9r #M 'ici +a, f - Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

9r #M 'ici +a, f - Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

9r #M 'ici +a, f - Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan


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0'1%#q ft 1'T<strong>9r</strong> <strong>#M</strong> <strong>'ici</strong> <strong>+a</strong>, f 9904 0-7KENWRYA VID?A'LA 1. SANC9AWw18, INSTITUTIONAL AREA,SHA HEED JEET SINGH MARGNEW DELHI 110 602No.F.110240 (3)FC/2012-KVS (HQ)(Budget) Dated 20.12.2012Sub: Minutes of the meeting of the Finance Committee held on26.11 .2012 & 5.12.2012 in Room No.116'C' of ShastriBhawan , MHRD, New DelhiA copy of the Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on26.11.2012 & 5.12.2012 in Room No. 116 'C' of Shastri Bhawan, MHRD, NewDelhi duly approved by the Vice-Chairperson of KVS is enclosed. Comments,if any, may please be forwarded to the undersigned by 21St Dec.2012.Encl: As above.(MArumugJointCommissione (Finan) &Member Secrc'taryDistribution:-1. All members of the Finance Committee, KVS2. PS to Vice-Chairperson, KVS, MHRD, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi3. PS to Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor, MHRD, Shastri Bhawan,New Delhi4. PS to Joint Secy., (SE) MHRD, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi5. PS to Commissioner, KVS.6. PS to Additional Commissioner ( Admn.) KVS (HQ).7. PS to Additional Commissioner (Acad.), KVS (HQ).8. The Joint Commissioner (Pers)/(Admn)/(Acad)/(Trg) KVS (HQ)9. The Superintending Engineer, KVS1(HQ).10. All Branch Officers of KVS (HQ), New Delhi11. AC (EDP) with the request to upload the same in KVS website.

MINUTES OF THE FINAN CE COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 261h November ,2012 AT 11. 00 A.M . AND 5TH DECEMBER, 2012 AT 4. 30 P.M . IN ROOM NO. 116,'C' WING SHASTRI BHAWAN , NEW DELHI.A meeting of the Finance Committee was held on 26th November, 2012 at 11.00 a.m. and5T" December, 2012 at 4.30 p.m. in Room No. 116 'C' Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi underthe Chairmanship of Ms. Vrinda Sarup, Additional Secretary (SE&L), Ministry of Human' ResourceDevelopment, Govt. of India and Vice-Chairperson KVS. As the Committee could not completethe listed items placed in the Agenda on 26th November, 2012 due to. paucity of time, theChairperson, in consultation with the other members, fixed the meeting on 5th December, 2012on the same venue at 4.30 p.m. to consider the other Agenda.The list of participants of the said Finance Committee Meeting is placed at Annexure 'A'.ITEM AGENDA MINUTES \NO. ,_/111 TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE LAST The minutes of the last FinanceMEETING OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE HELD Committee Meeting held on 28thON 28TH JUNE, 2012.June 2012 were confirmed.2 ACTION TAKEN REPORT ON THE DECISIONS Action Taken Report of the lastTAKEN IN THE LAST MEETING OF FINANCE Finance Committee MeetingCOMMITTEE HELD ON 28th JUNE, 2012. attached with Agenda was noted.3 APPROVALS AND ADOPTION OF SEPARATE The Finance committee consideredAUDIT REPORT ON THE ACCOUNTS OF KVS the certified ` Annual Accounts,FOR THE YEAR 2011-12.Separate Audit Report (SAR) issuedby the DGACE; New Delhi and afterThe Annual Accounts of the <strong>Sangathan</strong> for the year having a detailed deliberation, the2011-12 duly approved by the BOG of the <strong>Sangathan</strong> wereforwarded to the Director General of Audit, Central Expenditure committee recommended to the(DGACE) for audit and certification as per the prescribed Time BOG of the <strong>Sangathan</strong> for approvalSchedule. During the certification of Annual Accounts, the auditand adoption of SAR and certifiedparty pointed out few typographic mistakes In the previous year ' sfigures which have now been corrected. These typographic Annual AyearAccounts of KVS for themistakes have no material effect on the Annual Account of the 2011-12. The. Chairperson of theyear 2011-12. The DGACE has issued draft Separate AuditReport (SAR) for comments of the <strong>Sangathan</strong>. The comments ofFinance Committee furtherthe <strong>Sangathan</strong> on the draft SAR was submitted to the DGACE on suggested that the <strong>Sangathan</strong>dated 08.10.2012 and is placed at Annexure -IIIshould conduct the Audit Adalat onNow the DGACE has certified the Annual Accounts of the<strong>Sangathan</strong> and has issued final Separate Audit Report (SAR) forlaying on the Table of both the Houses of Parliament. The finalSAR is placed at Annexure -IVquarterly basis to get theoutstanding Internal audit objectionssettled in order to reduce thenumber to the barest minimum.Finance Committee may kindly recommend to the BOGfor approval and adoption of SAR and Certified Annual Accountsso that printed SAR and Certified Annual Accounts (both Hindi &English) can be placed before the BOG for adoption and laying onthe Table of both the Houses of Parliament.4 TO CONSIDER AND APPROVE THE REVISED The Budget proposal submitted byESTIMATES FOR 2012-13 AND BUDGET the <strong>Sangathan</strong> was considered byESTIMATES 2013-14.the Finance Committee andrecommended the said proposal toAs on date, there are 1092 existing <strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s financed byGovernment of India and Public Sector Undertakings etc. whichare distributed in different sectors as follows :-BOG for its approval. The FinanceCommittee of San gathan su ggested

.to submit th e Budget Esti mate forA Govt. Sector : the plan funds in addition to RevisedI) Defence Sector 35111) Civil Sector 606 Estimates in future.111) Abroad 03960SI. No. Sector No. of <strong>Kendriya</strong> VldyalayasB. Project Vldyalayas & Institute ofHigher learning1) Project Vldyalayas 109ii) Institutes of Higher4earning 23 132 -C GRAND TOTAL 10921.1 The requirement of funds for Government Financed Units in RE 2012-13and BE 2013-14 under the Non -Plan/Plan Budget are given below: -NON PLANi Kendrlya Vid ala as and Offices financed by Government of IndiaSummary(Rupees In lakhs)2011 -12 2012-13 2013-14Actuals BE RE BEa) Gross Estimates 211888 220624 271920 309620b) Internal Receipts 11503 12000 12000 12000c) Net Estimates (a-b) 200385 208624 259920 297620II) Kendrlya Vldyalayas financed by Public Sector Undertakings ,Higher Learning etcInstitute ofSummary( Rupees in lakhs)2011-12 2012-13 2013-14Actuals BE RE BEa) Gross Estimates 22002 28170 27145 30764b) Internal Receipts (-) 1138 1340 1448 1495Net 20864 26830 25697 29269Detailed break up of (I & 11) 1s given In Annexure (enclosed)PLAN 36513 35000 66962Will be required In AnnualPlan 2013-14(Details enclosed)1.2 The estimates for Non -Plan have been proposed In the light 'of theapproved norms with due regard to the economy Instructions receivedfrom the Government . There will also be normal growth of the classesboth for new KVs as well as for existing Vldyalayas . The Increase of figureshown in RE 2012 - 13 and BE 2013- 14 are due to grant of annualIncrement , sanction of two additional Installments of DA , filling up ofvacant post of teachers and increase in number of pensioners.1.3 Under Plan, Ministry approved Rs .35000 lakh (Rs.31500 lakh plus Rs 3500lakh for NE Region ) for the year 2012 - 13 for construction of schoolbuildings , staff quarters, training of teachers , computerization , providingInfrastructure facilities for sports and games and for pay and allowances Innew KVs/Second shift In existing KVs opened/introduced on or after1.4.2003. The Increase in RE,2012- 13 is for meeting the additional payand allowances on account - of the implementation of the 611 CPCrecommendations , construction of school building and staff quarters (ongoing and new works) and opening of 107 new KVS during the year 2010-11 & 2011-12.1.4 The Finance Committee may consider and approve the Revised Estimates2012- 13 and Budget Estimates 2013 - 14 as detailed above and torecommend the release of grants -in-aid to Kendrlya <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong>by the Ministry of Human Resource Development.NON-PLANREQUIREMENT OF GRANTS -IN-AIDFOR GOVERNMENT FINANCED VIDYALAYAS AND UNITS ( PART-A)AND FUNDS FROM SPONSORS OF PR03ECT KENDRIYA VIDYALAYAS:(PART-B1Pelt-A Vol OOYFIIrlMloy enlAMteo Y3OYA4YY1 - 3-] Z913AA S- Minl ae.. owi.... i ]] see_.t . 014*141os„ MNM^\ M 1mn^.L e 4pern. a MO ]2

