimaiLST EN 548:2004, LST EN 548:2004/AC:2008 Tampriosios grindø dangos. LST EN 548:<strong>2011</strong>Techniniai vienspalvio ir raðtuotojo linoleumo reikalavimaiLST EN 61646:2001 Plonasluoksniai antþeminiai fotoelektrovaros moduliai. LST EN 61646:2008Konstrukcijos ávertinimas ir tipo patvirtinimas (IEC 61646:1996)LST EN 649:2002, LST EN 649:2002/A1:2004 Tampriosios grindø dangos. LST EN 649:<strong>2011</strong>Vientisos ir ávairialytës polivinilchlorido grindø dangos. Techniniai reikalavimaiLST EN 651:2002, LST EN 651:2002/A1:2004 Tampriosios grindø dangos. LST EN 651:<strong>2011</strong>Polivinilchlorido grindø dangos su putplasèio sluoksniu. Techniniai reikalavimaiLST EN 652:2002 Tampriosios grindø dangos. Polivinilchlorido grindø dangos su LST EN 652:<strong>2011</strong>kamðtienos pagrindu. Techniniai reikalavimaiLST EN 81-1+AC:2000 en, LST EN 81-1+AC:2002 lt,LST EN 81-1:2000+A3:2010LST EN 81-1+AC:2002/A1:2006 en, LST EN 81-1+AC:2002/A2:2004 en,LST EN 81-1+AC:2002/A2:2004/P:2006 en, LST EN 81-1+AC:2002/A2:2006 ltLiftø projektavimo ir árengimo saugos taisyklës. 1 dalis. Elektriniai liftaiLST EN 81-2+AC:2000 en, LST EN 81-2+AC:2002 lt,LST EN 81-2:2000+A3:2010LST EN 81-2+AC:2002/A1:2006 en, LST EN 81-2+AC:2002/A2:2004 en,LST EN 81-2+AC:2002/A2:2004/P:2006 en, LST EN 81-2+AC:2002/A2:2006 ltLiftø projektavimo ir árengimo saugos taisyklës. 2 dalis. Hidrauliniai liftaiSD 8.4:1993 Automatizuotos energijos apskaitos ir kontrolës sistemos. Patikros metodika –LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTAS 1)LST EN 2997-001:20<strong>07</strong> Aerospace series - Connectors, electrical, circular, coupled LST EN 2997-001:<strong>2011</strong>by threaded ring, fire-resistant or non fire-resistant, operating temperatures - 65 °C to175 °C continuous, 200 °C continuous, 260 °C peak - Part 001: Technical specificationLST EN 3475-603:20<strong>07</strong> Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test LST EN 3475-603:<strong>2011</strong>methods - Part 603: Resistance to wet arc trackingLST EN 4604-009:2009 Aerospace series - Cable, electrical, for signal transmission - LST EN 4604-009:<strong>2011</strong>Part 009: Cable, coaxial, light weight, 50 ohms, 180 °C, type KW (light WN) -Product standardLST EN 4604-010:2009 Aerospace series - Cable, electrical, for signal transmission - LST EN 4604-010:<strong>2011</strong>Part 010: Cable, coaxial, light weight, 50 ohms, 200 °C, type KX (light WN) - ProductstandardParengë Dalia Reginienë1) Lietuvos standartizacijos departamento Technikos komisijos nutarimu (2006 m. vasario 24 d. posëdþio protokolas Nr. TKP-6) Europos standartizacijoskomiteto technikos komiteto AECMA standartø (iðskyrus darniuosius), perimamø kaip Lietuvos standartai, antraðtës neverèiamos á lietuviø kalbà.12

LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENIS <strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7NETEKSIANTYS GALIOS LIETUVOS STANDARTAILietuvos standartizacijos departamento Technikos komisijos nutarimu (<strong>2011</strong> m. birþelio 17 d. posëdþioprotokolas Nr. TKP-17) nuo <strong>2011</strong> m. rugpjûèio 16 d. skelbiamas neteksianèiu galios ðis Lietuvos standartas.Neteksiantis galios Lietuvos standartasLST ISO/IEC 15292:20<strong>07</strong> Informacijos technologija.Saugumo metodai. Registracijos procedûrø apsaugos profilis(tapatus ISO/IEC 15292:2001)Vietoj jo taikyti–Parengë Valteris Mûþas* * *Lietuvos standartizacijos departamento Technikos komisijos nutarimu (<strong>2011</strong> m. birþelio 17 d. posëdþioprotokolas Nr. TKP-17) nuo <strong>2011</strong> m. rugsëjo 1 d. skelbiamas neteksianèiu galios ðis Lietuvos standartas.Neteksiantis galios Lietuvos standartasVietoj jo taikytiLST ISO 7172:1996 Baldai. Stalai. Pastovumo reikalavimai –Parengë Arvydas Samalavièius* * *Lietuvos standartizacijos departamento Technikos komisijos nutarimu (<strong>2011</strong> m. birþelio 17 d. posëdþioprotokolas Nr. TKP-17) nuo <strong>2011</strong> m. rugsëjo 1 d. skelbiamas neteksianèiu galios ðis Lietuvos standartas.Neteksiantis galios Lietuvos standartasLST ISO 15668:2002 Bankininkystë. Saugus bylø siuntimas(maþmena) (tapatus ISO 15668:1999)Vietoj jo taikyti–Parengë Vidmantas DomkusATNAUJINTA LIETUVOS STANDARTØ PROGR<strong>AM</strong>A(PARENGTA <strong>2011</strong> M. LIEPÀ)Programà sudaro ðios dalys:1 dalis. Originaliøjø Lietuvos standartø projektai.2 dalis. Lietuvos standartø lietuviðkøjø versijø projektai, kuriuos numatoma parengti iðvertus á lietuviøkalbà tarptautinius ir Europos standartus bei kitus tarptautiniø ir Europos standartizacijos institucijø leidinius.3 dalis. Nuo <strong>2011</strong> m. sausio 14 d. iki <strong>2011</strong> m. liepos 5 d. iðleisti Lietuvos standartai.Susipaþinti su programa galima Lietuvos standartizacijos departamento bibliotekoje (T. Kosciuðkos g. 30,LT-01100 Vilnius, 315 kab.). Telefonas pasiteirauti (8~5) 270 93 66.Parengë Veronika Bieliûnienë13

LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENIS <strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7TC 62 IEC 60601-2-31-am1:<strong>2011</strong>Amendment 1 - Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-31:Particular requirements for the basic safety andessential performance of external cardiac pacemakerswith internal power sourceTC 72 IEC 6<strong>07</strong>30-2-9:<strong>2011</strong>Automatic electrical controls for household and similaruse - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for temperaturesensing controlsTC 76 IEC 60825-4:<strong>2011</strong>Safety of laser products - Part 4: Laser guardsTC 80 IEC 61162-450:<strong>2011</strong>Maritime navigation and radiocommunicationequipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Part 450:Multiple talkers and multiple listeners - EthernetinterconnectionTC 81 IEC 62561-5:<strong>2011</strong>Lightning protection system components (LPSC) -Part 5: Requirements for earth electrode inspectionhousings and earth electrode sealsTC 81 IEC 62561-6:<strong>2011</strong>Lightning protection system components (LPSC) -Part 6: Requirements for lightning strike counters (LSC)TC 82 IEC 62109-2:<strong>2011</strong>Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaicpower systems - Part 2: Particular requirements forinvertersTC 86 IEC 61300-3-46:<strong>2011</strong>Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passivecomponents - Basic test and measurement procedures- Part 3-46: Measurement - Bore diameter for guidepin in MT ferrulesTC 100 IEC 60268-16:<strong>2011</strong>Sound system equipment - Part 16: Objective ratingof speech intelligibility by speech transmission indexTC 100 IEC 62634:<strong>2011</strong>Radio data system (RDS) - Receiver products andcharacteristics - Methods of measurementTC 1<strong>07</strong> IEC/PAS 62647-1:<strong>2011</strong>Process management for avionics - Aerospace anddefence electronic systems containing lead-free solder- Part 1: Lead-free managementTC 1<strong>07</strong> IEC/PAS 62647-2:<strong>2011</strong>Process management for avionics - Aerospace anddefence electronic systems containing lead-free solder- Part 2: Mitigation of the deleterious effects of tinTC 108 IEC/TR 62368-2:<strong>2011</strong>Audio/video, information and communicationtechnology equipment - Part 2: Explanatory informationrelated to IEC 62368-1TC 110 IEC 61747-5-2:<strong>2011</strong>Liquid crystal display devices - Part 5-2: Environmental,endurance and mechanical test methods - Visualinspection of active matrix colour liquid crystal displaymodulesTC 110 IEC 61747-6-2:<strong>2011</strong>Liquid crystal display devices - Part 6-2: Measuringmethods for liquid crystal display modules - Reflectivetype17

<strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7 LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENISRATIFIKUOTI EUROPOS STANDARTIZACIJOS KOMITETO STANDARTAIRatifikuoti Europos standartai neturi Europos standartø statuso,jei jie neperimti kaip Lietuvos standartai.ASD/ELEC EN 2240-061:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 061:Lamp, code 1683 - Product standardASD/ELEC EN 2240-062:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 062:Lamp, code 1810 - Product standardASD/ELEC EN 2240-063:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 063:Lamp, code 1815 - Product standardASD/ELEC EN 2240-064:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 064:Lamp, code 1819 - Product standardASD/ELEC EN 2240-065:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 065:Lamp, code 1820 - Product standardASD/ELEC EN 2240-066:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 066:Lamp, code 1829 - Product standardASD/ELEC EN 2240-067:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 067:Lamp, code 1843 - Product standardASD/ELEC EN 2240-068:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 068:Lamp, code 1864 - Product standardASD/ELEC EN 2240-069:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 069:Lamp, code 1978 - Product standardASD/ELEC EN 2240-<strong>07</strong>0:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part <strong>07</strong>0:Lamp, code 2232 - Product standardASD-STAN EN 2240-061:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 061:Lamp, code 1683 - Product standardASD-STAN EN 2240-062:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 062:Lamp, code 1810 - Product standardASD-STAN EN 2240-063:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 063:Lamp, code 1815 - Product standardASD-STAN EN 2240-064:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 064:Lamp, code 1819 - Product standardASD-STAN EN 2240-065:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 065:Lamp, code 1820 - Product standardASD-STAN EN 2240-066:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 066:Lamp, code 1829 - Product standardASD-STAN EN 2240-067:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 067:Lamp, code 1843 - Product standardASD-STAN EN 2240-068:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 068:Lamp, code 1864 - Product standardASD-STAN EN 2240-069:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 069:Lamp, code 1978 - Product standardASD-STAN EN 2240-<strong>07</strong>0:<strong>2011</strong>Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part <strong>07</strong>0:Lamp, code 2232 - Product standardCEN/SS F99 CEN/CLC Guide 20:<strong>2011</strong>Guide on Membership Criteria of CEN and CENELECCEN/TC 12 EN ISO 10414-2:<strong>2011</strong>Petroleum and natural gas industries - Field testing ofdrilling fluids - Part 2: Oil-based fluids (ISO 10414-2:<strong>2011</strong>)CEN/TC 12 EN ISO 11960:<strong>2011</strong>Petroleum and natural gas industries - Steel pipes foruse as casing or tubing for wells (ISO 11960:<strong>2011</strong>)CEN/TC 12 EN ISO 13501:<strong>2011</strong>Petroleum and natural gas industries - Drilling fluids -Processing equipment evaluation (ISO 13501:<strong>2011</strong>)CEN/TC 12 EN ISO 13628-4:2010/AC:<strong>2011</strong>Petroleum and natural gas industries - Design andoperation of subsea production systems - Part 4:Subsea wellhead and tree equipment - TechnicalCorrigendum 1 (ISO 13628-4:2010/Cor 1:<strong>2011</strong>)CEN/TC 51 EN 459-3:<strong>2011</strong>Building lime - Part 3: Conformity evaluationCEN/TC 52 EN 71-1:<strong>2011</strong>Safety of toys - Part 1: Mechanical and physicalpropertiesCEN/TC 93 EN 131-1:20<strong>07</strong>+A1:<strong>2011</strong>Ladders - Part 1: Terms, types, functional sizesCEN/TC 104 EN 480-1:2006+A1:<strong>2011</strong>Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Testmethods - Part 1: Reference concrete and referencemortar for testingCEN/TC 104 EN 480-13:2009+A1:<strong>2011</strong>Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Testmethods - Part 13: Reference masonry mortar fortesting mortar admixturesCEN/TC 112 EN 12369-2:<strong>2011</strong>Wood-based panels - Characteristic values forstructural design - Part 2: PlywoodCEN/TC 129 EN 674:<strong>2011</strong>Glass in building - Determination of thermaltransmittance (U value) - Guarded hot plate methodCEN/TC 129 EN 675:<strong>2011</strong>Glass in building - Determination of thermaltransmittance (U value) - Heat flow meter methodCEN/TC 139 EN 13523-11:<strong>2011</strong>Coil coated metals - Test methods - Part 11: Resistanceto solvents (rubbing test)CEN/TC 139 EN 13523-19:<strong>2011</strong>Coil coated metals - Test methods - Part 19: Paneldesign and method of atmospheric exposure testingCEN/TC 139 EN 16<strong>07</strong>4:<strong>2011</strong>Paints and varnishes - Determination of non-volatilemattercontent and spreading rate of coil coatingmaterialsCEN/TC 160 EN 341:<strong>2011</strong>Personal fall protection equipment - Descenderdevices for rescueCEN/TC 166 EN 12446:<strong>2011</strong>Chimneys - Components - Concrete outer wallelementsCEN/TC 191 CEN/TS 14972:<strong>2011</strong>Fixed firefighting systems - Watermist systems - Designand installation18

LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENIS <strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7CEN/TC 204 EN ISO 25424:<strong>2011</strong>Sterilization of medical devices - Low temperaturesteam and formaldehyde - Requirements fordevelopment, validation and routine control of asterilization process for medical devices(ISO 25424:2009)CEN/TC 2<strong>07</strong> CEN/TS 16209:<strong>2011</strong>Furniture - Classification for properties for furnituresurfacesCEN/TC 226 EN 12802:<strong>2011</strong>Road marking materials - Laboratory methods foridentificationCEN/TC 226 EN 13197:<strong>2011</strong>Road marking materials - Wear simulator TurntableCEN/TC 226 EN 13212:<strong>2011</strong>Road marking materials - Requirements for factoryproduction controlCEN/TC 226 EN 13459:<strong>2011</strong>Road marking materials - Sampling from storage andtestingCEN/TC 226 EN 1824:<strong>2011</strong>Road marking materials - Road trialsCEN/TC 249 EN ISO 294-4:2003/AC:<strong>2011</strong>Plastics - Injection moulding of test specimens ofthermoplastic materials - Part 4: Determination ofmoulding shrinkage - Technical Corrigendum 1(ISO 294-4:2001/Cor 1:20<strong>07</strong>)CEN/TC 256 EN 14535-2:<strong>2011</strong>Railway applications - Brake discs for railway rollingstock - Part 2: Brake discs mounted onto the wheel,dimensions and quality requirementsCEN/TC 260 EN 15919:<strong>2011</strong>Fertilizers - Extraction of phosphorus soluble in 2 %formic acidCEN/TC 260 EN 15920:<strong>2011</strong>Fertilizers - Extraction of phosphorus soluble in 2 %citric acidCEN/TC 260 EN 15921:<strong>2011</strong>Fertilizers - Extraction of soluble phosphorus accordingto Petermann at 65 °CCEN/TC 260 EN 15922:<strong>2011</strong>Fertilizers - Extraction of soluble phosphorus accordingto Petermann at ambient temperatureCEN/TC 260 EN 15923:<strong>2011</strong>Fertilizers - Extraction of phosphorus soluble in Joulie’salcaline ammonium citrateCEN/TC 278 EN 15722:<strong>2011</strong>Intelligent transport systems - eSafety - eCall minimumset of data (MSD)CEN/TC 287 EN ISO 19110:2006/A1:<strong>2011</strong>Geographic information - Methodology for featurecataloguing - Amendment 1 (ISO 19110:2005/<strong>AM</strong>D 1:<strong>2011</strong>)CEN/TC 289 EN ISO 17<strong>07</strong>6-2:<strong>2011</strong>Leather - Determination of abrasion resistance - Part 2:Martindale ball plate method (ISO 17<strong>07</strong>6-2:<strong>2011</strong>)CEN/TC 292 CEN/TR 16184:<strong>2011</strong>Characterization of Waste - State-of-the-art document- Analysis of eluatesCEN/TC 335 EN 14778:<strong>2011</strong>Solid biofuels - SamplingCEN/TC 335 EN 14780:<strong>2011</strong>Solid biofuels - Sample preparationCEN/TC 335 EN 14961-2:<strong>2011</strong>Solid biofuels - Fuel specifications and classes - Part 2:Wood pellets for non-industrial useCEN/TC 335 EN 14961-3:<strong>2011</strong>Solid biofuels - Fuel specifications and classes - Part 3:Wood briquettes for non-industrial useCEN/TC 335 EN 14961-4:<strong>2011</strong>Solid biofuels - Fuel specifications and classes - Part 4:Wood chips for non-industrial useCEN/TC 345 EN ISO 11260:<strong>2011</strong>Soil quality - Determination of effective cation exchangecapacity and base saturation level using bariumchloride solution (ISO 11260:1994/Cor 1:1996)CEN/TC 345 EN ISO 14240-1:<strong>2011</strong>Soil quality - Determination of soil microbial biomass -Part 1: Substrate-induced respiration method(ISO 14240-1:1997)CEN/TC 345 EN ISO 14240-2:<strong>2011</strong>Soil quality - Determination of soil microbial biomass -Part 2: Fumigation-extraction method (ISO 14240-2:1997)CEN/TC 345 EN ISO 14254:<strong>2011</strong>Soil quality - Determination of exchangeable acidity inbarium chloride extracts (ISO 14254:2001)CEN/TC 345 EN ISO 15175:<strong>2011</strong>Soil quality - Characterization of soil related togroundwater protection (ISO 15175:2004)CEN/TC 345 EN ISO 15952:<strong>2011</strong>Soil quality - Effects of pollutants on juvenile land snails(Helicidae) - Determination of the effects on growthby soil contamination (ISO 15952:2006)CEN/TC 345 EN ISO 16<strong>07</strong>2:<strong>2011</strong>Soil quality - Laboratory methods for determination ofmicrobial soil respiration (ISO 16<strong>07</strong>2:2002)CEN/TC 345 EN ISO 16133:<strong>2011</strong>Soil quality - Guidance on the establishment andmaintenance of monitoring programmes(ISO 16133:2004)CEN/TC 345 EN ISO 16703:<strong>2011</strong>Soil quality - Determination of content of hydrocarbonin the range C10 to C40 by gas chromatography(ISO 16703:2004)CEN/TC 345 EN ISO 17402:<strong>2011</strong>Soil quality - Requirements and guidance for theselection and application of methods for theassessment of bioavailability of contaminants in soiland soil materials (ISO 17402:2008)CEN/TC 392 EN ISO 16212:<strong>2011</strong>Cosmetics - Microbiology - Enumeration of yeast andmould (ISO 16212:2008)CEN/TC 392 EN ISO 18415:<strong>2011</strong>Cosmetics - Microbiology - Detection of specified andnon-specified microorganisms (ISO 18415:20<strong>07</strong>)ECISS/TC 101 EN ISO 376:<strong>2011</strong>Metallic materials - Calibration of force-provinginstruments used for the verification of uniaxial testingmachines (ISO 376:<strong>2011</strong>)19

<strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7 LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENISRATIFIKUOTI EUROPOS ELEKTROTECHNIKOS STANDARTIZACIJOSKOMITETO STANDARTAIRatifikuoti Europos standartai neturi Europos standartø statuso,jei jie neperimti kaip Lietuvos standartai.CLC/SC 9XA EN 50128:<strong>2011</strong>Railway applications - Communication, signallingand processing systems - Software for railwaycontrol and protection systemsCLC/SC 9XC EN 50122-1:<strong>2011</strong>/A1:<strong>2011</strong>Railway applications - Fixed installations - Electricalsafety, earthing and the return circuit - Part 1:Protective provisions against electric shockCLC/SR 32C EN 60127-1:2006/A1:<strong>2011</strong>Miniature fuses - Part 1: Definitions for miniature fusesand general requirements for miniature fuse-linksCLC/SR 48B EN 60512-17-2:<strong>2011</strong>Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests andmeasurements - Part 17-2: Cable clamping tests- Test 17b: Cable clamp resistance to cablerotation (IEC 60512-17-2:<strong>2011</strong>)CLC/SR 48B EN 60512-8-2:<strong>2011</strong>Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests andmeasurements - Part 8-2: Static load tests (fixedconnectors) - Test 8b: Static load, axial(IEC 60512-8-2:<strong>2011</strong>)CLC/SR 48B EN 60512-8-3:<strong>2011</strong>Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests andmeasurements - Part 8-3: Static load tests (fixedconnectors) - Test 8c: Robustness of actuatinglever (IEC 60512-8-3:<strong>2011</strong>)CLC/SR 48B EN 60512-9-4:<strong>2011</strong>Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests andmeasurements - Part 9-4: Endurance tests - Test 9d:Durability of contact retention system and seals(maintenance, ageing) (IEC 60512-9-4:<strong>2011</strong>)CLC/SR 48B EN 60603-7-1:<strong>2011</strong>Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7-1:Detail specification for 8-way, shielded, free andfixed connectors (IEC 60603-7-1:<strong>2011</strong>)CLC/SR 57 EN 61850-4:<strong>2011</strong>Communication networks and systems for powerutility automation - Part 4: System and projectmanagement (IEC 61850-4:<strong>2011</strong>)CLC/SR 112 EN 62631-1:<strong>2011</strong>Dielectric and resistive properties of solidinsulating materials - Part 1: GeneralCLC/TC 22X EN 61954:<strong>2011</strong>Static VAR compensators (SVC) - Testing ofthyristor valves (IEC 61954:<strong>2011</strong>)CLC/TC 22X EN 62040-3:<strong>2011</strong>Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 3:Method of specifying the performance and testrequirements (IEC 62040-3:<strong>2011</strong>)CLC/TC 34Z EN 62386-210:<strong>2011</strong>Digital addressable lighting interface - Part 210:Particular requirements for control gear -Sequencer (device type 9)CLC/TC 40XB EN 140401-804:<strong>2011</strong>Detail Specification: Fixed low power film highstability SMD resistors - Rectangular - Stabilityclasses 0,1; 0,25CLC/TC 45B EN 62363:<strong>2011</strong>Radiation protection instrumentation - Portablephoton contamination meters and monitors(IEC 62363:2008, modified)CLC/TC 57 EN 61850-4:<strong>2011</strong>Communication networks and systems for powerutility automation - Part 4: System and projectmanagement (IEC 61850-4:<strong>2011</strong>)CLC/TC 61F EN 61029-2-3:<strong>2011</strong>Safety of transportable motor-operated electrictools - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for planersand thicknessersCLC/TC 61F EN 6<strong>07</strong>45-2-22:<strong>2011</strong>Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -Part 2-22: Particular requirements for cut-off machinesCLC/TC 79 EN 50130-4:<strong>2011</strong>Alarm systems - Part 4: Electromagneticcompatibility - Product family standard: Immunityrequirements for components of fire, intruder,hold up, CCTV, access control and social alarmsystemsCLC/TC 79 EN 50130-5:<strong>2011</strong>Alarm systems - Part 5: Environmental testmethodsCLC/TC 81X EN 50536:<strong>2011</strong>/AC:<strong>2011</strong>Protection against lightning - Thunderstormwarning systemsCLC/TC 82 EN 50548:<strong>2011</strong>Junction boxes for photovoltaic modulesCLC/TC 86A EN 6<strong>07</strong>93-1-44:<strong>2011</strong>Optical fibres - Part 1-44: Measurement methodsand test procedures - Cut-off wavelength(IEC 6<strong>07</strong>93-1-44:<strong>2011</strong>)CLC/TC 86BXA EN 50377-14-1:<strong>2011</strong>Connector sets and interconnect components tobe used in optical fibre communication systems -Product specifications - Part 14-1: Cords withIEC 6<strong>07</strong>93-2-50 singlemode category B1.1 andB1.3 fibre for category CCLC/TC 86BXA EN 50411-6-1:<strong>2011</strong>Fibre organisers and closures to be used inoptical fibre communication systems - Productspecifications - Part 6-1: Unprotected microductfor category S and ACLC/TC 86BXA EN 61300-3-45:<strong>2011</strong>Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passivecomponents - Basic test and measurementprocedures - Part 3-45: Examinations andmeasurements - Attenuation of random matedmulti-fibre connectors (IEC 61300-3-45:<strong>2011</strong>)CLC/TC 116 EN 6<strong>07</strong>45-2-22:<strong>2011</strong>Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -Part 2-22: Particular requirements for cut-off machinesCLC/TC 116 EN 61029-2-3:<strong>2011</strong>Safety of transportable motor-operated electrictools - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for planersand thicknessersCLC/TC 206 EN 61937-10:<strong>2011</strong>Digital audio - Interface for non-linear PCMencoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958 -Part 10: Non-linear PCM bitstreams according tothe MPEG-4 Audio Lossless Coding (ALS) format(IEC 61937-10:<strong>2011</strong>)CLC/TC 209 EN 6<strong>07</strong>28-6:<strong>2011</strong>Cable networks for television signals, soundsignals and interactive services - Part 6: Opticalequipment (IEC 6<strong>07</strong>28-6:<strong>2011</strong>)CLC/TC 210 EN 61000-4-15:<strong>2011</strong>Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-15:Testing and measurement techniques -Flickermeter - Functional and designspecifications20

LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENIS <strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7RATIFIKUOTI EUROPOS TELEKOMUNIKACIJØ STANDARTØ INSTITUTO STANDARTAIRatifikuoti Europos standartai neturi Europos standartø statuso,jei jie neperimti kaip Lietuvos standartai.ETSI EN 302 296-2 V1.2.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrumMatters (ERM); Transmitting equipment for the digitaltelevision broadcast service, Terrestrial (DVB-T); Part 2:Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements ofarticle 3.2 of the R&TTE DirectiveETSI EN 302 774 V1.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Broadband Wireless Access Systems (BWA) in the3 400 MHz to 3 800 MHz frequency band; BaseStations; Harmonized EN covering the essentialrequirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE DirectiveETSI EN 302 998-1 V1.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrumMatters (ERM); Transmitting equipment for terrestrialmobile TV to provide multimedia multicast service;Part 1: Harmonized EN covering the essentialrequirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive,Common requirementsETSI EN 302 998-2 V1.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrumMatters (ERM); Transmitting equipment for terrestrialmobile TV to provide multimedia multicast service; Part 2:Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements ofarticle 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive, Test Arrangements fortransmitters utilizing OFDM technologyETSI ES 201 873-1 V4.3.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS); TheTesting and Test Control Notation version 3; Part 1:TTCN-3 Core LanguageETSI ES 201 873-10 V4.3.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS); TheTesting and Test Control Notation version 3; Part 10:TTCN-3 Documentation Comment SpecificationETSI ES 201 873-5 V4.3.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS); TheTesting and Test Control Notation version 3; Part 5:TTCN-3 Runtime Interface (TRI)ETSI ES 201 873-6 V4.3.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS); TheTesting and Test Control Notation version 3; Part 6:TTCN-3 Control Interface (TCI)ETSI ES 201 873-7 V4.3.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS); TheTesting and Test Control Notation version 3; Part 7: UsingASN.1 with TTCN-3ETSI ES 201 873-8 V4.3.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS); TheTesting and Test Control Notation version 3; Part 8: TheIDL to TTCN-3 MappingETSI ES 201 873-9 V4.3.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS); TheTesting and Test Control Notation version 3; Part 9: UsingXML schema with TTCN-3ETSI SR 000 314 V2.10.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs); Essential, orpotentially Essential, IPRs notified to ETSI in respect ofETSI standardsETSI TR 101 560 V1.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Network Testing (INT); IMS NNI Interworking TestScripts for RCS Release 2.0ETSI TR 101 561 V1.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Network Testing (INT); Enhancement of AutomatedInteroperability Testing Framework in IMS corenetworks: Test adapter And codec design suited forTTCN-3 interoperability testingETSI TR 102 688-8 V1.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Media Content Distribution (MCD); MCD framework;Part 8: Audience MeasurementETSI TR 102 749 V1.2.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrumMatters (ERM); Short Range Devices (SRD); Test ReportTemplate for testing to EN 300 220-2 V2.3.1 (R&TTE)ETSI TR 102 863 V1.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); VehicularCommunications; Basic Set of Applications; LocalDynamic Map (LDM); Rationale for and guidance onstandardizationETSI TR 102 877 V1.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing(ATTM); Energy Efficiency of Energy Related Products(ErPs) with regards to their Ecodesign Requirements;Network Apparatus and Customer Premises Equipmentrelating to Cable Network Operator’s ServicesETSI TR 102 892 V1.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrumMatters (ERM); SRD radar equipment using WidebandLow Activity Mode (WL<strong>AM</strong>) and operating in thefrequency range from 24,05 GHz to 24,50 GHz; SystemReference DocumentETSI TR 121 900 V9.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Technical Specification Group working methods(3GPP TR 21.900 version 9.1.0 Release 9)ETSI TR 126 946 V9.0.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS) userservice guidelines (3GPP TR 26.946 version 9.0.1Release 9)ETSI TR 136 921 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);FDD Home eNode B (HeNB) Radio Frequency (RF)requirements analysis (3GPP TR 36.921 version 10.0.0Release 10)ETSI TR 136 922 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);TDD Home eNode B (HeNB) Radio Frequency (RF)requirements analysis (3GPP TR 36.922 version 10.0.0Release 10)ETSI TR 136 931 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Radio Frequency (RF) requirements for LTE Pico NodeB (3GPP TR 36.931 version 10.0.0 Release 10)ETSI TR 136 931 V9.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Radio Frequency (RF) requirements for LTE Pico NodeB (3GPP TR 36.931 version 9.0.0 Release 9)ETSI TR 136 942 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Radio Frequency (RF) system scenarios(3GPP TR 36.942 version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TR 137 900 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Radio Frequency (RF) requirements for Multicarrierand Multiple Radio Access Technology (Multi-RAT) BaseStation (BS) (3GPP TR 37.900 version 10.0.0Release 10)21

<strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7 LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENISETSI TR 143 901 V10.0.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Feasibility Study on generic access to A/Gb interface(3GPP TR 43.901 version 10.0.1 Release 10)ETSI TR 145 914 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Circuit switched voice capacity evolution for GSM/EDGERadio Access Network (GERAN) (3GPP TR 45.914version 10.0.0 Release 10)ETSI TR 187 020 V1.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Radio Frequency Identification (RFID); CoordinatedESO response to Phase 1 of EU Mandate M436ETSI TS 101 154 V1.10.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Specification for theuse of Video and Audio Coding in BroadcastingApplications based on the MPEG-2 Transport StreamETSI TS 102 542-1 V1.3.2 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Guidelines for theimplementation of DVB-IPTV Phase 1 specifications;Part 1: Core IPTV FunctionsETSI TS 102 542-3-2 V1.3.2 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Guidelines for theimplementation of DVB-IPTV Phase 1 specifications;Part 3: Error Recovery; Sub-part 2: Application Layer -Forward Error Correction (AL-FEC)ETSI TS 102 542-4 V1.3.2 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Guidelines for theimplementation of DVB-IPTV Phase 1 specifications;Part 4: Remote Management and Firmware UpdateETSI TS 102 636-4-1 V1.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Intelligent Transport System (ITS); Vehicularcommunications; GeoNetworking; Part 4: Geographicaladdressing and forwarding for point-to-point andpoint-to-multipoint communications; Sub-part 1:Media-Independent FunctionalityETSI TS 102 657 V1.8.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Lawful Interception (LI); Retained data handling;Handover interface for the request and delivery ofretained dataETSI TS 102 695-1 V8.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Smart Cards; Test specification for the Host ControllerInterface (HCI) Part 1: Terminal features (Release 8)ETSI TS 102 695-3 V8.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Smart Cards; Test specification for the Host ControllerInterface (HCI) Part 3: Host Controller features (Release 8)ETSI TS 102 795 V2.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrumMatters (ERM); digital Private Mobile Radio (dPMR);Part 3: Requirements catalogueETSI TS 102 871-1 V1.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Testing;Conformance test specifications for GeoNetworkingITS-G5; Part 1: Test requirements and ProtocolImplementation Conformance Statement (PICS)proformaETSI TS 102 871-2 V1.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Testing;Conformance test specifications for GeoNetworkingITS-G5; Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes(TSS&TP)ETSI TS 102 871-3 V1.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Testing;Conformance test specifications for GeoNetworkingITS-G5; Part 3: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and ProtocolImplementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT)ETSI TS 102 901 V1.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Network Testing (INT); IMS NNI Interoperability TestSpecifications; IMS NNI interoperability test descriptionsfor RCS22ETSI TS 102 991 V1.2.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); ImplementationGuidelines for a second generation digital cabletransmission system (DVB-C2)ETSI TS 103 161-1 V1.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Access, Terminals, Transmission and Multiplexing(ATTM); Integrated Broadband Cable and TelevisionNetworks; IPCablecom 1.5 Part 1: OverviewETSI TS 122 038 V10.0.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);(U)SIM Application Toolkit (USAT); Service description;Stage 1 (3GPP TS 22.038 version 10.0.1 Release 10)ETSI TS 122 101 V10.5.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Service aspects; Service principles (3GPP TS 22.101version 10.5.1 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 003 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Numbering, addressing and identification(3GPP TS 23.003 version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 003 V8.13.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Numbering, addressing and identification(3GPP TS 23.003 version 8.13.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 123 003 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Numbering, addressing and identification(3GPP TS 23.003 version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 123 0<strong>07</strong> V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Restoration procedures (3GPP TS 23.0<strong>07</strong>version 10.4.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 0<strong>07</strong> V9.8.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Restoration procedures (3GPP TS 23.0<strong>07</strong> version 9.8.0Release 9)ETSI TS 123 008 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Organization of subscriber data (3GPP TS 23.008version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 012 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Location management procedures (3GPP TS 23.012version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 018 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Basic call handling; Technical realization(3GPP TS 23.018 version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 018 V8.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Basic call handling; Technical realization(3GPP TS 23.018 version 8.4.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 123 018 V9.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Basic call handling; Technical realization(3GPP TS 23.018 version 9.3.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 123 060 V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Servicedescription; Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.060 version 10.4.0Release 10)

LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENIS <strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7ETSI TS 123 060 V7.11.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Service description;Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.060 version 7.11.0 Release 7)ETSI TS 123 060 V8.13.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Servicedescription; Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.060 version 8.13.0Release 8)ETSI TS 123 060 V9.9.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Servicedescription; Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.060 version 9.9.0Release 9)ETSI TS 123 066 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Support of Mobile Number Portability (MNP); Technicalrealization; Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.066 version 10.0.0Release 10)ETSI TS 123 067 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);enhanced Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emptionService (eMLPP); Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.067version 10.0.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 <strong>07</strong>2 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Call Deflection supplementary service; Stage 2(3GPP TS 23.<strong>07</strong>2 version 10.0.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 <strong>07</strong>9 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Support of Optimal Routeing (SOR); Technicalrealization (3GPP TS 23.<strong>07</strong>9 version 10.0.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 083 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Call Waiting (CW) and Call Hold (HOLD) supplementaryservices; Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.083 version 10.0.0Release 10)ETSI TS 123 1<strong>07</strong> V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Quality of Service (QoS) concept and architecture(3GPP TS 23.1<strong>07</strong> version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 1<strong>07</strong> V8.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Quality of Service (QoS) concept and architecture(3GPP TS 23.1<strong>07</strong> version 8.1.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 123 1<strong>07</strong> V9.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Quality of Service (QoS) concept and architecture(3GPP TS 23.1<strong>07</strong> version 9.2.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 123 122 V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) functions related to MobileStation (MS) in idle mode (3GPP TS 23.122version 10.4.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 122 V8.12.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) functions related to MobileStation (MS) in idle mode (3GPP TS 23.122version 8.12.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 123 122 V9.6.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) functions related to MobileStation (MS) in idle mode (3GPP TS 23.122version 9.6.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 123 203 V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Policy and charging control architecture(3GPP TS 23.203 version 10.4.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 203 V8.12.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Policy and charging control architecture(3GPP TS 23.203 version 8.12.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 123 203 V9.9.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Policy and charging control architecture(3GPP TS 23.203 version 9.9.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 123 205 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Bearer-independent circuit-switched core network;Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.205 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 205 V8.10.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Bearer-independent circuit-switched core network;Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.205 version 8.10.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 123 205 V9.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Bearer-independent circuit-switched core network;Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.205 version 9.3.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 123 216 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC);Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.216 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 216 V8.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC);Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.216 version 8.7.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 123 216 V9.8.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC);Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.216 version 9.8.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 123 228 V10.5.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS); Stage 2(3GPP TS 23.228 version 10.5.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 237 V10.6.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Service Continuity;Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.237 version 10.6.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 246 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS);Architecture and functional description(3GPP TS 23.246 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 251 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Network sharing; Architecture and functionaldescription (3GPP TS 23.251 version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 272 V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Circuit Switched (CS) fallback in Evolved PacketSystem (EPS); Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.272 version 10.4.0Release 10)23

<strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7 LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENISETSI TS 123 272 V9.8.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Circuit Switched (CS) fallback in Evolved PacketSystem (EPS); Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.272 version 9.8.0Release 9)ETSI TS 123 284 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Local Call Local Switch (LCLS); Stage 2(3GPP TS 23.284 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 333 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Multimedia Resource Function Controller (MRFC)- Multimedia Resource Function Processor (MRFP) Mpinterface: Procedures descriptions (3GPP TS 23.333version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 380 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IMS Restoration Procedures (3GPP TS 23.380version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 380 V8.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IMS Restoration Procedures (3GPP TS 23.380version 8.4.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 123 380 V9.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IMS Restoration Procedures (3GPP TS 23.380version 9.4.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 123 401 V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) enhancementsfor Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network(E-UTRAN) access (3GPP TS 23.401 version 10.4.0Release 10)ETSI TS 123 401 V8.14.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) enhancementsfor Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network(E-UTRAN) access (3GPP TS 23.401 version 8.14.0Release 8)ETSI TS 123 401 V9.9.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) enhancementsfor Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network(E-UTRAN) access (3GPP TS 23.401 version 9.9.0Release 9)ETSI TS 123 402 V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Architecture enhancements for non-3GPP accesses(3GPP TS 23.402 version 10.4.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 123 402 V9.9.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Architecture enhancements for non-3GPP accesses(3GPP TS 23.402 version 9.9.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 124 008 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Corenetwork protocols; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.008version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 008 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Corenetwork protocols; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.008version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 008 V8.13.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Corenetwork protocols; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.008version 8.13.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 124 008 V8.14.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Corenetwork protocols; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.008version 8.14.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 124 008 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Corenetwork protocols; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.008version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 124 010 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Mobile radio interface layer 3; Supplementaryservices specification; General aspects(3GPP TS 24.010 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 084 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);MultiParty (MPTY) supplementary service; Stage 3(3GPP TS 24.084 version 10.0.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 147 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Conferencing using the IP Multimedia (IM) CoreNetwork (CN) subsystem; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.147version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 182 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) CustomizedAlerting Tones (CAT); Protocol specification(3GPP TS 24.182 version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 182 V8.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) CustomizedAlerting Tones (CAT); Protocol specification(3GPP TS 24.182 version 8.7.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 124 182 V9.8.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) CustomizedAlerting Tones (CAT); Protocol specification(3GPP TS 24.182 version 9.8.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 124 183 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) CustomizedRinging Signal (CRS); Protocol specification(3GPP TS 24.183 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 183 V9.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) CustomizedRinging Signal (CRS); Protocol specification(3GPP TS 24.183 version 9.4.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 124 229 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP multimedia call control protocol based onSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session DescriptionProtocol (SDP); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.229version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 229 V6.26.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP multimedia call control protocol based onSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session DescriptionProtocol (SDP); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.229version 6.26.0 Release 6)24

LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENIS <strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7ETSI TS 124 229 V7.23.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP multimedia call control protocol based onSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session DescriptionProtocol (SDP); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.229version 7.23.0 Release 7)ETSI TS 124 229 V8.15.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP multimedia call control protocol based onSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session DescriptionProtocol (SDP); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.229version 8.15.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 124 229 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP multimedia call control protocol based onSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Session DescriptionProtocol (SDP); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.229 version 9.7.0Release 9)ETSI TS 124 234 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; 3GPP system to Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN) interworking; WLAN User Equipment (WLANUE) to network protocols; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.234version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 235 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; 3GPP System to Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN) interworking Management Object (MO)(3GPP TS 24.235 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 237 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystemIP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) service continuity;Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.237 version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 237 V8.9.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystemIP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) service continuity;Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.237 version 8.9.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 124 237 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystemIP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) service continuity;Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.237 version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 124 247 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Messaging service using the IP Multimedia (IM)Core Network (CN) subsystem; Stage 3(3GPP TS 24.247 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 247 V8.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Messaging service using the IP Multimedia (IM)Core Network (CN) subsystem; Stage 3(3GPP TS 24.247 version 8.7.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 124 247 V9.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Messaging service using the IP Multimedia (IM)Core Network (CN) subsystem; Stage 3(3GPP TS 24.247 version 9.4.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 124 292 V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystemCentralized Services (ICS); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.292version 10.4.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 292 V9.8.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystemCentralized Services (ICS); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.292version 9.8.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 124 301 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for EvolvedPacket System (EPS); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.301version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 301 V8.10.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for EvolvedPacket System (EPS); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.301version 8.10.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 124 301 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for EvolvedPacket System (EPS); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.301version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 124 302 V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Access to the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core (EPC)via non-3GPP access networks; Stage 3(3GPP TS 24.302 version 10.4.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 302 V8.9.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Access to the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core (EPC)via non-3GPP access networks; Stage 3(3GPP TS 24.302 version 8.9.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 124 302 V9.6.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Access to the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core (EPC)via non-3GPP access networks; Stage 3(3GPP TS 24.302 version 9.6.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 124 303 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Mobility management based on Dual-Stack MobileIPv6; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.303 version 10.3.0Release 10)ETSI TS 124 312 V10.2.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Access Network Discovery and Selection Function(ANDSF) Management Object (MO) (3GPP TS 24.312version 10.2.1 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 312 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Access Network Discovery and Selection Function(ANDSF) Management Object (MO) (3GPP TS 24.312version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 327 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Mobility between 3GPP Wireless Local AreaNetwork (WLAN) interworking (I-WLAN) and3GPP systems; General Packet Radio System (GPRS)and 3GPP I-WLAN aspects; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.327version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 337 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystemIP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) inter-UE transfer;Stage 3 (3GPP TS 24.337 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 124 368 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Non-Access Stratum (NAS) configurationManagement Object (MO) (3GPP TS 24.368version 10.1.0 Release 10)25

LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENIS <strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7ETSI TS 126 244 V9.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Transparent end-to-end packet switchedstreaming service (PSS); 3GPP file format (3GP)(3GPP TS 26.244 version 9.4.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 126 247 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Transparent end-to-end Packet-switchedStreaming Service (PSS); Progressive Download andDynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (3GP-DASH)(3GPP TS 26.247 version 10.0.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 126 346 V9.4.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS);Protocols and codecs (3GPP TS 26.346 version 9.4.1Release 9)ETSI TS 127 0<strong>07</strong> V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; AT command set for User Equipment (UE)(3GPP TS 27.0<strong>07</strong> version 10.4.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 127 0<strong>07</strong> V8.14.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; AT command set for User Equipment (UE)(3GPP TS 27.0<strong>07</strong> version 8.14.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 127 0<strong>07</strong> V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; AT command set for User Equipment (UE)(3GPP TS 27.0<strong>07</strong> version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 010 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Information element mapping between MobileStation - Base Station System (MS - BSS) and BaseStation System - Mobile-services Switching Centre(BSS - MSC); Signalling Procedures and the MobileApplication Part (MAP) (3GPP TS 29.010 version 10.1.0Release 10)ETSI TS 129 010 V9.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Information element mapping between MobileStation - Base Station System (MS - BSS) and BaseStation System - Mobile-services Switching Centre(BSS - MSC); Signalling Procedures and the MobileApplication Part (MAP) (3GPP TS 29.010 version 9.3.0Release 9)ETSI TS 129 018 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Serving GPRSSupport Node (SGSN) - Visitors Location Register(VLR); Gs interface layer 3 specification(3GPP TS 29.018 version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 060 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); GPRS TunnellingProtocol (GTP) across the Gn and Gp interface(3GPP TS 29.060 version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 060 V7.16.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); GPRS TunnellingProtocol (GTP) across the Gn and Gp interface(3GPP TS 29.060 version 7.16.0 Release 7)ETSI TS 129 060 V8.14.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); GPRS TunnellingProtocol (GTP) across the Gn and Gp interface(3GPP TS 29.060 version 8.14.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 060 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); GPRS TunnellingProtocol (GTP) across the Gn and Gp interface(3GPP TS 29.060 version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 061 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Interworking between the Public Land MobileNetwork (PLMN) supporting packet based servicesand Packet Data Networks (PDN) (3GPP TS 29.061version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 061 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Interworking between the Public Land MobileNetwork (PLMN) supporting packet based servicesand Packet Data Networks (PDN) (3GPP TS 29.061version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 061 V8.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Interworking between the Public Land MobileNetwork (PLMN) supporting packet based servicesand Packet Data Networks (PDN) (3GPP TS 29.061version 8.7.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 061 V9.5.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Interworking between the Public Land MobileNetwork (PLMN) supporting packet based servicesand Packet Data Networks (PDN) (3GPP TS 29.061version 9.5.1 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 061 V9.6.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Interworking between the Public Land MobileNetwork (PLMN) supporting packet based servicesand Packet Data Networks (PDN) (3GPP TS 29.061version 9.6.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 <strong>07</strong>9 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Optimal media routeing within the IP MultimediaSubsystem (IMS); Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.<strong>07</strong>9version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 118 V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Mobility Management Entity (MME) - Visitor LocationRegister (VLR) SGs interface specification(3GPP TS 29.118 version 10.4.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 118 V9.5.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Mobility Management Entity (MME) - Visitor LocationRegister (VLR) SGs interface specification(3GPP TS 29.118 version 9.5.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 162 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system(Phase 2+); Universal Mobile TelecommunicationsSystem (UMTS); LTE; Interworking between the IMCN subsystem and IP networks (3GPP TS 29.162version 10.2.0 Release 10)27

<strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7 LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENISETSI TS 129 162 V8.5.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Interworking between the IM CN subsystem andIP networks (3GPP TS 29.162 version 8.5.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 162 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Interworking between the IM CN subsystem andIP networks (3GPP TS 29.162 version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 163 V10.2.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Interworking between the IP Multimedia (IM) CoreNetwork (CN) subsystem and Circuit Switched (CS)networks (3GPP TS 29.163 version 10.2.1 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 163 V7.23.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Interworking between the IP Multimedia (IM) CoreNetwork (CN) subsystem and Circuit Switched (CS)networks (3GPP TS 29.163 version 7.23.1 Release 7)ETSI TS 129 163 V8.15.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Interworking between the IP Multimedia (IM) CoreNetwork (CN) subsystem and Circuit Switched (CS)networks (3GPP TS 29.163 version 8.15.1 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 163 V9.6.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Interworking between the IP Multimedia (IM) CoreNetwork (CN) subsystem and Circuit Switched (CS)networks (3GPP TS 29.163 version 9.6.1 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 165 V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Inter-IMS Network to Network Interface (NNI)(3GPP TS 29.165 version 10.4.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 165 V8.9.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Inter-IMS Network to Network Interface (NNI)(3GPP TS 29.165 version 8.9.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 165 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Inter-IMS Network to Network Interface (NNI)(3GPP TS 29.165 version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 171 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Location Services (LCS); LCS Application Protocol(LCS-AP) between the Mobile Management Entity(MME) and Evolved Serving Mobile Location Centre(E-SMLC); SLs interface (3GPP TS 29.171version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 171 V9.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Location Services (LCS); LCS Application Protocol(LCS-AP) between the Mobile Management Entity(MME) and Evolved Serving Mobile Location Centre(E-SMLC); SLs interface (3GPP TS 29.171 version 9.4.0Release 9)ETSI TS 129 199-3 V9.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Open Service Access (OSA); Parlay X webservices; Part 3: Call notification (3GPP TS 29.199-03version 9.1.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 202 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Signalling System No. 7 (SS7) signalling transport incore network; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.202 version 10.1.0Release 10)ETSI TS 129 205 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Application of Q.1900 series to bearer independentCircuit Switched (CS) core network architecture;Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.205 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 212 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Policy and charging control over Gx referencepoint (3GPP TS 29.212 version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 212 V8.12.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Policy and charging control over Gx referencepoint (3GPP TS 29.212 version 8.12.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 212 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Policy and charging control over Gx referencepoint (3GPP TS 29.212 version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 213 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Policy and charging control signalling flows andQuality of Service (QoS) parameter mapping(3GPP TS 29.213 version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 214 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Policy and charging control over Rx referencepoint (3GPP TS 29.214 version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 214 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Policy and charging control over Rx referencepoint (3GPP TS 29.214 version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 215 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Policy and Charging Control (PCC) overS9 reference point; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.215version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 215 V8.10.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Policy and Charging Control (PCC) overS9 reference point; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.215version 8.10.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 215 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Policy and Charging Control (PCC) overS9 reference point; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.215version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 228 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia (IM) Subsystem Cx andDx Interfaces; Signalling flows and message contents(3GPP TS 29.228 version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 228 V7.16.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia (IM) Subsystem Cx andDx Interfaces; Signalling flows and message contents(3GPP TS 29.228 version 7.16.0 Release 7)ETSI TS 129 228 V8.13.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia (IM) Subsystem Cx andDx Interfaces; Signalling flows and message contents(3GPP TS 29.228 version 8.13.0 Release 8)28

LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENIS <strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7ETSI TS 129 228 V9.6.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia (IM) Subsystem Cx andDx Interfaces; Signalling flows and message contents(3GPP TS 29.228 version 9.6.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 229 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Cx and Dx interfaces based on the Diameterprotocol; Protocol details (3GPP TS 29.229version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 229 V7.11.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Cx and Dx interfaces based on the Diameterprotocol; Protocol details (3GPP TS 29.229version 7.11.0 Release 7)ETSI TS 129 229 V8.12.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Cx and Dx interfaces based on the Diameterprotocol; Protocol details (3GPP TS 29.229version 8.12.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 229 V9.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Cx and Dx interfaces based on the Diameterprotocol; Protocol details (3GPP TS 29.229version 9.4.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 230 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Diameter applications; 3GPP specific codes andidentifiers (3GPP TS 29.230 version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 230 V7.15.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Diameter applications; 3GPP specific codes andidentifiers (3GPP TS 29.230 version 7.15.0 Release 7)ETSI TS 129 230 V8.11.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Diameter applications; 3GPP specific codes andidentifiers (3GPP TS 29.230 version 8.11.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 230 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Diameter applications; 3GPP specific codes andidentifiers (3GPP TS 29.230 version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 232 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Media Gateway Controller (MGC) - Media Gateway(MGW) interface; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.232version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 234 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; 3GPP system to Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN) interworking; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.234version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 234 V6.16.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; 3GPP system to Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN) interworking; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.234version 6.16.0 Release 6)ETSI TS 129 234 V7.13.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; 3GPP system to Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN) interworking; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.234version 7.13.0 Release 7)ETSI TS 129 234 V8.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; 3GPP system to Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN) interworking; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.234version 8.4.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 234 V9.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; 3GPP system to Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN) interworking; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.234version 9.2.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 238 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Interconnection Border Control Functions (IBCF) -Transition Gateway (TrGW) interface, Ix interface;Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.238 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 272 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Evolved Packet System (EPS); MobilityManagement Entity (MME) and Serving GPRS SupportNode (SGSN) related interfaces based on Diameterprotocol (3GPP TS 29.272 version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 272 V8.11.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Evolved Packet System (EPS); MobilityManagement Entity (MME) and Serving GPRS SupportNode (SGSN) related interfaces based on Diameterprotocol (3GPP TS 29.272 version 8.11.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 272 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Evolved Packet System (EPS); MobilityManagement Entity (MME) and Serving GPRS SupportNode (SGSN) related interfaces based on Diameterprotocol (3GPP TS 29.272 version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 273 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Evolved Packet System (EPS); 3GPP EPS AAAinterfaces (3GPP TS 29.273 version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 273 V8.8.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Evolved Packet System (EPS); 3GPP EPS AAAinterfaces (3GPP TS 29.273 version 8.8.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 273 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Evolved Packet System (EPS); 3GPP EPS AAAinterfaces (3GPP TS 29.273 version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 274 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; 3GPP Evolved Packet System (EPS); EvolvedGeneral Packet Radio Service (GPRS) TunnellingProtocol for Control plane (GTPv2-C); Stage 3(3GPP TS 29.274 version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 274 V8.10.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; 3GPP Evolved Packet System (EPS); EvolvedGeneral Packet Radio Service (GPRS) TunnellingProtocol for Control plane (GTPv2-C); Stage 3(3GPP TS 29.274 version 8.10.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 274 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; 3GPP Evolved Packet System (EPS); EvolvedGeneral Packet Radio Service (GPRS) TunnellingProtocol for Control plane (GTPv2-C); Stage 3(3GPP TS 29.274 version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 275 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) based Mobility andTunnelling protocols; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.275version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 275 V9.5.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) based Mobility andTunnelling protocols; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.275version 9.5.0 Release 9)29

<strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7 LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENISETSI TS 129 276 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; 3GPP Evolved Packet System (EPS); Optimizedhandover procedures and protocols between E-UTRANaccess and cdma2000 HRPD Access; Stage 3(3GPP TS 29.276 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 276 V8.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; 3GPP Evolved Packet System (EPS); Optimizedhandover procedures and protocols between E-UTRANaccess and cdma2000 HRPD Access; Stage 3(3GPP TS 29.276 version 8.7.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 276 V9.5.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; 3GPP Evolved Packet System (EPS); Optimizedhandover procedures and protocols between E-UTRANaccess and cdma2000 HRPD Access; Stage 3(3GPP TS 29.276 version 9.5.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 280 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Evolved Packet System (EPS); 3GPP Sv interface(MME to MSC, and SGSN to MSC) for SRVCC(3GPP TS 29.280 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 280 V8.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Evolved Packet System (EPS); 3GPP Sv interface(MME to MSC, and SGSN to MSC) for SRVCC(3GPP TS 29.280 version 8.7.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 280 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Evolved Packet System (EPS); 3GPP Sv interface(MME to MSC, and SGSN to MSC) for SRVCC(3GPP TS 29.280 version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 281 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; General Packet Radio System (GPRS) TunnellingProtocol User Plane (GTPv1-U) (3GPP TS 29.281version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 282 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Mobile IPv6 vendor specific option format andusage within 3GPP (3GPP TS 29.282 version 10.1.0Release 10)ETSI TS 129 292 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Interworking between the IP Multimedia (IM) CoreNetwork (CN) subsystem (IMS) and MSC Server forIMS Centralized Services (ICS) (3GPP TS 29.292version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 292 V8.5.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Interworking between the IP Multimedia (IM) CoreNetwork (CN) subsystem (IMS) and MSC Server forIMS Centralized Services (ICS) (3GPP TS 29.292version 8.5.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 292 V9.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Interworking between the IP Multimedia (IM) CoreNetwork (CN) subsystem (IMS) and MSC Server forIMS Centralized Services (ICS) (3GPP TS 29.292version 9.1.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 303 V9.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Domain Name System Procedures; Stage 3(3GPP TS 29.303 version 9.4.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 305 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; InterWorking Function (IWF) between MAP basedand Diameter based interfaces (3GPP TS 29.305version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 328 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia (IM) Subsystem Sh interface;Signalling flows and message contents(3GPP TS 29.328 version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 328 V8.13.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia (IM) Subsystem Sh interface;Signalling flows and message contents(3GPP TS 29.328 version 8.13.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 129 328 V9.6.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IP Multimedia (IM) Subsystem Sh interface;Signalling flows and message contents(3GPP TS 29.328 version 9.6.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 129 329 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Sh interface based on the Diameter protocol; Protocoldetails (3GPP TS 29.329 version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 332 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Media Gateway Control Function (MGCF) - IM MediaGateway; Mn interface (3GPP TS 29.332 version 10.0.0Release 10)ETSI TS 129 332 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); MediaGateway Control Function (MGCF) - IM Media Gateway;Mn interface (3GPP TS 29.332 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 332 V8.10.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Media Gateway Control Function (MGCF) - IM MediaGateway; Mn interface (3GPP TS 29.332 version 8.10.0Release 8)ETSI TS 129 332 V9.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Media Gateway Control Function (MGCF) - IM MediaGateway; Mn interface (3GPP TS 29.332 version 9.3.0Release 9)ETSI TS 129 333 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Multimedia Resource Function Controller (MRFC) -Multimedia Resource Function Processor (MRFP)Mp interface; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.333 version 10.0.0Release 10)ETSI TS 129 333 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Multimedia Resource Function Controller (MRFC) -Multimedia Resource Function Processor (MRFP)Mp interface; Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.333 version 10.1.0Release 10)ETSI TS 129 334 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; IMS Application Level Gateway (IMS-ALG) -IMS Access Gateway (IMS-AGW); Iq Interface; Stage 3(3GPP TS 29.334 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 335 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; User Data Convergence (UDC); User datarepository access protocol over the Ud interface;Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.335 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 129 335 V9.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; User Data Convergence (UDC); User datarepository access protocol over the Ud interface;Stage 3 (3GPP TS 29.335 version 9.3.0 Release 9)30

LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENIS <strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7ETSI TS 131 124 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Mobile Equipment (ME) conformance testspecification; Universal Subscriber Identity ModuleApplication Toolkit (USAT) conformance testspecification (3GPP TS 31.124 version 10.0.0Release 10)ETSI TS 131 124 V9.5.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Mobile Equipment (ME) conformance testspecification; Universal Subscriber Identity ModuleApplication Toolkit (USAT) conformance testspecification (3GPP TS 31.124 version 9.5.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 132 111-2 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; FaultManagement; Part 2: Alarm Integration Reference Point(IRP): Information Service (IS) (3GPP TS 32.111-2version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 132 111-6 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; FaultManagement; Part 6: Alarm Integration Reference Point(IRP): Solution Set (SS) definitions (3GPP TS 32.111-6version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 132 250 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Chargingmanagement; Circuit Switched (CS) domain charging(3GPP TS 32.250 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 132 251 V10.5.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Chargingmanagement; Packet Switched (PS) domain charging(3GPP TS 32.251 version 10.5.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 132 251 V9.6.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Chargingmanagement; Packet Switched (PS) domain charging(3GPP TS 32.251 version 9.6.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 132 260 V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Chargingmanagement; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) charging(3GPP TS 32.260 version 10.4.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 132 260 V8.13.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Chargingmanagement; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) charging(3GPP TS 32.260 version 8.13.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 132 260 V9.8.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Chargingmanagement; IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) charging(3GPP TS 32.260 version 9.8.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 132 298 V10.5.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Chargingmanagement; Charging Data Record (CDR) parameterdescription (3GPP TS 32.298 version 10.5.0Release 10)ETSI TS 132 298 V9.8.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Chargingmanagement; Charging Data Record (CDR) parameterdescription (3GPP TS 32.298 version 9.8.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 132 299 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Chargingmanagement; Diameter charging applications(3GPP TS 32.299 version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 132 299 V9.8.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Chargingmanagement; Diameter charging applications(3GPP TS 32.299 version 9.8.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 132 317 V9.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; GenericIntegration Reference Point (IRP) management; SOAPSolution Set (SS) (3GPP TS 32.317 version 9.1.0Release 9)ETSI TS 132 401 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; PerformanceManagement (PM); Concept and requirements(3GPP TS 32.401 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 132 4<strong>07</strong> V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; PerformanceManagement (PM); Performance measurements;ETSI TS 132 422 V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Subscriber andequipment trace; Trace control and configurationmanagement (3GPP TS 32.422 version 10.4.0Release 10)ETSI TS 132 423 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Subscriber andequipment trace; Trace data definition andmanagement (3GPP TS 32.423 version 10.3.0Release 10)ETSI TS 132 425 V10.5.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Telecommunication management; PerformanceManagement (PM); Performance measurementsEvolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network(E-UTRAN) (3GPP TS 32.425 version 10.5.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 132 425 V8.6.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Telecommunication management; PerformanceManagement (PM); Performance measurementsEvolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network(E-UTRAN) (3GPP TS 32.425 version 8.6.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 132 425 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Telecommunication management; PerformanceManagement (PM); Performance measurementsEvolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network(E-UTRAN) (3GPP TS 32.425 version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 132 442 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; TraceManagement Integration Reference Point (IRP);Information Service (IS) (3GPP TS 32.442 version 10.2.0Release 10)31

<strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7 LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENISETSI TS 132 450 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; KeyPerformance Indicators (KPI) for Evolved UniversalTerrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN): Definitions(3GPP TS 32.450 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 132 522 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Self-OrganizingNetworks (SON) Policy Network Resource Model(NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP); InformationService (IS) (3GPP TS 32.522 version 10.2.0Release 10)ETSI TS 132 526 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Self-OrganizingNetworks (SON); Policy Network Resource Model(NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP);ETSI TS 132 581 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Home Node B(HNB) Operations, Administration, Maintenance andProvisioning (O<strong>AM</strong>&P); Concepts and requirements forType 1 interface HNB to HNB Management System(HMS) (3GPP TS 32.581 version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 132 581 V9.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Home Node B(HNB) Operations, Administration, Maintenance andProvisioning (O<strong>AM</strong>&P); Concepts and requirements forType 1 interface HNB to HNB Management System(HMS) (3GPP TS 32.581 version 9.3.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 132 582 V9.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Home Node B(HNB) Operations, Administration, Maintenance andProvisioning (O<strong>AM</strong>&P); Information model for Type 1interface HNB to HNB Management System (HMS)(3GPP TS 32.582 version 9.3.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 132 583 V9.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; Home Node B(HNB) Operations, Administration, Maintenance andProvisioning (O<strong>AM</strong>&P); Procedure flows for Type 1interface HNB to HNB Management System (HMS)(3GPP TS 32.583 version 9.3.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 132 584 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Telecommunication management; Home Node B (HNB)Operations, Administration, Maintenance andProvisioning (O<strong>AM</strong>&P); XML definitions for Type 1interface HNB to HNB Management System (HMS)(3GPP TS 32.584 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 132 584 V9.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);Telecommunication management; Home Node B (HNB)Operations, Administration, Maintenance andProvisioning (O<strong>AM</strong>&P); XML definitions for Type 1interface HNB to HNB Management System (HMS)(3GPP TS 32.584 version 9.3.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 132 591 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Telecommunication management; Home enhancedNode B (HeNB) Operations, Administration,Maintenance and Provisioning (O<strong>AM</strong>&P); Concepts andrequirements for Type 1 interface HeNB to HeNBManagement System (HeMS) (3GPP TS 32.591version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 132 592 V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Telecommunication management; Home enhancedNode B (HeNB) Operations, Administration,Maintenance and Provisioning (O<strong>AM</strong>&P); Informationmodel for Type 1 interface HeNB to HeNB ManagementSystem (HeMS) (3GPP TS 32.592 version 10.4.0Release 10)ETSI TS 132 592 V9.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Telecommunication management; Home enhancedNode B (HeNB) Operations, Administration,Maintenance and Provisioning (O<strong>AM</strong>&P); Informationmodel for Type 1 interface HeNB to HeNB ManagementSystem (HeMS) (3GPP TS 32.592 version 9.2.0Release 9)ETSI TS 132 593 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Telecommunication management; Home enhancedNode B (HeNB) Operations, Administration,Maintenance and Provisioning (O<strong>AM</strong>&P); Procedureflows for Type 1 interface HeNB to HeNB ManagementSystem (HeMS) (3GPP TS 32.593 version 10.1.0Release 10)ETSI TS 132 652 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Telecommunication management; ConfigurationManagement (CM); GERAN network resourcesIntegration Reference Point (IRP); Network ResourceModel (NRM) (3GPP TS 32.652 version 10.2.0Release 10)ETSI TS 132 692 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; InventoryManagement (IM) network resources IntegrationReference Point (IRP); Network Resource Model (NRM)(3GPP TS 32.692 version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 132 696 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; InventoryManagement (IM) Network Resource Model (NRM)Integration Reference Point (IRP); Solution Set (SS)definitions (3GPP TS 32.696 version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 132 762 V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; EvolvedUniversal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN)Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration ReferencePoint (IRP); Information Service (IS) (3GPP TS 32.762version 10.4.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 132 766 V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Telecommunication management; EvolvedUniversal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN)Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration ReferencePoint (IRP); Solution Set (SS) definitions(3GPP TS 32.766 version 10.4.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 133 1<strong>07</strong> V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; 3G security; Lawful interception architecture andfunctions (3GPP TS 33.1<strong>07</strong> version 10.4.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 133 108 V10.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; 3G security; Handover interface for LawfulInterception (LI) (3GPP TS 33.108 version 10.4.0Release 10)ETSI TS 133 210 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; 3G security; Network Domain Security (NDS);IP network layer security (3GPP TS 33.210version 10.3.0 Release 10)32

LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENIS <strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7ETSI TS 136 101 V10.2.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception(3GPP TS 36.101 version 10.2.1 Release 10)ETSI TS 136 101 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception(3GPP TS 36.101 version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 136 101 V8.13.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception(3GPP TS 36.101 version 8.13.1 Release 8)ETSI TS 136 101 V8.14.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception(3GPP TS 36.101 version 8.14.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 136 101 V9.7.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception(3GPP TS 36.101 version 9.7.‘ Release 9)ETSI TS 136 101 V9.8.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception(3GPP TS 36.101 version 9.8.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 136 104 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception(3GPP TS 36.104 version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 136 104 V8.12.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception(3GPP TS 36.104 version 8.12.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 136 104 V9.8.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception(3GPP TS 36.104 version 9.8.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 136 113 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Base Station (BS) and repeater ElectroMagneticCompatibility (EMC) (3GPP TS 36.113 version 10.3.0Release 10)ETSI TS 136 124 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements formobile terminals and ancillary equipment(3GPP TS 36.124 version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 136 133 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Requirements for support of radio resourcemanagement (3GPP TS 36.133 version 10.2.0Release 10)ETSI TS 136 133 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Requirements for support of radio resourcemanagement (3GPP TS 36.133 version 10.3.0Release 10)ETSI TS 136 133 V8.13.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Requirements for support of radio resourcemanagement (3GPP TS 36.133 version 8.13.0Release 8)ETSI TS 136 133 V8.14.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Requirements for support of radio resourcemanagement (3GPP TS 36.133 version 8.14.0Release 8)ETSI TS 136 133 V9.7.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Requirements for support of radio resourcemanagement (3GPP TS 36.133 version 9.7.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 136 133 V9.8.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Requirements for support of radio resourcemanagement (3GPP TS 36.133 version 9.8.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 136 141 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Base Station (BS) conformance testing(3GPP TS 36.141 version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 136 141 V8.10.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Base Station (BS) conformance testing(3GPP TS 36.141 version 8.10.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 136 143 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);FDD repeater conformance testing (3GPP TS 36.143version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 136 171 V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Requirements for Support of Assisted Global NavigationSatellite System (A-GNSS) (3GPP TS 36.171version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 136 171 V9.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Requirements for Support of Assisted Global NavigationSatellite System (A-GNSS) (3GPP TS 36.171version 9.2.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 136 211 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Physical channels and modulation (3GPP TS 36.211version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 136 212 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Multiplexing and channel coding (3GPP TS 36.212version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 136 213 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Physical layer procedures (3GPP TS 36.213version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 136 216 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access(E-UTRA); Physical layer for relaying operation(3GPP TS 36.216 version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 136 3<strong>07</strong> V10.1.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Requirements on User Equipments (UEs) supporting arelease-independent frequency band (3GPP TS 36.3<strong>07</strong>version 10.1.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 136 3<strong>07</strong> V8.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Requirements on User Equipments (UEs) supporting arelease-independent frequency band (3GPP TS 36.3<strong>07</strong>version 8.3.0 Release 8)ETSI TS 136 3<strong>07</strong> V9.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Requirements on User Equipments (UEs) supporting arelease-independent frequency band (3GPP TS 36.3<strong>07</strong>version 9.3.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 137 104 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; E-UTRA, UTRA and GSM/EDGE; Multi-StandardRadio (MSR) Base Station (BS) radio transmission andreception (3GPP TS 37.104 version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 137 104 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; E-UTRA, UTRA and GSM/EDGE; Multi-StandardRadio (MSR) Base Station (BS) radio transmission andreception (3GPP TS 37.104 version 10.3.0 Release 10)33

<strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7 LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENISETSI TS 137 104 V9.5.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; E-UTRA, UTRA and GSM/EDGE; Multi-StandardRadio (MSR) Base Station (BS) radio transmission andreception (3GPP TS 37.104 version 9.5.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 137 113 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; E-UTRA, UTRA and GSM/EDGE; Multi-StandardRadio (MSR) Base Station (BS) ElectromagneticCompatibility (EMC) (3GPP TS 37.113 version 10.2.0Release 10)ETSI TS 137 141 V10.2.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; E-UTRA, UTRA and GSM/EDGE; Multi-StandardRadio (MSR) Base Station (BS) conformance testing(3GPP TS 37.141 version 10.2.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 137 141 V10.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; E-UTRA, UTRA and GSM/EDGE; Multi-StandardRadio (MSR) Base Station (BS) conformance testing(3GPP TS 37.141 version 10.3.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 137 141 V9.4.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);LTE; E-UTRA, UTRA and GSM/EDGE; Multi-StandardRadio (MSR) Base Station (BS) conformance testing(3GPP TS 37.141 version 9.4.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 141 101 V9.0.2 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for aGERAN-based 3GPP system (3GPP TS 41.101version 9.0.2 Release 9)ETSI TS 143 064 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Overalldescription of the GPRS radio interface; Stage 2(3GPP TS 43.064 version 10.0.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 143 068 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Voice Group Call Service (VGCS); Stage 2(3GPP TS 43.068 version 10.0.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 144 031 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Location Services (LCS); Mobile Station (MS) - ServingMobile Location Centre (SMLC) Radio Resource LCSProtocol (RRLP) (3GPP TS 44.031 version 10.0.0Release 10)ETSI TS 144 068 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Group Call Control (GCC) protocol (3GPP TS 44.068version 10.0.0 Release 10)ETSI TS 144 318 V10.0.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-05)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Generic Access Network (GAN); Mobile GAN interfacelayer 3 specification (3GPP TS 44.318 version 10.0.0Release 10)ETSI TS 151 010-2 V9.6.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Mobile Station (MS) conformance specification; Part 2:Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement(PICS) proforma specification (3GPP TS 51.010-2version 9.6.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 151 010-5 V9.6.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Mobile Station (MS) conformance specification; Part 5:Inter-Radio-Access-Technology (RAT) (GERAN /UTRAN) interaction Abstract Test Suite (ATS)(3GPP TS 51.010-5 version 9.6.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 151 010-7 V9.3.0 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);Mobile Station (MS) conformance specification; Part 7:Location Services (LCS) test scenarios and assistancedata (3GPP TS 51.010-7 version 9.3.0 Release 9)ETSI TS 182 019 V3.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Telecommunications and Internet converged Servicesand Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN);Content Delivery Network (CDN) ArchitectureETSI TS 186 011-1 V3.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Network Testing (INT); IMS NNI InteroperabilityTestSpecifications; Part 1: Test Purposes for IMS NNIInteroperabilityETSI TS 186 011-2 V3.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Network Testing (INT); IMS NNI Interoperability TestSpecifications; Part 2: Test Description for IMS NNIInteroperabilityETSI TS 186 011-3 V3.1.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Network Testing (INT); IMS NNI Interoperability TestSpecifications; Part 3: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) andpartial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information forTesting (PIXIT)ETSI TS 186 025-2 V2.2.1 (<strong>2011</strong>-06)Telecommunications and Internet converged Servicesand Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN);IMS/PES Performance Benchmark; Part 2: SubsystemConfigurations and BenchmarksParengë Lyda Maþeikienë34

LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENIS <strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7Lietuvos standartizacijos <strong>departamentas</strong>Direktorius .............................................................................................................................................................. 270 9360Direktoriaus pavaduotojas .................................................................................................................................. 270 9345Faksas 212 6252TEISËS, PERSONALO IR KOMUNIKACIJOS SKYRIUSPadëjëja ryðiams su visuomene .............................................................................................................................. 279 1135Vyriausioji specialistë teisëkûrai .............................................................................................................................. 279 1140Poskyrio vedëjas (tarptautiniams ryðiams) .......................................................................................................... 270 9358Vyriausioji specialistë mokymams ir archyvui ........................................................................................................ 270 9360STANDARTIZACIJOS SKYRIUSVedëja. Bendrieji klausimai ..................................................................................................................................... 270 93611-asis poskyrisPoskyrio vedëja. Þaislai, kokybës vadyba, techniniai brëþiniai, paslaugos, socialinë atsakomybë .................. 270 9365Tekstilë, dujø sistemos, nafta ir naftos produktai, popierius, informacija ir dokumentavimas ........................... 279 1134Cheminë analizë, kietasis biokuras, plastikai, pieno, grûdø, þuvies produktai, paðarai ...................................... 279 1134Tràðos, klijai, aplinkos apsauga, kosmetika, maisto analizë, dangos ................................................................... 270 93652-asis poskyrisPoskyrio vedëja. Bendrieji klausimai. Darbø sauga, ergonomika, konvejeriai, nanotechnologijos .................. 234 8399Sveikata, pakavimas, akiø optika ............................................................................................................................. 234 8396Mechanika, metalai, suvirinimas, elektromobiliø sauga ......................................................................................... 234 8396Metrologija, bankininkystë, naftos produktø árenginiai, korteliø leidëjø atpaþinimo kodo skyrimas,neardomieji bandymai ............................................................................................................................................. 234 8397Liftai, sprogiosios atmosferos, gabenamieji dujø balionai, baldai ........................................................................ 234 83973-iasis poskyrisPoskyrio vedëjas. Bendrieji klausimai, statybinës konstrukcijos, <strong>prie</strong>ðgaisrinë sauga, <strong>prie</strong>monësneágaliesiems, ugniai atsparios medþiagos ............................................................................................................ 279 1150Mediena, keramika, mûro gaminiai, ðildymo ir vëdinimo sistemos, automobiliø keliø tiesyba ir medþiagos .... 270 9341Akustika, betono gaminiai, langai ir durys, vandentvarka ..................................................................................... 270 9341Informacinës ir ryðiø technologijos, telekomunikacijos, informacijos saugumas, turto apsauga ..................... 270 9349Elektronika, elektros energetika ............................................................................................................................... 279 1151Elektrotechnika, elektromagnetinis suderinamumas ............................................................................................. 279 1151203 kab.206 kab.401 kab.309 kab.204 kab.205 kab.319 kab.311 kab.318 kab.318 kab.311 kab.302 kab.303 kab.303 kab.304 kab.304 kab.312 kab.317 kab.317 kab.216 kab.216 kab.216 kab.PLANAVIMO, TIKRINIMO IR LEIDYBOS SKYRIUSVedëja. Bendrieji klausimai. <strong>Standartizacijos</strong> darbø planavimas .......................................................................... 270 9366 212 kab.Tarptautiniø ir Europos standartø perëmimas ........................................................................................................ 279 1138 202 kab.Standartø lietuviðkø terminø ekspertizë .................................................................................................................. 279 1153 217 kab.Standartø lietuviø kalbos ekspertizë ....................................................................................................................... 270 9371 209 kab................................................................................................................................................................................... 279 11 53 217 kab.Standartø techninis redagavimas ir maketavimas .................................................................................................. 270 9357 210 kab................................................................................................................................................................................... 270 1138 202 kab.INFORMACIJOS SKYRIUSVedëja. Bendrieji klausimai ..................................................................................................................................... 270 9362Informaciniø technologijø klausimai ....................................................................................................................... 270 9364Dokumentø kopijavimas .......................................................................................................................................... 279 1139Notifikavimo ir informacijos poskyrisPoskyrio vedëja. Keitimosi informacija pagal Direktyvos 98/34/EB nuostatas klausimai ................................... 270 9347Informacijos teikimas pagal Pasaulinës prekybos organizacijos nuostatas ......................................................... 270 9347Lietuvos standartø duomenø bazë ......................................................................................................................... 270 9364Departamento terminø duomenø bazë .................................................................................................................. 279 1137Biblioteka ................................................................................................................................................................ 279 1142218 kab.213 kab.305 kab.214 kab.214 kab.213 kab.213 kab.315 kab.FINANSØ IR ADMINISTRAVIMO SKYRIUSVedëja ..................................................................................................................................................................... 270 9346Uþsienio standartø ir kitø dokumentø platinimas .................................................................................................. 270 9348Departamento leidiniø platinimas ............................................................................................................................ 270 9343201 kab.3<strong>07</strong> kab.306 kab.Departamentas priima interesantus ir konsultuoja darbo dienomis nuo 10 iki 12 valandos ir nuo 13 iki 15 valandos (T. Kosciuðkos g. 30,LT-01100 Vilnius, el. paðtas lstboard@lsd.lt, interneto tinklalapis http://www.lsd.lt)VIEÐOJI ÁSTAIGA LST Sert (VðÁ LST Sert)(Konstitucijos pr. 15/5-15, LT-08106 Vilnius)Direktorius .............................................................................................................................................................. 270 9344Projektø direktorius .................................................................................................................................................. 270 9356Rinkodaros direktorius ............................................................................................................................................. 270 9356Faksas 270 935635

<strong>2011</strong> Nr. 7 LIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTO BIULETENISLIETUVOS STANDARTIZACIJOS DEPART<strong>AM</strong>ENTASDepartamentas formuoja ir dalyvauja ágyvendinant kartusu suinteresuotomis Lietuvos RespublikosVyriausybës institucijomis, ámonëmis, ástaigomis irorganizacijomis Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybës politikàstandartizacijos srityje.Departamentas koordinuoja visø veiklos srièiø standartizacijosdarbus ir metodiðkai jiems vadovauja.Departamentas sudaro technikos komitetus (TK) Lietuvos≤ ≥standartø projektams rengti.Departamentas atlieka Pasaulinës prekybos organizacijosSutarties dël techniniø prekybos kliûèiø nacionalinës uþklausøtarnybos funkcijas.Departamentas dalyvauja Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijosnacionaliniø standartizacijos institucijø Baltijosstandartizacijos forume nuo 1999 m.Departamentas atstovauja Lietuvai tarptautinëse ir Europosorganizacijose:Tarptautinëje standartizacijos organizacijoje (ISO) – narysnuo 2008 m.;Tarptautinëje elektrotechnikos komisijoje (IEC) –asocijuotasis narys nuo 1996 m.;Europos standartizacijos komitete (CEN) – narys nuo2003 m.;Europos elektrotechnikos standartizacijos komitete(CENELEC) – narys nuo 2003 m.;Europos telekomunikacijø standartø institute (ETSI) – narysnuo 1996 m.36

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