Guidance on Integrating Climate Change and Biodiversity into ...

Guidance on Integrating Climate Change and Biodiversity into ...

Guidance on Integrating Climate Change and Biodiversity into ...


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5.6 Seek to avoid adverse effects wherever possible, before c<strong>on</strong>sideringmitigati<strong>on</strong>The SEA Directive requires a descripti<strong>on</strong> of ‘measures envisaged to prevent, reduce <strong>and</strong> as fully aspossible offset significant adverse effects <strong>on</strong> the envir<strong>on</strong>ment’.<strong>Biodiversity</strong> offsetting<strong>Biodiversity</strong> offsets can compensate forsignificant negative biodiversity impactsarising from development plans orprojects after appropriate preventi<strong>on</strong><strong>and</strong> mitigati<strong>on</strong> measures have beentaken. Offsets should:1. aim for ‘no-net-loss’;2. seek additi<strong>on</strong>al c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong>outcomes;3. adhere to the mitigati<strong>on</strong> hierarchy;4. recognise there are limits to whatcan be offset;5. be used in a l<strong>and</strong>scape c<strong>on</strong>text;6. achieved through stakeholderparticipati<strong>on</strong>;7. seek equity am<strong>on</strong>g stakeholders;8. be based <strong>on</strong> adaptive management<strong>and</strong> l<strong>on</strong>g-term outcomes;9. be transparent;10. be informed by sound science.Source: Business <strong>and</strong> <strong>Biodiversity</strong> OffsetsProgram relevant webpageWhen assessing biodiversity effects, there is a need to aimfor avoiding or reducing residual impacts, whilemaximising opportunities for improvement. SEAs shouldfocus <strong>on</strong> ensuring ‘no-net-loss’ of biodiversity <strong>and</strong> avoidingeffects from the start, before c<strong>on</strong>sidering mitigati<strong>on</strong> <strong>and</strong>compensati<strong>on</strong> (see box left). Article 6(4) of the HabitatsDirective provides a compensati<strong>on</strong> system specifically forNatura 2000 sites.If required, mitigati<strong>on</strong> <strong>and</strong> compensati<strong>on</strong> measures forbiodiversity can be beneficial for climate change mitigati<strong>on</strong><strong>and</strong> adaptati<strong>on</strong>. For example, the creati<strong>on</strong> of new habitats,green spaces, green corridors, green <strong>and</strong> brown roofs(enhancement) can maintain <strong>and</strong> enhance biodiversity, aidspecies in adapting to l<strong>on</strong>g-term climate change, <strong>and</strong> helpprovide essential ecosystem services such as flood storagecapacity, rainfall intercepti<strong>on</strong>, shade <strong>and</strong> heat regulati<strong>on</strong>,<strong>and</strong> air quality regulati<strong>on</strong> as part of adaptati<strong>on</strong> to climatechange.For climate change, an SEA can take a precauti<strong>on</strong>aryapproach <strong>and</strong> evaluate whether there is an opti<strong>on</strong> to avoid GHG emissi<strong>on</strong>s throughout a PP, ratherthan seek to mitigate them after they have been released. Mitigati<strong>on</strong> measures, such as requiringenergy efficiency measures in buildings, may help but are unlikely to fully remediate the harmfuleffects of emissi<strong>on</strong>s.For climate change adaptati<strong>on</strong>, SEAs should be used to help adjust human activities <strong>and</strong> theproposed PP to improve adaptive capacity of the system <strong>and</strong> support human resp<strong>on</strong>ses to bettercope with extreme events.5.7 M<strong>on</strong>itoring significant effects <strong>and</strong> adaptive managementThe SEA Directive provides for m<strong>on</strong>itoring a PP’s significant envir<strong>on</strong>mental effects so thatunforeseen adverse effects can be identified at an early stage <strong>and</strong> remedial acti<strong>on</strong> can be takenwhere needed.The use of m<strong>on</strong>itoring provisi<strong>on</strong>s has c<strong>on</strong>sistently been identified as a weakness in SEAs, forexample, because of difficulties in identifying m<strong>on</strong>itoring indicators. 31 This is particularly relevant forcomplex <strong>and</strong> often uncertain issues like climate change adaptati<strong>on</strong> <strong>and</strong> biodiversity, as m<strong>on</strong>itoringinjects flexibility <strong>into</strong> PPs <strong>and</strong> strengthens their adaptive capacity.31 (European Commissi<strong>on</strong>) Study c<strong>on</strong>cerning the report <strong>on</strong> the applicati<strong>on</strong> <strong>and</strong> effectiveness of the SEA Directive (COWI, 2009).48 <str<strong>on</strong>g>Guidance</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> integrating climate change <strong>and</strong> biodiversity <strong>into</strong> SEA

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