Includes Rs. 40488 lakh unspent balance of 2011-12 to bepermitted for carry forward during 2012-13PART - 0 FROM SPONSORSS OF PRO3ECr KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA01 Pep & Albwsnceu 21640 27670 2667302 Retuning & Non-162 tm 473RecurringTotal Expenditure/22002 26170 27145requirement. _Less: Interne I1136 1340 1445receiptsNET 2569730274490307641495PLANRUPEES IN LAKFISSi. No. Item Actual BE. R.E , 2012-132011 - 12 2012-131 Construction of school 17832 20000 41312Building & Staff trs, etc.2 Trainin g of teachers 147 200 8503 Computerization of KVs 2052 3000 4000including setting up ofcomputer labs, Blo techlabs and otherinfrastructure Invie ala as4 Expenditure on Pay & 16482 11800 20800Allowance of the<strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s opened during2003-04 , 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07 &Introduction of secondshift during 2004-05,2005-06 & 2006-07TOTAL 36513 35000 6696265KVS requires additional amount under RE 2012-13 to an extent ofRs.31962 lakh over and above the approved outlay of Rs .35000 iakh In BE2012-13 for meeting the expenditure for ongoing Construction activities ofSchool Buildings and Staff quarters , Computerization of KVs and Pay andallowances & other recurring expenses for new KVs opened on or after1.4.2003 Including 107 new KVs opened during the year 2010 -11 & 2011-12,OUTSOURCING OF WORK RELATING TOPREPARATION OF INTERNAL AUDIT MANUAL& PENSION AUDIT.The matter regarding the hiring of the services of M/s FinancialManagement Research and Resource Society ( FMRRS), New Delhi for outsourcing thefunction of Internal audit , Audit manual preparation and pension audit was placedbefore the Finance Committee Meeting held on 16.03.2011 . The Committeerecommended for the approval of the BOG the proposal for hiring of the services of M/sFinancial Management Research and Resource Society ( FMRRS), New Delhi foroutsourcing the function of Internal audit . As regards hiring the FMRRS for preparationof Internal manual and for Pension Audit , the Committee stated that rates for the samemay be called from the All India Council of Auditors and Accountants , New Delhi,Indian Institute of Public Auditors , New Delhi and FMRRS, New Delhi . Accordingly, theproposal was approved in the Board of Governors meeting held on 30 .08.2011.As per the above decision , quotations were Invited from Institute ofPublic Auditors of India, Financial Management Research and Resource Society(FMRRS) and All India Council of Auditors and Accountant (AICAA) vide our letter no.F. 201230/Misc./2011-KVS (HQ)/P&I/ 233 dated 23.05.2012. In response to the saidletter dated 23.05.2012, quotations were received from Institute of Public Auditors ofIndia and Financial Management Research and Resource Society (FMRRS). The thirdone, I.E. AICAA vide their letter no.F.AICAA/KVS (Hqrs)/2012/ 16 dated 25.05.2012stated that the Council being professional body do not participate In bids.For preparation of internal audit manual , the rates quoted are as under:-1. Institute of Public Auditors of India (IIPAI), New Delhi - Rs.6.00lakhs.2. FMRRS - Rs.4.60 lakh plus service tax @ 12 . 36%. say '. 516856In the case of pension audit , FMRRS has quoted '.700/- per person perday for two consultants and one senior consultant and TA /DA etc. as applicable tocentral government officials for out station duties to be borne by the <strong>Sangathan</strong>. Inaddition, service tax Is payable @ 12.36% . No Institutional charges will be levied onthis segment of the billing.The Finance Committee consideredthe submissions of the <strong>Sangathan</strong> toutilise the services of FMRRS forpreparation of Internal Audit Manualand Pension Audit and accordinglyrecommended the proposal to BOGfor its approval.Finance committee may consider the above submissions and recommendto BOG for approval to utillse the services of FMRRS for preparation of Internal AuditManual and the Pension Audit, since their bid is the lowest.6 GRANT OF PERMISSION TO CPF OPTEES TO The request of KVS for grant ofSWITCH OVER FROM CPF TO GPF-CUM- permission to CPF optees to switchPENSION SCHEME WHO ARE APPOINTED ON over from CPF to GPF-cum-Pension3

OR AFTER 1-1-1986 TO 28-2-89 ANDONWARD.Prior to 01-01-1986, <strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong> employees had anoption either to be member of CPF Scheme or GPF-cum -Pension Scheme . On accountof implementation of IV th Pay Commission recommendation - GOI Issued orders thatthose who are joining the Govt. Services on or after 01/01/1986 will be covered underthe GPF cum Pension Scheme . KVS has adopted the same and Issued OM NO.152-1/79-80/KVS.Budget. P.II dated 1.9.1988 . The operative part of the same is givenhere under:-Consequent upon acceptance of representations of the 4 1' Central PayCommission the OM No . 4/1/87- PIC.I dated 01/05/1987 was Issued by theDepartment of Pension & Pensioners Welfare for Civilian Central GovernmentEmployees being subscribing to Contributory Provident Fund (CPF) (Copy Enclosed).As per para 3.1 of that OM all CPF beneficiaries who were In service on 1/1/86, andwho are still in service on the date of Issue of these orders viz . 1.5.1987 will bedeemed to have come over to the Pension Scheme . The employees who would like tocontinue in CPF Scheme were , however required to exercise option for the same by30/9/87 (In KVS by 28-2-89 ). However, a few employees had exercised a clear optionto continue in CPF.Scheme who 'were appointed ondirect recruitment on or after01.01.1986 to 31.12.2003 wasdeliberated upon by the Committee.However, the committee suggestedthe <strong>Sangathan</strong> to refer the matter tothe Ministry for its consideration.1. In the 51" meeting of the Board of Governers of the Kendnya <strong>Vidyalaya</strong><strong>Sangathan</strong> held on 31 . 5.1988 , It was approved that Kendrlya <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong> willImplement mutatis-mutandis the decision taken by the Govt . of India on therecommendations of the Fourth Central Pay Commission for Its employees for thechange over from Contributory Fund Scheme to Pension Scheme In the manner asIndicated In Ministry of Personnel , Public Grievances and pensions (Deptt . Of Pensionon Pensioners Welfare , OM No . 4/1/87 -PIC dated 1.5.1987).2. It has accordingly been decided that person joining service in the<strong>Sangathan</strong> on or after 1.1.1986 shall be governed only by the GPF cum PensionScheme and will have no option for CPF scheme.In spite of the above Instructions a few KVS employees who have joinedafter 01.01 . 1986 has Inadvertently opted for CPF scheme which Is not applicable atthat period of time, however they have been covered under CPF scheme InadvertentlyIn one such case the Hon'ble CAT Ernakulam Bench in OA No . 457/2011 filed by Sh.Johnson P John, PGT v/s KVS in which Mr. Johnson P. John has been aggrieved withthe fact that he was appointed In October, 1988 and erroneously placed under CPFScheme . The Hon'ble CAT has decided the case in favour of Sh. Johnson P. John. Theoperative part of the order of the Hon 'ble CAT is as under:-"In view of the above , the OA succeeds. It is declared that theapplicant Is covered only by the GPF cum Pension Scheme . His CPF accountshall be converted Into GPF Account and the extent of employer's contributionat the credit of the CPF account Including the Interest element for the saidamount shall be deducted from the total credit balance reflected in the GPFaccount of the applicant. There shall be a pre-audit in this regard and thestatement of GPF account should be made available to the applicant. In theService book/Personal File of the applicant the details of the applicant'sentitlement to GPF and Pension Scheme shall be conspicuously reflected sothat in future, no confusion shall arise . The applicant be Informed of theaction taken In this regard.This order shall be compiled with , within a period of six months from thedate of communication of this order. However, the GPF subscription as per the Ruleshall be deducted from the salary of the applicant from the ensuing financial year i.e.from the pay for the month of April, 2012 onwards."The Finance Committee KVS Is requested to consider the proposal of KVS andrecommend for approval of BOG for grant of permission to all CPF optees to switchover from CPF to GPF cum Pension Scheme who were appointed on Direct Recruitmenton or after 01/01/1986 to 31/ 12/2003. `7 PF INVESTMENT THROUGH PORTFOLIO FUNDMANAGERS FROM SBI GLOBAL MARKETSCORPORATE CENTRE, MADAME CAMA ROAD,MUMBAI.KVS has been maintaining the fund of GPF & CPF subscribers of Kendrlya<strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong> . The <strong>Sangathan</strong> has to Invest the Employees Provident Fundas per the approved pattern of Investment prescribed by the Govt . of India , Ministryof Finance from time to time , the Govt . notification dated 14"' August, 2008 (copyenclosed). As per the directives received from the Ministry of Human ResourceDevelopment In consultation with Ministry of Finance no subsidy can be providedout of Govt. grants to meet shortfall In the Interest to be given to the PFsubscribers.As per the recommendations of the Finance Committee in Its meeting heldon 29 .06.2010, the BOG had approved the recommendation of the proposalregarding Investment of EPF corpus through Portfolio Management Services byengaging one of the financial Institutions which Is the subsidiary of nationalizedbanks or other Govt . Fund Managers by obtaining bids through the prescribedprocedure.4The Finance Committee analysed thepresent policy of the <strong>Sangathan</strong>,more particularly the manner andmethod of investment of EPF corpusthrough Portfolio ManagementServices from SBI Global Markets,Corporate Centre, Mumbai andrecommended to the BOG , KVS forconsideration and approval of theproposal preferred by the <strong>Sangathan</strong>for closure of the Demat and CSGLAccts maintained with the earlier

Quotations were called for availing services for Portfolio Management ofGPF/CPF and following banks have offered quotations:1. SBI , Global Markets, Corporate Centre , Madame Cama Road,Mumbal,2. IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., 5" floor, Mafatial Centre , NarlmanPoint, Mumbal.3. Canara Robeco AMC, Mumbai.banker HDFC and consequenttransfer of the total corpus to SBIDemat and CSGL account.8Quotations were opened on 05 .04.11 and Committee had decided for hiringthe services of SBI, Global Markets, Corporate Centre , Madame Cama Road,Mumbal for a period of 01 year on experimental basis which can be extended forfurther 02 years after review of performance from year to year . After due scrutinyand on recommendation of BOG In Its meeting dated 03.11.2011, the PortfolioManagement has been awarded to State, Bank of India , Global Markets , CorporateCentre, Madame Cama Road , Mumbai.An agreement to the effect was signed on 16 -12-11. As per Schedule-V ofthe said agreement:-"SBI shall hold physically or In electronic form and segregate all securitiesof the Fund, In accordance with the applicable Government, Reserve Bankof India, and/ or SERI or National Stock Exchange or OTCEI or NationalSecurities Depository Limited or Central Depository Services Limited or anyother agency or any other agency or Authority 's rule and regulations':In view of the above the Issue regarding time of transfer of the whole existingcorpus of EPF was discussed in detail . The points raised by HDFC Bank vide theirletter dated 27.02 . 2012 In favour of retaining the securities with HDFC dematAccount and giving power of attorney to SBI were discussed at length. SBI officialsstressed on the advantages available In transferring the securities from HDFC to SBIDemat Account (M/s State Bank of India has been appointed as Port Folio Managerof KVS Employees Provident Fund on 16 . 12.2011 , and they have opened SavingsBank Account and SGL account In favour of KVS. They have Invested a little morethan Rs . 104 crores In the first three months In favour of KVS .) They emphasized onthe following points:a) The cost Involved in this will be least.b) Providing timely and effective MIS will be easier.b) SBI will be In a better footing to plan and monitor the Interestcoupons and redemption etc. This will eliminate the time gap and willnot allow the fund to remain Idle.c) This will not require any reconciliation exercise to be done by KVS Inrelation to SBI and HDFC.d) The RBI has specifically allowed SBI as only bank as such to provideportfolio management services, as management of corpus andcustodial functions are Independently controlled by different DGMs.e) It will take one week to two week time In transferring the securitiesfrom HDFC to SBI.Earlier <strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong> was maintaining/operating Its Provident Fund Investments through HDFC Demat and CSGLA/c. Since the Portfolio Management Is awarded to State Bank of India,Global Markets, Corporate Centre , Madame Cama Road , Mumbai, theDemat and CSGL A/c with HDFC is required to be closed and the totalCorpus In the same Is to be transferred/ shifted to SBI Demat and CSGLA/c.The proposal is placed for consideration and approval of the Finance Committee.REVITALIZATION OF SURRENDERED POSTS OFSUPERINTENDENTS AS SECTION OFFICERS.Kendrlya <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong> is a large organization Imparting schooleducation to 10, 58,450 students all over the country Including Its 3 <strong>Kendriya</strong><strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s abroad . The KVS Is known as role model in the field of school education.Presently It has 3 tier management that 1092 <strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> , 25 Regional officesand Its head quarters In Delhi. Besides KVS has Its 5 ZIETs to Impart training to Itsmore than 54000 of teaching and non-teaching staff.Consequent upon the implementation of decisions of Ministry of HRDletter no. F. 3-15/2009-UT-2 (Part-2) dated 10.08.11, 79 posts ofSuperintendent have been merged with the post of Assistant vide KVS orderNo.i10029/4(2)/2012-KVS(Estt-I) dated 26.6.12. Accordingly all the 79Superintendents post will now be re-designated as Assistant wef 15.06.12with continued duties and responsibilities in the Pay Band -2 i.e. In the payscale of Rs. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-.Due to the heterogeneity In the set up for the supervisory cadreprevailed In KVS , this system has brought complexity in the working of theorganization by having different level of officers, i.e. section officer on theone hand and superintendent on the other , though they handle identicalworks and responsibilities . It is also to mention here that they supervisesame or similar set of officials below them. Thus, this called for some andhomogenous set of supervisory offices in the administrative setup . This canbe achieved by adopting section officers In the set-up doing away with thecadre of Superintendent. Since managing of administrative/academic/fi nancial andestablishment matters of such a huge organization that too In scattered shape Is not5The Finance Committee is fullyconvinced with the submissionsmade by the <strong>Sangathan</strong> to the effectthat there exists some anomalousposition amongst the cadre in theadministrative set up of KVS onaccount of clubbing of pay scales ofboth the Posts of Assistant &Superintendent in the same PayBand (PB-2) consequent upon theimplementation of pay scales as perCCS (RP) Rules 2008 besides, themerger of the post ofSuperintendent with that of the postof Assistant in <strong>Sangathan</strong> in June,2012. It is also felt that some

