Aerosol - Cloud Interactions and Precipitation in a Global Scale

Aerosol - Cloud Interactions and Precipitation in a Global Scale Aerosol - Cloud Interactions and Precipitation in a Global Scale
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Total aerosol, cloud condensation nuclei(CCN), and ice nuclei (IN) concentrationsas a function of temperature.• In order to enhanceprecipitation the conceptof seeding is to seed withappropriate CCN or IN tomake precipitation developmore efficiently.

Main Points:1. Aerosols Have Changed:• CCN: sulfate is about 70% anthropogenic, withemissions that have varied with location (e.g.,peaking for the US about 1970 but increasingconcentrations in some other parts of the world)• Desert dust concentrations fluctuate over a widerange. These have good ice nucleating ability, andare likely candidates for the ice nuclei that are ofimportance to precipitation formation.2. Preliminary indications are that this could have changedprecipitation processes in significant ways depending onthe background pollution and aerosols in a specificregion. These results apply both to inadvertent andadvertent weather modification.

Total aerosol, cloud condensation nuclei(CCN), <strong>and</strong> ice nuclei (IN) concentrationsas a function of temperature.• In order to enhanceprecipitation the conceptof seed<strong>in</strong>g is to seed withappropriate CCN or IN tomake precipitation developmore efficiently.

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