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Guidance on Integrating Climate Change and Biodiversity into ...

Guidance on Integrating Climate Change and Biodiversity into ...


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Effort SharingDecisi<strong>on</strong>EIA DirectiveEmissi<strong>on</strong> tradingscheme <strong>and</strong> EUEmissi<strong>on</strong>s Tradingsystem (EU ETS)Envir<strong>on</strong>mentalreportEuropean <strong>Climate</strong><strong>Change</strong>ProgrammeFaunaFloods DirectiveFloraGreeninfrastructureGreenhouse gas(GHG)Habitats DirectiveIndirect effectsKyoto ProtocolMaladaptati<strong>on</strong>Maximumsustainable yield(MSY)• provisi<strong>on</strong>ing services e.g. wild foods, crops, fresh water <strong>and</strong> plant-derived medicines;• regulating services e.g. filtrati<strong>on</strong> of pollutants by wetl<strong>and</strong>s, climate regulati<strong>on</strong> through carb<strong>on</strong>storage <strong>and</strong> water cycling, pollinati<strong>on</strong> <strong>and</strong> protecti<strong>on</strong> from disasters;• cultural services e.g. recreati<strong>on</strong>, spiritual <strong>and</strong> aesthetic values, educati<strong>on</strong>;• supporting services e.g. soil formati<strong>on</strong>, photosynthesis <strong>and</strong> nutrient cycling. (TEEB, 2010)A Decisi<strong>on</strong> that sets annual binding GHG emissi<strong>on</strong> targets for Member States for the 2013–2020period. These targets c<strong>on</strong>cern emissi<strong>on</strong>s from sectors not included in the EU Emissi<strong>on</strong>s TradingSystem (ETS) — such as transport, buildings, agriculture <strong>and</strong> waste. It is part of a package of policies<strong>and</strong> measures <strong>on</strong> climate change <strong>and</strong> energy that will help transform Europe <strong>into</strong> a low-carb<strong>on</strong>ec<strong>on</strong>omy <strong>and</strong> increase its energy security.Directive 2011/92/EU <strong>on</strong> the assessment of the effects of certain public <strong>and</strong> private projects <strong>on</strong> theenvir<strong>on</strong>ment [codificati<strong>on</strong>], OJ L 26, 28.1.2012, p.1. The EIA Directive requires that Member Statesensure that, before development c<strong>on</strong>sent is given, projects likely to have significant effects <strong>on</strong> theenvir<strong>on</strong>ment because of their nature, size or locati<strong>on</strong> are made subject to an assessment of theenvir<strong>on</strong>mental effects.A market mechanism that allows those bodies (such as countries, companies or manufacturingplants) that emit (release) GHGs <strong>into</strong> the atmosphere, to buy <strong>and</strong> sell these emissi<strong>on</strong>s (as permitsor allowances) am<strong>on</strong>gst themselves. Emissi<strong>on</strong>s mean the release of GHGs <strong>and</strong>/or their precursors<strong>into</strong> the atmosphere over a set area <strong>and</strong> period of time. The European Uni<strong>on</strong> Emissi<strong>on</strong> tradingsystem (EU ETS) is based <strong>on</strong> the idea that creating a price for carb<strong>on</strong> offers the most cost-effectiveway to achieve the significant cuts in global GHG emissi<strong>on</strong>s that are needed to prevent climatechange from reaching dangerous levels.Document required by the SEA Directive as part of an envir<strong>on</strong>mental assessment, which identifies,describes <strong>and</strong> evaluates the likely significant effects <strong>on</strong> the envir<strong>on</strong>ment of implementing a PP. TheSEA Directive states that the envir<strong>on</strong>mental report shall mean the part of the plan or programmedocumentati<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>taining the informati<strong>on</strong> required in Article 5 <strong>and</strong> Annex I.A programme launched by the European Commissi<strong>on</strong> in June 2000. Its goal is to identify <strong>and</strong>develop all the necessary elements of the EU strategy to implement the Kyoto Protocol.The animals of a particular regi<strong>on</strong> or habitat.Directive 2007/60/EC <strong>on</strong> the assessment <strong>and</strong> management of flood risks, OJ L288, 6.11.2007, p.27,requires Member States to assess if all water courses <strong>and</strong> coast lines are at risk from flooding; tomap the flood extent <strong>and</strong> assets <strong>and</strong> humans at risk in these areas; <strong>and</strong> to take adequate <strong>and</strong>coordinated measures to reduce this flood risk. The Directive also reinforces the rights of the publicto access this informati<strong>on</strong> <strong>and</strong> to have a say in the planning process.The plants of a particular regi<strong>on</strong> or habitat.Green infrastructure serves the interests of both people <strong>and</strong> nature. It can be defined as astrategically planned <strong>and</strong> delivered network of high quality green spaces <strong>and</strong> other envir<strong>on</strong>mentalfeatures. Green infrastructure includes natural <strong>and</strong> semi-natural areas, features <strong>and</strong> green spacesin rural <strong>and</strong> urban, terrestrial, freshwater, coastal <strong>and</strong> marine areas. It should be designed <strong>and</strong>managed as a multifuncti<strong>on</strong>al resource capable of delivering a wide range of benefits <strong>and</strong> services.Areas protected as Natura 2000 sites are at the core of green infrastructure.Any atmospheric gas (either natural or anthropogenic in origin) which absorbs thermal radiati<strong>on</strong>emitted by the Earth’s surface. This traps heat in the atmosphere <strong>and</strong> keeps the surface at awarmer temperature than would otherwise be possible.Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 <strong>on</strong> the c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong> of natural habitats <strong>and</strong> of wildfauna <strong>and</strong> flora, as amended, OJ L 206, 22.7.1992, p.7.Effects that occur away from the immediate locati<strong>on</strong> or timing affected by the implementati<strong>on</strong> of aPP, e.g. quarrying of aggregates elsewhere as a result of implementing new road proposals includedin plan or programme (see also sec<strong>on</strong>dary effects).The Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework C<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> <strong>Climate</strong> <strong>Change</strong> (UNFCCC) was adopted in1997 (Kyoto, Japan). It c<strong>on</strong>tains legally binding commitments, in additi<strong>on</strong> to those included in theUNFCCC. Countries included in Annex B of the Protocol (most OECD countries <strong>and</strong> EITs) agreed toreduce their anthropogenic emissi<strong>on</strong>s of GHGs (CO 2 , CH 4 , N 2 O, HFCs, PFCs, <strong>and</strong> SF 6 ) by at least 5 %below 1990 levels in the commitment period 2008 – 2012.An acti<strong>on</strong> or process that increases vulnerability to climate change-related hazards. Maladaptiveacti<strong>on</strong>s <strong>and</strong> processes often include planned development policies <strong>and</strong> measures that deliver shorttermgains or ec<strong>on</strong>omic benefits, but increase vulnerability in the medium to l<strong>on</strong>g-term.Maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is the largest l<strong>on</strong>g-term average catch or yield that can be takenfrom a stock or stock complex under prevailing ecological <strong>and</strong> envir<strong>on</strong>mental c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s.<str<strong>on</strong>g>Guidance</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> integrating climate change <strong>and</strong> biodiversity <strong>into</strong> SEA 7

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