an easy task . KVS has to draw work from various corner of the country which Iscompiled in Its headquarters and then to submit to the Ministry of HRD timely. As suchthere Is an identical or uniform official set-up both at the Hqrs and Regional Offices.It is worth mentioning that the cadre of Superintendent is not available In theMinistries and Its subordinate offices. In fact, the post of Superintendents Is no morein existence now a days in KVS due to re-designation of them as Assistant w.e.f15.6.2012. Whereas for smooth functioning of KVS , the post of Section Officers areurgently required in Its all Regional Offices/ZIETs/KVs. The status of sanctionedsupervisory posts is given in the statement annexed.Due to merger of the post of Superintendent with the post of Assistant apeculiar situation has arisen especially In Regional Offices where in spite of supervisorypost, all assistants are working under one erstwhile Superintendent re-designated asAssistant. In other words assistant are working under one Assistant (erstwhileSuperintendents/Section officer).In order to keep the administrative set-up Intact and keeping in view of thezero financial Implication in mind, a proposal has been submitted for conversion of allthe sanctioned post of erstwhile Superintendent re-designated as Assistant to the postof section officers. This will also bring uniformity in the official and administrative setupof KVS and those others like In the ministry and their other autonomous/subordinate offices.Sections in KVS (HQ)/ RO's and KVswould be lacking supervisory post.The Committee, after adetailed deliberation , considered theproposal of the <strong>Sangathan</strong> anddecided to make a reference to theMHRD for consideration based onthe anomalous situation created bysuccessive Pay Commissiondecisions.9To avoid the extra financial burden It Is also proposed that three (03)'post ofSuperintendent 01 each from RO Chennal , RO Chandigarh and RO Mumbai may besurrendered by reducing from 79 to 76 posts . As such the number of sanctioned postof superintendents have been reduced from 79 to 76 with the conversion of 76 postof superintendent to the post of section officer which may result Into zero financialImplication. The details of financial Implication are given in (Annexure A.)Salient features of Deliberations:(a) 76 posts of section Officers are to be converted In KVS Hqrs and Regionaloffices/ Kendrlya <strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s for which 79 posts of superintendent are beingsurrendered.(b) To avoid additional expenditure on the exchequers , 03 posts ofsuperintendents are to be surrendered out of the sanctioned strength of 79posts of KVS (Hqrs/ Regional offices/Kendrlya <strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s.Finance Committee is requested to consider the above matter andrecommend the same for approval of BOG.ANNEXUREDetails of Financial ImplicationsPayGrade PAYDAHRATotalSuperintendents(9300-34800 + 4200)930042008775405026325 (A)Section Officer(9300 -34800 + 4600)930046009035417027105(8)(B) - (A) = 27105-26325 = 780 p.m.-Financial implication of Total 79 post of superintendents if covered tothe post of Section Officer.79X12X780 = 7,39,440 per annuam (C)Total estimated pay of 03 superintendent26325X3X12 = 9,47,700 per annuam (D)CREATION OF VARIOUS POSTS OF HINDIOFFICIAL LANGUAGE FOR KVS (HQ)/REGIONALOFFICE & ZIET.11^37i T f 1 WJ^M s' ^) a r Ani n a dau 1171 fin zinaa ( s en ce) A 1978 >) fd^t 5)f%R9er ue) on ft-m wTm en i1 .f€'t 3TRRFM012. 3fis8 %--41 X 4rr.45013. fif) 395144E 044.11W;4) ^ql-i 02TUlt 35ni-1c :Fr*io l oiwn ^1rra=t eA9hi sfwm'A Pie ' 4990 A l '4t' P-t Baer7%) an 51429 ft;m mrr.-0*4 erufaru-o4 We ('5w 4a ve)FMIMF Zr* 2011 A WW 70 Aft 5mtam UW1 CAA 05 OSS+7a 4 )ft 5517515511 A 39755515451 4ffl ft;m *mr av 1847=25'1* W-14 i'dssne sfxrcen 'A 5141 ftaiei 27 Tub 1984 * 05sir75n F.3(1)-79/83-UT-2('9fd4fd wmn) * 395115 11,A31 WT 31fdRm9 1963 'A A11 i'A fm *;fmfi3aia21) air A o siiosn'' osmfam a) oiw A 79* WA $ fA f Qr ono IN 30 Soft 5x A VW O1WIT ftm *rur ft; *;ft ftriiw4 -4 it anil q f4 'A u4Yn m' sf*r A '+sian arr4ne an 1 m11-am11ue'A 5 > i m 4 EPur4M 55 mwn 5 r vrfto I w" 1iof1f-a 5a 4) au 3111 41 Tqls^ dt mm t fti5; R4 1911/595 .M m1 Oft 4,1,AN gr PVM 404u11. 11IAa41gr 4119 an uai' 3Trc9 '1751 ffnwo3655 3la hflI T4 Ift -Zb* 4i5 sew A w41) ge *nft4 1T3T TIT 5f (loss zr4ia 1T3T35TlT wlifII)6The request of <strong>Sangathan</strong> forcreation of Various posts of Hindiofficial Language for KVS HQ/Regional Offices/ ZIETs wasdeliberated upon by the Committeeat length but deferred the proposalfor a time being keeping in mind ofthe additional financial implicationinvolved in the said process.

4 fturcial 01t qM-VM t Zr.113lIWT ft f:{nt $TuT wit t IFri t 4 ono (o) 411 41 f'tioio 16 9W 2011 4'1 4f,14 11,0341W1 i Fm M fm-, iim*r4T I im 3mw. " wimfiv u fl A fi t it mFoRw IT 41 flu i itar f:fi azfar+ -0 zhrao 4f rrr 3112 ftdiil ai tuA V 31191 4R4tmvi ft 9101/ 3tfid oo g41'4`+'9 qo f 491 7W1101110 1194 010111701 ft4+m 411501109111111 MR R 340 004 9101 WE ve 0?IV 41#'4 49 71^11i1%s481 411 1B 15 i9 wvm f'^E4l 3T1M7 'it f 5 805011 4 4411 £16fl 14 05039 0501 1 00N 49 1979 01 1r> r404>91 101F45.1L*3104144111771514#mm 435101091141 4 14ofem14orw150.000 4 31146-, Fl fl *I 119 1976 4 019019 40 ^741ii4't 49+ 0k511 onion 360 41 54 w4wq 401119 4c50Rt 5 f3q,uraa 31T* W 3itr 90401 4h,Mimat* Mqmvzh * Ifi 01911111 t 1 !T mr T,>r-0itfr wmw wr+t 4r(r eqr399w WT ir1 AT 'E1,51311411 * 1111410151:1 dT 51 r (z*Rr ft; 3.040 #;,Ta "f(3j1gT0)'d"+foam 3t f T t) f w mmT 3TTaY7w w ?fo* t IV a 101ThT wr*w lt3ftlr • l g* 4RM f* XTM4V t 0 q1; Rai t 1 3TcT. Wift Oft VMT a'rf fb a fit ' wer wr 05111 31r4l7Tw I -wtm "1414 4 1411 4:,. ooussos f1'9TfM (or..TRr) - 7W2. f 31341045 - -d3. f4tTzrz - l''Vq 44111 4rm1 11 4 q4; f9tt 3T7TFW 4n q8 gF'4i t t 3of q 4Fi 1fa 31.11 594 t1. 01Fm"fi 1 t91' ( irsIiuWI) - qM2. f1m 3r 4544% - 44190 71&97 4 0114•-5 *1505 13036/ 3/96/ 110311Oi f'-gim 22/ 07/2004 411 *Rv'OIT 315301+1xq Pwifla m-TO 3rd 'w e4 4 13;91 an4S of f q 9onr 3#q w Cm 'r 4 4 13.916;mf 4i fclq 31001*1 4 ^1r m f#s4f -a f -q 3',. 141 877 11.010 13-1oo0T loo * 3511.1'1' 3r f rcfl s 011 Wr l0 i/3901110'011 A * Foi 10:'0,03Tf ilt 4TFT f'.ft9Tfl TTzi u 3iioi( I1. '4;' 9111 4 f3am 4;rnimh t fcrq:16 71 125 31•3id 045+1:1113414111151041-0 5 4401 X 31 '91340 126 it 3111141313911018 1 4/44111511 it f'csq 02 4403 31g4rc s I2.'79'1191 ''1 4f#9m 4iq!v1t *fW.-10 71 125 313011'15914 4150 09111 51 4 02 4499 31341045 126 d1 1753r3<strong>9r</strong>f1tY4 (PAqAth 5514 05T410T4 4'+ f'ciq 03 4d 3TTr4V 101911 01 4{3111 3r39105IZTTSTTWT Tftf. IMIbC Br RfaT0lNd$;i>itrcT7r. 9'#TitWIAk^r >t - 09-U AW 3t - 047f $'f4' 7t - 12019111 4 P 1fZii3;rt a It WT .iqm , ._ i((o). **e ra 41414 4+911-041 4 4195 t I1. 71051116 w1t9T ('50) +25 e1o 10=262. fft i 3 111'65 (25 1110) +5 r r+ 3 ^j0 0i0=337

3. ff 2T'#ffi t (25 i`JO) +1 T10 =264. 3w4vft ('r7(tdi 01 (10) =015. Wt arra3f of('%o)=oiaztarf a;t fbf firm P-rar0 i 9A qK a;T I r it AA'Tr $ 8tf r fbfn fbam(F01 vrtgua; f sta; 26 32039 9996168102 313a 33 31193 123524283 26 16007 49941844 M-q W 1 16007 1920845 %it mss 1 16007 19208427726948agRlae vf-nc a Oil *4W MCA MR-41 ;* s *' the WRrFtr TtA&T a#YaffifVia MV aw N VU fkm -,^m ft *Fr infra 0 364w* RmT 1T arim-,M fu9f luniiCREATION OF A NEW GRADE OF UDC (NFSG)AND STENOGRAPHER, GRADE'D' (NFSG) INKVS.The Ministry of Personnel , Public Grievances & Pensions (Department ofPersonnel & Training ) vide their office Memorandum No. F.20/49/2009-CS.II (B) dated22.06 .2011 ( copy enclosed ) has created a Grade of UDC'Non Functional SelectionGrade ' ( NFSG ) in Central Secretariat Clerical Services (CSCS) cadre and Stenographer,Grade 'D' (NFSG) In Central Secretariat Stenographers Services (CSSS ) in the GradePay of Rs . 4200/- In Pay Band -2 w.e.f. 22.06 .2011 . The DoPT has laid down certainterms and conditions and procedure for placing the officials in Non - FunctionalSelection Grade which are as under:-a) UDCs of CSCS and Stenographers Grade 'D' of CSSS shall be eligible forplacement in the 'Non Functional Selection Grade' (NFSG ) on completion of 05years of approved service as UDC/Stenographer Grade-'D' subject to conditionthat the total number of grade will be restricted to 30% of the sanctionedstrength .b) The officials will be placed In the Non Functional Selection Grade as per thefollowing procedure:-1) Department of Personnel & Training (DoP&T) will Issue a Zone of consideration forplacement of eligible officials In NFSG as per the common Seniority list preparedand maintained by DoP&T In respect of UDCs of CSCS and Stenographer Grade'D' of CSSS.II) An Internal Committee will be constituted by the cadre units to review the casesof officials for placement In the Non Functional Selection Grade and to makesuitable recommendations.iii) The committee shall consider the last 5 years ACRS/APARS of the officials. TheCommittee should satisfy Itself that the overall performance of the official is"Good" In the last 5 years ACRs/APARs . Such officials would be consideredsuitable for placement In the 'NFSG'.Iv) There should be no adverse entries In any ACR/APAR. If there are any adverseentries, It should be dearly brought out in the minutes as to why the official hasbeen proposed for Non Functional Selection Grade In spite of adverse entries.The minutes should also Include a certificate that there Is no other factor oraspect affecting the official which will disqualify him/her for grant of Non-Functional Selection Grade'.V) SC/ST officials considered for placement In their turn to the 'NFSG' may beIncluded In the Select List of 'NFSG ' even If they do not fulfill the criteria as laiddown in S.No . (ill) above , provided they are not found unfit by the Committee.The request of the <strong>Sangathan</strong> forcreation of a new Grade of UDC NonFunctional Selection Grade (NFSG)and Junior Stenographer (NFSG)(Now known as Stenographer GradeII) in KVS, in terms of DOPT OfficeMemorandum No. 20/49/2009-CS.II(B) dated 22.06.2011 is consideredby the Committee and directed torefer the proposal to the MHRD forconsideration.In Kendrlya Vidyaiaya <strong>Sangathan</strong> , as on 01.10.2012 there are 1338 sanctionedposts of UDC out of which 328 are vacant and 1010 are In position . The post of UDC InKVS is a Group-C cadre post in the pay scale of Rs . 5200-20200 with Grade pay of Rs.2400 only I.e . at par with the post of UDC In the Ministry . The post has been assignedthe duties and responsibilities of dealing Assistant and any UDC Is supposed to put-upthe cases enriched with rule position/self contained In all respect as is expected fromany one holding the post of Assistant.Also consequent upon Implementations of Modified Assured Career ProgressionScheme (MACPS ) w.e.f. 01.09.2008 , the UDC5 are getting the benefit of MACPS Innext higher Grade pay only i.e. of Rs . 2800 whereas the promotional post for the postof UDC is Assistant in the Pay Band -2 with Grade pay of Rs. 4200 . Similar is in thecase with Junior Stenographer (now known as Stenographer Grade -II) In KVS.Presently 47 posts of Stenographer Grade II are sanctioned In the cadre out of which14 are vacant and 33 are in position. In other words there Is an Immediate need ofextending some benefits to these two cadres.8

11Now when the Government of India has also thought over this problem dnd videtheir OM dated 22.06.2011 IN has Introduced a new scheme by creating of a newGrade of UDC (NFSG) and Stenographer Grade -D in CSCS and CSS, KVS also wants tocreate these new grades so that at least 30% of the sanctioned strength In each cadremay be placed In Non -Functional Selection Grade of Rs. 4200 In Pay Band - 2 at par withthe similarly placed employees of the Ministry.In Implementation of the above , as a first , 399 number of UDCs and 14number of Junior Stenographer (now known as Stenographer Grade -II) will be placedIn Non Functional Selection Grade , If otherwise eligible. Here it is worth mentioningthat the maximum number of the eligible UDC/Junior Stenographer are alreadydrawing the Pay scale In first or second or third MACP which may be In the grade payof Rs 2800, Rs 4200 or Rs 4600 as per their length of service . As such there will beminimal financial Implications.Thus, the Finance Committee, KVS is requested to consider and recommend thecreation of a new Grade of UDC ( NFSG ) and Junior Stenographer (NFSG) ( now knownas Stenographer Grade-II) in KVS In terms of DoPT Office Memorandum No.20/49/2009-CS.II ( B) dated 22 .06.2011 (Annexure -V) to the Board of Governors,KVS for approval.RELAXATION IN RECRUITMENT RULES FORTHE POST OF FINANCE OFFICER AND HINDITRANSLATOR IN KVS AS A ONE TIMEMEASURE TO FILL UP VACANCIES.This is regarding one time relaxation In Recruitment Rules for the post ofFinance officer and Hindi Translator In <strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong>.The post of Finance officer Is one of the key post in Regional offices as wellas at KVS(HQ) who looks after all the work related to finance such as accounts , audit,provident funds, budget, pension etc. He Is also head of the audit team at Regionallevel to conduct Internal audit In all <strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s of the region . The process offilling up of 50% posts of Finance Officer by Direct Recruitment has already beeninitiated and the written test has been conducted on 22.4.2012. The remaining 25%posts are to be filled by promotion and 25% by limited deptt . examination as per theexisting Recruitment Rules.KVS could not fill up 08 posts of Finance Officer through promotion/limiteddeptt examination due to administrative problems in the feeder cadre I.e. as perRecruitment Rule for the post of Finance officer (earlier designated as Audit andAccounts Officer) for promotion feeder cadre Is the post of Supdt . which has beenmerged with the post of Section Officer whereas for limited deptt . examination thefeeder cadre post is Section Officer with combined services of seven years out of whichtwo years regular service as Section Officer and five years as Supdt. Due to merger ofthe posts feeder cadre Is not available for promotion to the post of Finance Officer asSection Officer are not available with requisite qualifying service as per RecruitmentRules. The revisions of Recruitment Rules are under way.The present scenario Is adversely affecting the functioning of finance related work InRegional offices and HQ due to non-availability of Finance Officers.Likewise ten posts of Hindi Translators are also lying vacant at RegionalOffices and the Parliamentary Committee on Official language during their recent visitto the regional offices for Inspection has adversely commented on the vacant positionin the Hindi Translator post. As per existing Recruitment Rules for the post of HindiTranslator, 100 % vacant posts are to be filled by Direct Recruitment . It Is pertinent tomention that there is only one sanctioned post of Sr. Hindi Translator In Kendrlya<strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong> and due to which there are least promotional avenues availableto the Hindi Translator recruiting through Direct Recruitment . The existing HindiTranslators are in Stagnation In <strong>Sangathan</strong> and this has created least job satisfactionin them.Filling up these posts once again through Direct Recruitment as perRecruitment Rule is a time consuming process and It may not give much jobsatisfaction to them as there Is no wide promotional avenues available to them In<strong>Sangathan</strong>.To overcome the above cited situation being faced by the Regional Officesand KVS(HQ) It Is proposed that the existing recruitment rules may be relaxed to thefollowing extent:-1. The 08 ( Eight) posts (to be filled 25% by promotion and 25% by limiteddeptt. examination) of Finance Officer may be filled up by deputation as aonetime measure from amongst officer of the Central Govt ./StateGovt./Autonomous bodies possessing the following qualification andexperience:I. Holding Analogous Post; orii. With four years regular service in the Audit and Accounts Inthe PB- II of Rs. 9300 -34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-2. The total 10 (Ten) vacant posts of Hindi translator as on date may be filled upby deputation as a onetime measure from amongst officer of the CentralGovt./State Govt./ Autonomous bodies holding Analogous Post.In view of the above , Finance Committee may consider and recommend theproposal to BOG for approval.9The relaxation sought for by the<strong>Sangathan</strong> on the existingRecruitment Rules to fill up thevacant posts of Finance Officer (8Posts) and Hindi Translator (10Posts) on deputation was consideredby the Finance Committee in thelight of the submissions made by the<strong>Sangathan</strong> and accordingly,recommended to BOG of KVS, as aone time measure, for its approval.

12 REVISION OF NORMS FOR OPENING OF NEWKENDRIYA VIDYALAYAS UNDERCIVIL /DEFENCE SECTOR.<strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong> Is presently managing the affairsof as many as 1089 Kendrlya <strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s all over the country and abroad. These<strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s have been opened under certain prescribed norms duly approved-by theBoard of Governors, KVS. The BOG has approved 02 set of norms i.e . one foropening of new Kendrlya <strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s under Civil Sector/Defence Sector and anotherone for opening of new Kendrlya <strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s under Project Sector/IHL Sector.The current norms for opening of new <strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong>sunder Civil/Defence Sector were revised during the year 2006 and were approved bythe Board of Governors , KVS In its 75"' meeting held on 26 .06.2006 . The Board hadapproved certain amendments In the provisions particularly in the matter of a)Requirement of extent of land for opening of a Kendrlya <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> , b) Minimumnumber of employees of Government of India /CPSU at a station c) Potentialenrolment of children of specified categories and d ) the order of priority In setting upnew KVS. Thereafter, the revised/approved norms were circulated among allconcerned on 22 .09.2006 (Annexure- VI).During the course of Implementation of the revised norms,during last 06 years , KVS has experienced many practical difficulties In establishmentof a new KVs and their functioning . In the matter of a number of KVS opened sincelast 20 years or more , the land was not transferred In favour of KVS and thestudents were compelled to sit In temporary accommodations lacking many facilities.Thus, taking Into the safety of the students , the <strong>Sangathan</strong> during the year 2006made the provision in the norms that the land would be transferred in favour of KVSwithin a definite time frame of one year of the opening of the KV . But the same couldnot yield satisfactory results. Out of 91 KVS opened during the year 2010 - 11, theland has not been transferred in favour of KVS in as many as 80 KVs and the lassesare functioning in temporary accommodations . In toto 275 KVS are still functioning intemporary buildings mainly due to non -compliance of land transfers.As regard to extent of land , the most of the sponsoring agenciesare transferring the minimum extent of land as It Is mentioned In the prescribednorms and always avoid to Identify/transfer the desirable extent of land. In fact the<strong>Sangathan</strong> has Its composite campus having facilities of school building, staffquarters , Principal accommodation and the minimum size of playground . It is verydifficult to manage these facilities In the minimum land being provided by thesponsoring agencies. Thus , there Is an Immediate need of change In the provision ofrequisite extent of land in favour of KVS to accommodate facilities.Accordingly , to ensure the safety and security of the students as they cannot be keptsitting in temporary accommodation lacking minimum Infrastructural facilities forIndefinite period , and the proformae not compatible with the current requirements, ithas been decided to review the provisions of requirement of land, leasedeed/permanent transfer of land etc . as under:-The revision of norms proposed bythe <strong>Sangathan</strong> such as the minimumrequirement of land, transfer of landprior to opening of new <strong>Kendriya</strong><strong>Vidyalaya</strong> etc was considered by theFinance Committee and, accordinglyrecommended the following to theBoard of'Governors for approval.a. The demarcated land should betransferred to KVS on lease orpermanent transfer prior toopening of new <strong>Kendriya</strong><strong>Vidyalaya</strong>.b. The existing requirement of landmentioned therein should betransferred by the SponsoringAgencies for opening of new KVas per the desirable extent (inacres) considering the need ofstaff quarter, accommodation forPrincipal, play ground etc.However, the request of anysponsoring agency for transfer ofminimum requirement of landcan be considered on case tocase basis separately after theapproval of Chairman, KVS.Lrr..M..^M ma wr`.«b... aswa.w.wrrawa.«..w...em., b.I wb b..r. w.w..bw.«ur s.e «..« baw_II«M W...«ge.a Yq,.b,. 4S41 * S*•*. r4Uw..Wr«.r... ,wM+rw.r.ryba M^ely.M+b M p.M.e... a m«w «.MiI lw+«... O b.14.wr«.. a s a..x.aai r e..w.+rw^wn.r•..r.. w r..^ rmr, wwb...m..ab.vs..wb. .r.rrn. .pL.YMMMbIIY^ M..M..,«S S44«,« Mw b..MM0..n M««,I.. w.w,a 1 ..r....iM1....Nw. m...w. wwa.row...r. b .awua b m s..m..r utlpbp bMb w 1«ba«.MM.M........0 wMb. M.«w«ryp...aebI10

..f..f .M.www. w. M bfwM.Y aa.wpam. weaw.y+cm.rof.bn M. a wnta...wq M Rw.aM s.yw.. w ar p r...c r w.........d w,a W.MMA.. MYN Y..f.. MM.f.rM4f MiMI. Hr I.MtW b awaf b ]wM. uM arMbwrwa YrbMln.M.r.Mp,rpM..tlwaW Mwn.a.w l N ,f wMMAy b M p.. d wa bwwN, d YM b IIMys NqM W.9MV.w.. l.,rvnWUaenofwMtMlb/.MA.ww: w[wbW.M. rnw hb LwnbndM M.MNMwMw..tla.^f....r]bMtwdawtbn . haW pl4Wwbtl,W,..B.pMp.brw. bmtl.M,.fl4albf MMwrrw . wpf"MMrnhb MwMnMFlwwtlM' 8.n Wwww....wwaY.rlw pYbrwaOtl M , lwM,. "M.M.Y.113 BIFURCATION OF ROOM RENT IN SCHOOL The apportion formula proposed byFUND AND VVN FUND.the <strong>Sangathan</strong> towards bifurcationof Room Rent proceeds collectedKVS has been letting out its school buildings to various Government Departments ,from the outside agencies forPublic Sector, Undertakings , Nationalized Bank, UPSC, SSC etc wherein theseorganizations conduct various examinations . Initially the room rent was being chargedconducting various examination inRs. 300/- per room per day inclusive of water/electricity charges. The said rates wererecommended by the finance committee,, In Its meeting held on 14 . 11.2003 and the premises of <strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong>ssubsequently BOG of KVS approved It. But after 05 years it was felt that the rate ofwater, electricity and maintenance charges were Increased manifold and there was a was considered by the Committeeneed for further enhancement of the rate of room rent .and recommended to the BOG ofAccordingly, the matter was placed before the Finance Committee of KVS .In Its meeting held on 25.11. 2008 and the recommendation of finance committee toIncrease the amount of room rent from Its . 300/ to Rs . 500/- per room per day wasapproved in the BOG of KVS held on 18 . 12.2008.At the time of introduction of charging the rent the expenses of Electricityand Water charges etc. were being met out of School Fund and the amount collectedby way of room rent was also being deposited In the School Fund which practice Iscontinuing till date.However, since 31.3.2006 vide ON. No . F.6-7/2005 -06/KVS (Budget)dated 31.3.2006 (Annexure -VI) these expenses are now being met out of VVN. As aresult of this, payment of electricity, water and maintenance charges for the servicesutilized by out-side agency are not being . met out of the rent collected from them.Therefore , the Issue of bifurcation of room rent charged from the outside agenciesbetween School Fund and VVN has been taken up and referred to Finance Division fortheir opinion.The Finance Division of KVS after examining the Issue has opined thatsince all the bills of Water and Electricity consumed by the outside agencies during theexamination etc. are being paid from WN Account . Therefore, 10% of rent proceedscollected from outside agencies may be credited to the VVN Account being theexpenditure towards electricity, water etc. charges and the rest in the School FundAccount.KVS for approval.The Finance Committee may kindly consider and recommend to the BOGfor aroval.14 SETTING UP OF E-CLASS ROOM IN KENDRIYAVIDYALAYAS.<strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong> being a pace setting organisation hasalways been committed to provide a rich and motivating environment in schools foroverall development of understanding of concepts and skills among student. Thisincludes a healthy ICT Infrastructure and allied technologies . In recent time a need hasbeen felt to develop new paradigm In education which are manifested by technologyenabled Instruction with emphasis on collaborative teaming , multidisciplinary problemsolving approach and promotion of critical thinking skills.Keeping this need in view MHRD constituted a Technical Committee underthe chairmanship of the Special Secretary Deptt . of Higher Education & Vice Chairman,KVS. Based on the report of the Committee (copy enclosed Annexure -A). KVS took apilot project of developing E-classrooms In 50 <strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s In 10 regions,taking one section In each class from 3 to 12 after taking approval of BOG (Copy of theminutes enclosed Annexure ......). It was also emphasised by BOG that development ofE-classrooms in rest of the <strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s Is to be taken in a phased manner. Theexpenditure for this is to be met out of VVN.The Finance Committee consideredthe proposal of <strong>Sangathan</strong> forsetting up of E-Class room in 75<strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s in theremaining 15 Regions (5 KVs each in15 ROs) out of WN account andrecommended the same to Board ofGovernors for approval. TheCommittee also suggested that thequality aspect of E-content shouldbe vetted by NCERT/CIET.These classrooms with Interactive mode of teaching and learning hasbecome a motivating factor in teaching learning process for children. At that time KVShad 18 regions . Now KVS has get 25 regions and during reshuffle of schools , numberof E-class room In various regions has varied . Now In order to seek parity among allregions of KVS It Is being felt that we may provide E-class rooms all 25 regions ofKVS, such as each region has 5 schools having 10 E -class room each.Considering the above It Is proposed that development of E-Classroomsmay further be rolled out in such a manner that all 25 regions may have a equity ofexposure to technology enabled 50 classrooms each . During 39th AAC meeting It wassuggested by Joint Secretary (SE&L), MHRD suggested that only one section per class11

15may be taken up for setting up of additional a-class rooms in remaining 15 regions.(Annexure ....,.). He further advised that bigger schools may be selected forestablishing a-class rooms while distributing among regions . Accordingly we may beselecting the biggers schools of these regions specially located in metros or In biggertowns . Thus in the 2nd phase 750 class rooms will be equipped with Infrastructure ofE-class rooms having Interactive Board Multimedia Projector , Visualizer , Computer &note pad etc.The present cost of developing on E-class room is approximately Rs.325000/- (Rs. Three lakh Twenty five thousand ) as per DGS & D rate contract. Totalfinancial implication will be Rs. 24,37, 50,000/- . (Rs. 24 . 37 crore approx ) Expenditurewill be met out of VVN.Finance Committee may Kindly approve the agenda.REVIEWING OF STAFFING NORMS IN VIEW OFIMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVISION OF RTEACT 2009.38th meeting of Academic Advisory Committee held on 11.01.2012approved the agenda proposal for Review of <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> Time Table, Staffing Norms andwork allocation to Teachers in view of implementation of the Provision of RTE and CCEwith the observation regarding recommendation made at Sr. No. 12 that It should alsobe examined in the Finance Committee where full financial implication should bepresented and considered. (Annexure IX/'I' minutes of 38th AAC).RTE Act 2009, Section 25 (the schedule for norms & standard) envisagesone full time Head Teacher for classes 6th to 8th (Annexure IX/'II')At present Kendrlya <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong> has the provision of a headteacher called Vice Principal when No. of sections are 03 to 05 up to Class X and 02Vice Principals when No. of sections are 6 or more . Hance It Is proposed that oneVice Principal post ( Heed Teacher) may be sanctioned for all schoolsIrrespective of the number of sections . There are 1090 KVs as on date and 518posts of VPs are already sanctioned.Total Number of VP Approximate Number of additional VPnumber of post already post need to be sanctionedKVssanctioned1090 518 572Financial implications for the proposal of sanctioning additional 572 postsof Vice Principal have been worked out on the basis of notional expenditure on onepost of Vice Principal as follows : (Details annexed at IX/'III'):S.No. Approximate Approximate Financial Implication per annumNumber of (In Rs.)additional VP postneed to besanctioned1 572 30,50,91,072Also amendment In the norms for staff sanction for Primary andUpper Primary section Is proposed based on RTE act 2009 . RTE Act 2009,section 25 (the Schedule for norms and standard) envisages specified pupil-teacherratio.(Annexure IX/'II.')Existing staffing norms in KVS are based on teaching workload works outto be more than 48 periods per week and teachers workload (Primary Teacher-39period per week & TGT's 36 periods per week).Now as specified In RTE Act 2009 It is proposed that staffing norms forPrimary & Upper Primary be also based on pupil -teacher ratio and wherever Pupilteacherratio exceeds the norms specified in RTE Act 2009 (1:40 In Primary & 1:35 InUpper Primary ), additional teacher post be sanctioned.Therefore , it is proposed that the staffing norms of teaching faculty may beamended as mentioned below: -1. One Vice Principal post (Head Teacher) may be sanctioned for allschools irrespective of the number of sections.2. Staffing norms for Primary & Upper Primary be also based on pupil -teacher ratio and wherever Pupil-teacher ratio exceeds the normsspecified In RTE Act 2009 ( 1:40 In Primary & 1:35 In Upper Primary),additional teacher post be sanctioned.The proposal of <strong>Sangathan</strong> forreviewing of staffing norms in thelight of the Provisions of RTE Act,2009 was considered by the FinanceCommittee and suggested that sincethe Primary Section is supervised bythe Headmaster/ Headmistress andUpper Primary, Secondary/ SeniorSecondary Sections are beingsupervised by the Vice Principal/Principal of the <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> dependson the classes sanctioned to theconcerned <strong>Vidyalaya</strong>, the FinanceCommittee took a unanimous viewthat there exists no necessity tocreate Head Teacher/Vice PrincipalPost for supervising Upper PrimarySections. On the other hand, thestaffing norms for teachers proposedby the <strong>Sangathan</strong> was dulyconsidered by the Committee andrecommended to the BOG, KVS forits approval as per RTE ActSchedule.Existing staffing norms along with modifications proposed Is enclosed as An'IX'/ IV.12

SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDAITEM AGENDANO.1 APPOINTMENT OF COUNSELORS IN KENDRIYAVIDYALAYAS ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS.1. In recent years, the role of school counselors Is recognized as crucialin order to address the emerging Issues related to emotional andbehavioral problems persisting amongst the students.2. Professional School Counselors are qualified persons employed Inprimary, secondary and higher secondary schools to nourish childrenIn accomplishing a holistic development by helping them growsocially, emotionally , psychologically and academically. This Isachieved by systematically designing , Implementing , evaluating andenhancing a comprehensive school counseling program thatpromotes and enhances student success.3. The CBSE vide circular no. 8 and 10 dated 20th July ,2002 and 10`bmarch, 2008 ( copies enclosed as enclosures A & B) respectively hasemphasized the need to appoint a full time Counselors In all SeniorSecondary Schools. A Committee, popularly known as RaghavanCommittee, constituted by the Supreme court of India to makesuggestions for prevention of ragging in educational Institutions hasalso made a strong case for regular and periodic psychologicalcounseling sessions for every students in the school . The rightattitude is formed only at the formative period of schooling . Schoolsare advised to create a conducive climate that Is free from fear,anxiety and stress so that children learn joyfully and learn to worktogether harmoniously . At secondary stages at least twenty sessionsof psychological counseling must be provided to every student In anacademic session . Parents and teachers may also be Involved In suchsessions. Awareness about human rights , respect of diversity andequality may be discreetly ranted Into the lessons and exercises.Education In Life Skills can be given greater thrust to Inculcate thedesirable value system.4. It was also expected that secondary school would also engagecounselors If the resource permits. Hence, the Board of Governors ofKVS In its 901h meetings held on 30"' August, 2011 has approved thecreation of posts of educational counsellors In PGT scale In Kendrlya<strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s with the prior approval of the ministry. However, till suchtime the Ministry accords its approval for appointment of educationalcounsellors on regular basis , they may be engaged on contractualbasis. (copy enclosed)5. The BOG in their 90"1 meeting held on 30 1h August , 2011 alsodirected the restructuring of the proposal of appointment ofeducational counselors on contractual basis by highlighting thefinancial implications and mention the source of funding.The restructured proposal Is placed below for kind consideration.(A) Guidance & Counseling Services In KV51. One Education counselor shall be appointed for Secondary and Seniclasses In each KV.2. The counselor may be engaged by the KV for the full duration of the dad\ T6n n. .aliflcatinn for Cnnneelr s ha11 be ae follows!Essential Qualification Required Desirable qualification RequiredM.A. / M.Sc. (Psychology) from a Minimum of One Year Experience inrecognized College or University + Providing Career / Educational CounselingRegular one year Post Graduate to students at schoolsDiploma In Guidance and CounselingOrOrWorking knowledge and experience inM.A. / M.Sc. / M.Com with B.Ed / Placement BureausM.Ed. qualification + Regular oneOryear Post Graduate Diploma In Registration with rehabilitation Council ofGuidance and CounselingIndia as Vocational CounselorMINUTESThe proposal of appointment ofEducational Counsellors in <strong>Kendriya</strong><strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s on contractual basishighlighting the financial implicationsand source of 'funding to meet theexpenditure towards remunerationwas considered by the FinanceCommittee and recommended toBOG, KVS for approval.(C) Suggested Nature of Work of Counsellors.1. Dealing with topics such as (I) Facing Examinations with outfear (II) Stress Management for Students (III) Developing Studyhabits In students (lv) Study Skills (v) Study Techniques (vl)time management, (vii) communication skills, etc2. Dealing with Low-achieving, under-achieving and highachievingstudents3. Conducting class surveys to know the career choice of students4. Career Guidance to students based on the result ofadministering Aptitude Test and Interest Inventory5. Helping students to prepare monographs on their choice careeroccupations.6. Career talks7. Preparation of charts and posters by students8. Visit to workplaces9. "Meet the Professlonar programme13

10. Career Conference cum Exhibitioni1. Setting up 'Career Guidance Corner'12. Providing Counseling to problem students(D) Article 114 of Education Code which deals with Guidance andCounselling is reproduced as under:1. Guidance & Counselling Services by KVS Staff,(1) All students of class IX, X, XI and XII shall be covered forcounselling services.(11) Group guidance activities shall be carried out at least once aweek. Individual counselling too may be taken up by theteachers as far as possible.(iii) The Principal will spare qualified teachers for 4-6 periods perweek exclusively for guidance and counseling services.(iv) The Principal will be authorized to spend Rs.200/- per monthout of the <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> Vikas Nidhi for purchase of stationery,payment to guest speakers to organize career corners/exhibitions as and when required.2. Services from Outside AgenciesPrincipal may appoint professionals In career guidance andcounselling on part time basis as per the following guidelines:(a) The services of such personnel may be utilized throughout theyear at a monthly consolidated payment of Rs.3000 per monthfor 2 hours on alternate days. The expenditure on this accountshall be booked under the <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> Vikas Nidhi.(b) The career guidance services may be given from class IXonwards. Each KV may Invite experts from various fields andmay organize regular discussions with children and pay Rs.500for 2 hours to the experts whenever they are Invited.It is proposed before the finance Committee toapprove appointment of professional counselors in each schoolhaving secondary and Sr. Secondary classes ( IX to XII) onconsolidated payment of Rs.25,000/-(Rupees twenty fivethousand only).The financial implication in the case of engaging counselors In KV havingonly Senior Secondary Classes shall be as follows:1. The remuneration payable to counselors is taken from the averageremuneration for PGTS ( Normal Station, Hard Station and VeryHard Station) on contractual basis engaged in Kendrlya<strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s.ii. Number of KVs having senior secondary classes as on 30thOctober, 2012 = 917iii. Consolidated payment to be made on monthly basis to acontractual teacher will be = Rs . 25,000/- ( Rupees twenty fivethousand only)iv. Thus, the total Annual expenditure on the appointment ofcounselors on contractual basis (for 9 months duration) In anacademic session for all the schools having Secondary and SeniorSecondary classes will be as under:• Rs. 25,000x 917 (KVs) x 9(months) = 20,63,25,000/-(Rs. Twenty Crores, sixty three lakhs and twenty fivethousands only) approximately.• Annually Expenditure per KV will be 2,25,0001- (Rs.Twolakhs twenty five thousand only) approximately.v. The proposed expenditure pertaining to each KV shall be booked under the<strong>Vidyalaya</strong> Vikas Nidhi of the <strong>Vidyalaya</strong>.vi. The qualification proposed for Counsellors on contractual basis shallremain the same as opined by RPS Section of KVS for the counsellors tobe appointed on permanent basis.Once this agenda Item is approved by the FinanceCommittee the amended Article 114 of Education Code shall beread as follows after the approval of the same by the BOG.* Amendment of Article 114 of Education Code - Guidance andCounselling Services.1. Guidance & Counselling Services by KVS Staff.(I) All students of class IX, X, XI and XII shall be covered forcounselling services. (No change)(li) Group guidance activities shall be carried out at least once aweek. Individual counselling too may be taken up by theteachers as far as possible . (No change )(III) The Principal will spare qualified teachers for 4-6 periods perweek exclusively for guidance and counseling services. ( Nochange )(Iv) The Principal will be authorized to spend appropriate/reasonable amount out of the <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> Vikas Nidhi forpurchase of stationery, payment to guest speakers to organizecareer comers/ exhibitions as and when required.2. Services from Outside AgenciesPrincipal may appoint professional counselors for careerguidance and counseling on contractual basis as per thefollowing guidelines:(a) The services of such personnel may be utilized throughout theyear (except vacation period) at a monthly consolidatedpayment of Rs.25,000/- per month. The expenditure on thisaccount shall be booked under the <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> Vikas Nldhi.(b) The career guidance services may be given from class IXonwards.Finance Committee may consider and approve the proposal.14

2 AMENDMENT IN THE TRANSFER GUIDELINESEFFECTIVE FROM 01.04.2011As per difficulties observed In Implementing the Transfer guidelines andto make it more acceptable as per the demands of the various stakeholders, thefollowing amendments/addition In certain clauses of transfer guidelines Is proposed forconsideration in the Finance Committee.S.No.Existing ProvisionproposedAmendment /Addition In thefollowing Clauses:JustificationThe amendment/ addition in certainclauses of transfer guidelines soughtfor by the <strong>Sangathan</strong> through theFinance Committee is nowrecommended to ' the Board ofGovernors of KVS for necessaryapproval.01Annexure-IType of DiseasesPrescribed as Validfor Transfer onMedical Grounds.Annexure-IType of DiseasesPrescribed asValid for Transferon MedicalGrounds.viii): "Any otherdisease withmore than 50%mental disabilityduly examined byandrecommended bythe respectiveRegional MedicalBoard with latestrecords/reports(within threemonths).In view of the difficultiesfaced by the employeeshaving spouse /childrensuffering from CerebralPalsy/Mental Retardationwho do not get adequatefacility forTreatment/ Ma nagementin the new place ofposting.02Transfer Guidelinesfor Group A & BOfficersPara 7 "Article 15(a)(3) of the EducationCode for Kendrlya<strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong>empowersCommissioner, KVSto transfer , post andassign any duties toall officer and staff atthe Head Quarter andRegional Offices aswell as <strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s.Therefore,Commissioner, KVSshall be competent totransfer an employeeunder theseguidelines".TransferGuidelines forGroup A & BOfficers"Article 15(a) (3)of the EducationCode for Kendrlya<strong>Vidyalaya</strong><strong>Sangathan</strong>empowersCommissioner,KVS to transfer,post , and assignany duties to allofficer and staffat the HeadQuarter andRegional Officesas well as<strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s.Therefore,Commissioner,KVS shall becompetent totransfer/or grantexemption to anemployee underthese guidelines".The modification/amendment is requiredto bring para 7 of thetransfer guidelinesrelated to Group A & BOfficers at par with pare12 of the transferguidelines related toteaching & non-teachingstaff of KVS.3 I APPOINTMENT OF TEACHERS ONCONTRACTUAL BASIS.Kendrlya Vldyalayas/ Principals have been facing difficulty In appointment ofcontractual teachers under the existing guidelines due to following reasons:-1. The contractual teachers are relieved , as per terms and conditions,immediately after joining of the regular teachers and, therefore thereIs no certainty for continuance of the contractual teacher, whichresults in reluctance on the part of potential candidates to apply forcontractual appointments in KVs.2. The teachers are appointed on per period basis and maximum fiveperiods a day and therefore , the remuneration for the monthdepends upon the number of working days and other factors, whichsometimes is very low especially due to breaks , festival holidays,exams' days etc.3. Due to restrictions on re -appointment in second consecutive session,in most of the cases, good/competent candidates can not beappointed for the second successive session. Thus , either the postremains vacant or the <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> has to compromise on merit of thecandidate.4. The students also face problems due to sudden change of teachers,15The changes sought for by the<strong>Sangathan</strong> on the appointment ofTeachers on contract basis such assource of funds, continuance ofcontract for one academic session,method of Payment, reappointmentetc. were deliberated upon by theFinance Committee at length in itsmeeting but recommended only thefollowing to BOG, KVS for approval.1. A contractual teacher served in a KVIn a year may be considered in

4some-times In the middle of the session for the reason of joining ofregular teachers , or/and for want of continuity In studies fromstudent's point of view.To overcome these difficulties It Is proposed that the following changes may bemade in the appointment of teachers on contract basis.(1) The contractual appointment against vacancies whenever arises maybe made till the end of academic session and such contractualteachers may not be relieved subsequent to joining of regularappointee midway during the academic session. However, tillvacancy exists the payment to contractual teachers may be madeout of School Fund as per practice and subsequent to joining ofregular teacher, out of VVN In the Interest of students in particular.(II) The continuance of the contract for one academic session asproposed above will attract better potential candidates for the reasonthat his job will be assured for at least one academic session.(III) Instead of remuneration on per period basis subject to maximum of5 period per day, It Is proposed that the contractual appointmentmay be made at consolidated pay on month basis as given In Tableas Annexure-I(iv) The re-appointment of a competent good candidate after followingproper procedure for second consecutive session can be done Ifrequired.(v) Contractual appointment on consolidated payment basis will facilitatePrincipals to engage these teachers for all other allied duties whichare otherwise carried out by regular teachers viz. Invigilation duty,exam related duties etc.Finance Committee may consider and approve.WORK LOAD OF TEACHERSKendrlya Vldyalaya <strong>Sangathan</strong> has been approached by variousstakeholders in general and teachers in particular regarding reduction In number ofperiods allotted to teachers of KVS which was raised by 03 periods In each category(viz. PRT, TGT and PGT) in February, 2003 . This issue was raised In )CM and otherplatforms by teachers also The status In this regard in given below In table:- -C.te Prior to 2003 Po 2003 Time Excess1 4 9 9-5 102 3 5 6 7 8T. Allotted T. Altott. T. AN T. Motto PeriodPeriod Pd, rime d Par Ott it d Excass rime led ad me nnu, a In as Pd. week035 035 035 035 0 0 0 040 040min non Mn min 40 40 40 min Mnm1 it iris minPRT 48 36 1680 1260 46 39 19 1560 300 7.520TGT 54 33 1890 1155 48 36 19 1440 285 7.1320PGT 54 33(30) 1890 1155 48 33 19 1320 16 4.125It is relevant to note that KVs were having a time table of 09 (Nine)periods (2 periods of 40 minutes and 7 periods of 35 minutes) spread over 6 hrs 10minutes prior to raising 03 periods. Subsequently, the number of periods in a workingday was also later reduced to 08 periods (I.e. 54 periods to 48 periods In a week) andthus duration of each period also Increased (viz. 02 periods of 45 minutes and 06periods of 40 minutes duration). On one side the numbers of periods were Increasedby a quantum of 3 periods and on the otherside duration of periods also Increased by05 minutes.The need for increase In workload of teachers by 03 periods had arisenbecause MHRD wanted to open about 100 new KVs In special focus areas of thecountry In year 2003 -04 without any additional sanction of posts of teachers orfinancial commitments . The scheme as above was worked out to create a surplus ofabout 2000 teachers which were posted to these new KVs Is session 2003-04.However, It was decided to review the Issue In due course of time (within five years).Though a good numbers of KVs have been sanctioned thereafter and expansion hasremained a continuous process, but the decision of Increasing 03 periods remained tobe reviewed.At present a comparison of work load of teachers with Delhi Govt . and NVSas outlined below needs attention:-20 "subsequent year(s) by the SelectionCommittee for a fresh appointmentas Contractual teacher by followingdue procedure.2. Consolidated payment on monthlybasis may be made to thecontractual teachers for the dutiesperformed including invigilation/exam related work instead of perperiod basis hitherto in force in the<strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong>s. However, thecontractual teachers appointed for aperiod of less than a month will bepaid on pro rata basis only.The reversion to system that existedprior to 2003 in the matter of workload of teachers brought by the<strong>Sangathan</strong> was deliberated upon bythe Committee and suggested that<strong>Sangathan</strong> should examine theproposal in greater detail taking intoaccount the pupil : teacher ratio andplace it in the next FinanceCommittee meeting for itsconsideration.School working hours Including Recess Orxatlon of periods Period. allotted 0.0,0, sam no ra rDelhi 7 .30 am to 1 . 30 pm (06 hrs) 40 (Moot.. (approx .) T- 7 Periods Teacher. -do notGovt. dhdded Into 08-pseuds TGT-32 Panods stay attar schoolhours as r RTENVS 8 .05 am to 1 .45 pm (5 hours 40 35 mMUtao (06) PGT/r0T-36 R6sld.mial schoolminutes molded Into 08- erlods 40 mint. 02 rbd1 aKVS 7 .30 am to 13.40 pm 40 minutes (06) PR - 39 Stay agar school6 hn. 10 ndnutes 45 (Mnutes (02) TGT- 36 hours as per RTEPGr-33Though NVS teachers are engaged for 36 periods In a week as in KVS but the durationof periods is 05 minutes less which works out to be a 180 min. (03 hours in a week)less than their counterparts in KVS. To mitigate the problem of work load of KVteachers it Is proposed to reduce the extra 03 periods allotted to teachers from year2003. The details and consequences there to are outlined In Table given below:-categoryGTExisting Periods33Proposed30Proportional Increase M No. of posts3/33x100 . 9% approx.16

36333/36X100-6.3% pprox.GTRT39363/30X100m7 .7A approx.5The proposal for Increase of approx . 8% of posts (3000 teachers - 1000 eachcategory) as stated above may kindly be approved to Increase the efficiency ofteachers by reducing the number of periods (workload) keeping In view thecircumstances explained above . The reversion to system that existed prior to 2003may please be approved w.r.t. number of periods allotted to different category ofteachers viz. PGT-30, TGT-33, PRT-36.Finance Committee may consider and approve.REVISION OF RECRUITMENT RULES FORGROUP - 'A' OFFICERS AND NON - TEACHINGPOSTS IN KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN.For the revision of Recruitment Rules of all the cadres In Kendrlya Vldyalaya<strong>Sangathan</strong> three Committees namely teaching staff, non-teaching staff and Group Aofficers were constituted to submit their recommendations . The recommendations ofthe Committee for the revision of Recruitment Rules of the Teaching Staff has beenapproved by the Board of Governors In Its 92nd meeting held on 18 .05.2012.The Committees constituted for the revision of Recruitment Rules for therevision of Recruitment Rules for the Group A officers and Non - Teaching staff are asunder:Recruitment Rules of Group - A Officersa) Sh. O.M. Prabhakaran, ADC (Admn);- Chairmanb) Dr. E. Prabhakar, JC (Pers.) - Memberc) Sh. S. VI)ya Kumar, JC (Admn) - Memberd) Sh. S.S. Rawat, Asstt. Comm. - MemberRecruitment Rules of Non - Teachlna Staffa) Sh. S. V(jya Kumar, JC (Admn) - Chairmanb) Sh. M. Arumugam, JC (Fin.) - Memberc) Dr. E. Prabhakar, JC (Pers.) - Memberd) Sh. R. N. Singh, DC (Admn) - MemberThe above Committees after discussion at length have suggested somechanges in the existing Recruitment Rules of Group 'A' Officers and Non - Teachingstaff.The proposed changes are placed below as annexure.Finance Committee may consider the proposal and recommend to approve therevised Recruitment Rules of the Board of Governors for approval.The revision of Recruitment Rulesproposed by -the <strong>Sangathan</strong> forcertain categories of Group 'A'officers and Non teaching staff in<strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong> wasconsidered by the Committee butdeferred the same due to theexistence of certain typographicalerrors crept in the proposal. Assuch, the Committee directed the<strong>Sangathan</strong> to place the proposalcomplete in all respect in theensuing Finance Committee Meeting.6CELEBRATION OF YEAR 2013 AS GOLDENJUBILEE YEAR OF KVS- APPROVAL OF BUDGETFOR ORGANIZING VARIOUS ACTIVITIES.Finance Committee KVS in Its meeting held on 141' May'2012recommended the proposal for celebration of the year 2013 as Golden Jubilee year ofKVS. This was later ratified by Board of Governors of KVS In its 92nd meeting held on181h May 2012.BOG, KVS also approved constitution of high level organizing committee forthe purpose of celebration of Golden Jubilee year of KVS. Following committee wasapproved:1 Vice Chairperson , KVS Chairperson2 Joint SecretaryMemberSE&L, MHRD3 Joint Secretary & FAMemberMHRD4 Additional Director GeneralMemberArmy Education Corps5. Chairman CBSE Member6. Director. NCERT Member7. Commissioner, NVS Member8. Commissioner KVS Member9. Chairman , NIOS Member1 Additional CommissionerMember0. Acad1 Joint Commissioner( Fi nance) Member12.AdditionalCommissioner AdmnMember - SecretaryThe following term of reference of the Committee was also approved:-• To decide on the activities to be taken up during thecelebrations.• To examine the estimated cost and decide on the overall budget.The detailed Budget proposalpreferred by the <strong>Sangathan</strong> (SerialNo. 1 to 10) for the purpose ofcelebration of Golden Jubilee of KVSwas considered by the FinanceCommittee and recommended to theBOG for approval so as to getnecessary sanction of funds in theform of financial support for 7 77.53crore from the Ministry under Non-Plan Grants 'besides to incur otherexpenditure out of its ownresources. In the case of Serial NO.11, regarding the establishment ofE-Class room through VVN in BootModel the Committee decided todefer the proposal to later date, afterevaluating the existing E-Class roomprojects in KVS.17

• To provide directions/guidance to different sub-committees.• To monitor various sub -committees for carrying out the different activities.A meeting of above committee was held on 08 .11.2012under theChairmanship of Smt. Vrinda Sarup , Vice Chairperson , KVS. In this meeting variousactivities to be organised for the Golden Jubilee year were proposed along with theestimated budget. Details of the activities to be organised , estimated budget andsource of funding are appended below:Estimate of expenditure in connection with celebration of GoldenJubilee of KVSSI.No.Details of activity Expenditure (Re.) Grand totalin lakhe)_1. Ina ujim- atlon -_(a) <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> level 1,00,000/- 1,00,000 X1070 1070.00(b) ROlevel 200,000/- 200,000 X 25 50.00(c) 20 regimental5,00,000/- 500,000 X 20 100.00school level(d) Headquarter level24.00(in January 2013 by Hon'blePresident of India)2. Valedictory Function (in92.00December 2013 with aconference of all Principals andofficers of KVS)3. Advertisement (Print500.00&Electronlc Media)4. Golden 3ublllee Merit25000/- 2012-13 : 50000 X917.00Scholarship (at Vldyalayalevel) 02 per school besidesexemption from paying any feeper student(02studentsper year)1834 = 917.00Lakh5. Release of Commemorative 700,000/- 7.00Postal stamp6. Golden Jubilee Rolling200,000/- 2.00Shield/Trophy ( Basketball)7. Selection of best sportsperson (one boy and one girlselected during KVS NationalSports Meek-__0.508. Infrastructure (properupkeep of all KVS building,dedication of newly createdInfrastructure to golden Jubileeand up-gradation orPlayground of PrimaryChildren)9. Documentary on KVS(through Prasar Bhartl)10. Coffee table book (through areputed author)11. Establishment ofE-classroom (through VVN inBOOT model)3,00,000/-X10 perschoolExpenditure to be incurred by KVS out of its own resources51. Activity Expenditure RemarksNo1n iakhs1. Golden Jubillee Rolling 2.00Shield/TrophyBasketball2. Selection of best sports 0.50person3. Establishment of E 30,00,000/- perclassroomschool to be paidin 5 yrs. In Bootmodel, actualexpenditure6,00,000/- perannum per school4. Release of 7,00Commemorative postalstain5. Documentary on KVS 30.006. Coffee table book 50.005000.0030.0050.00To be metout ofexistingallocation toWorks.However,committeemay decidecreation ofnewinfrastructure withallocation30,00,000/-50,00,000/-30,00,000/-per school tobe paid in 5yrs. In Bootmodel, actualexpenditure6,00,000/-per schoolAllocation sought from MHRD for celebration of Golden Jubilee of KVSSt.ActivityExpenditure RemarksNo.(in lakh)1 Inauguration at <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> level 1070.002 Inauguration at RO level 50,003 Inauguration at 20 regimental100.00school level4. { Inauguration at Headquarter level 24.0018

5. Valedictory-function 92.006. Advertisement 500.007. Golden Jubilee Merit Scholarship 917.00(per year)7.8. Infrastructure 5000.00Total 7753.00 OrSeventy SevenCrores Fifty ThreeLakhsFinance committee may consider the proposal and approve the budget for variousactivities for celebration of the year 2013 as Golden Jubilee year of KVS.AGENDA ITEM FOR FINANCE COMMITTEEREGARDING INSURANCE POLICY FOR KVSTUDENTSMore than 11 lakhs students are enrolled In 1092 Kendrlya Vldyalayasdispersed all over the country. <strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong> is also completing 50`"Year of its establishment and will celebrate Golden Jubilee in the year 2013.KVS has taken a number of welfare measure for the benefit of children.However, there Is no provision for compensating the loss or damage caused to thestudents mainly during school hours and school related activities . In the recent pastthere had been cases of mishaps In which either KV students has been seriouslyInjured or died on the spot on account of unforeseen events / mishaps . To sight a fewcases, a few years back a dead body of a child was found In the water tank of KVVikaspuri (New Delhi ). In another case three-two KV students were seriously Injured Ina car accident just at the gate of K V Ghaziabad . In yet another case a KV child diedbecause the entry gate fell down under its own weight on the child.Need has been felt for long about some scheme of Insurance (groupInsurance) covering these kinds of Incidence of mishap with KV children.These days a few Insurance companies have such schemes which provideInsurance coverage to students as well as their parents . Some of the companies haveapproached <strong>Kendriya</strong> Vldyalaya <strong>Sangathan</strong> for the purpose of providing groupInsurance to all students of <strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong> at a very nominal premiumper student basis . The Personal Accident will be available to all the student of KVS.The proposal of <strong>Sangathan</strong> toimplement the scheme of InsurancePolicy was considered by the FinanceCommittee but not agreed to as thescheme is financially not viable. TheCommittee further suggested tomake a provision for an ex-graciapayment to children in event ofaccidental death in or near KVschool compound as a one timemeasure. Detailed regulationh andsanctioning level need to be put upby KVS.The Compensation would be payable for the (I) Accidental Death , (li) PersonalTotal Disability.An Accident will be covered , If It Is (1) Caused by external and (ii) Visible andViolent Means.The approximate estimated coverage details (expenditure) as proposed by one of theInsurance provider are as follows:Coverage Details11,00 ,000 KVS StudentsGroup Personal Its. 2,00,000/- Per studentAccident CoverPremium Per Rs. 44/-StudentTotal Premium Its . 4, 84, 00,000/- ( Rs. FourPay ableCrores and Ei g hty Four Lacs only)Therefore, It Is proposed that <strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong> may beallowed to Implement the scheme of Insurance Policy for the students of <strong>Kendriya</strong><strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong> and for this <strong>Kendriya</strong> <strong>Vidyalaya</strong> <strong>Sangathan</strong> to launch a Requestfor Proposal (RFP) so that selection of suitable Insurance provider may be donethrough a competitive bidding process . Expenditure of premium for the InsurancePolicy may be met out of VVN.Finance Committee may consider and approve the proposal.The Meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.19

ANNEXURE 'A'LIST OF PARTICIPANTS IN THE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 26TH NOVEMBER,2012 AND 5TH DECEMBER, 2012.Ms. Vrinda Sarup, IASAdditional SecretaryDept. of SE & LMinistry of HRD, Govt. of India& Vice - Chairperson, KVSNew Delhi2 Sh. Anil Kakaria,Deputy Secretary (Fin.)Dept. of SE & LMinistry of HRD, Govt. of IndiaNew Delhi(Represented on behalf of JS & FA, MHRD)3 Sh. Rabindra PrasadDeputy Secretary (Trg.)Ministry of DefenceNew Delhi4 Sh. Avinash Dikshit, IDASCommissioner, KVSNew DelhiChairpersonMemberMemberMember1 Sh. Apurva Chandra, IASJoint SecretaryDept. of SE & LMinistry of HRD, Govt. of IndiaNew DelhiSpecial Invitees2 Dr. Dinesh KumarAdditional Commissioner (Acad/ Admn)KVS New Delhi3 Dr. E. PrabhakarJoint Commissioner (Pers.)KVS, New Delhi4 Sh. S. MuthusivamAssistant Commissioner (Fin.)KVS, New Delhi20

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