Sarah Barthélemy - gemca - UCL

Sarah Barthélemy - gemca - UCL

Sarah Barthélemy - gemca - UCL

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<strong>Sarah</strong> <strong>Barthélemy</strong> Université Catholique de Louvain (<strong>UCL</strong>) ! Belgium École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) ! France Office address: 1/L3.03.21 Place Blaise Pascal, 1348 Louvain-­‐la-­‐Neuve (BE) Telephone: +32 10 47 48 20 Email: sarah.barthelemy@uclouvain.be Last update : 5 th of October, 2014 CV Education 2012 to the present Doctoral Candidate in History Joint PhD Programme, Université Catholique de Louvain (BE) and École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (FR). “Gender and religion: appropriations of the jesuit model by women between Revolution and Restoration in France. The Daughters of the Heart of Mary (1791) and the Faithful Companions of Jesus (1820)”, under the co-­‐tutelege of Pr. Silvia Mostaccio and Pr. Pierre-­‐Antoine Fabre. 2010-­‐2012 M.A. History Université Catholique de Louvain, with one semester at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland) in 2011. 2007-­‐2010 B.A. History Université Catholique de Louvain. Scholarships and grants 2013 to the present Fonds Spéciaux de Recherche (FSR) at the Université Catholique de Louvain Doctoral scholarship. 2014 Belgian Historical Institute in Rome (IHBR) Two months grant (May-­‐June) for a stay in the Vatican Secret Archives and the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu. 2014 École Française de Rome (EFR) One month grant (February) for a stay in religious roman archives. 2013 Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S-­‐FNRS), Belgium Short stay credit (October-­‐December) for parisian archives. Work Experience 2013-­‐2014 Methodology teacher Preparatory summer courses for future students, Human Sciences, Université Catholique de Louvain. 2014-­‐2015 Teaching Assistant • Seminar in Modern History, level M.A., with Pr. Silvia Mostaccio, 10.0 ECTS credits, Université Catholique de Louvain.

2012-­‐2013 Research and Teaching Assistant • Seminar: Early modern times, level B.A.3, with Pr. Paul Servais, 7.0 ECTS credits, Université Catholique de Louvain. • Computer Applications in the Humanities, level B.A.2, with Pr. Aurore François, 3.0 ECTS credits, Université Catholique de Louvain. • Quantitative methods in studying history, level B.A.3, with Pr. Aurore François, 3.0 ECTS credits, Université Catholique de Louvain. • Training in computer assisted publication, level M.A., 5.0. ECTS credits, Université Catholique de Louvain. • Invited speaker: Specialized heuristics and exercises on questions of history: modern times, level B.A.2, with Pr. Silvia Mostaccio, 4.0 ECTS credits, Université Catholique de Louvain. Academic Activities and publications Book chapter • “Un modèle disputé : les Fidèles Compagnes de Jésus face à la Compagnie”, in Silvia Mostaccio, Marina Caffiero, Jan De Maeyer, Pierre-­‐Antoine Fabre, Alessandro Serra (eds.), Échelles de pouvoir, rapports de genre : femmes, jésuites et modèle ignatien, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, Louvain-­‐la-­‐Neuve, 2014 (forthcoming). Journal Article • Silvia Mostaccio and <strong>Sarah</strong> <strong>Barthélemy</strong>, “Religious construction of gender. Jesuits and ‘Jesuitesses’”, in Historica, 2014, 3 (forthcoming). Conference Papers • “Un modèle disputé : les Fidèles Compagnes de Jésus face à la Compagnie”, in Appropriations et constructions identitaires. Le modèle ignacien dans les congrégations d’hommes et de femmes après 1773. Europe et Amériques, Louvain-­‐la-­‐Neuve, Belgium, 8-­‐10 July 2013. • “Constructions religieuses du genre. Jésuites et ‘jésuitesses’”, with Silvia Mostaccio, in Savoirs de genre : quel genre de savoir ?, Brussels, Belgium, 17-­‐18 October 2013. • “Les capacités genrées dans l’engagement en religion (fin XVIII e -­‐ début XIX e siècle)”, in Genre et engagement (Journées ARPEGE), Toulouse II Le Mirail, France, 26-­‐27 February 2014. • “L’informatisation des inventaires au travers des bases relationnelles”, with Marie-­‐Hélène de Bengy, in Journées de l'Association des Archivistes de l'Église de France, Paris, France, 10-­‐11 March 2014. • “Un modèle religieux à l'épreuve du genre et du temps. Étude d'un réseau jésuite français au XIX e siècle”, in Les réseaux en histoire: enjeux et méthodes (mensual LaRHis Seminar), Louvain-­la-­‐Neuve, Belgium, 3 April 2014. • “Les autorités religieuses locales et centrales face aux Fidèles Compagnes de Jésus (XIX e )”, in Les autorités religieuses face aux questions de genre, GSRL – EPHE Paris, France, 22-­‐23 May 2014. • “Leaving Europe Behind: The Foundations of the Faithful Companions of Jesus in America (19 th century)” in Crossings and Dwellings, Loyola University Chicago, USA, 16-­‐18 October 2014 (forthcoming). 2

Doctoral Training • “Les enjeux du genre auprès des congrégations religieuses féminines inspirées du modèle jésuite”, in “Genre et religion: sociologie, anthropologie, histoire”, doctoral workshop, École française de Rome, Italy, 13-­‐16 November 2012. • Summer School “Méthodologies de la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales”, Université du Québec À Montréal (UQAM), Canada, 1-­‐5 July 2013. • Summer School “Comparative and Trans-­‐national History: Theories, Methodology and Case Studies”, European University Institute (EUI), Italy, 15-­‐18 September 2014. Academic Interests • Religious construction of gender and its influence on civil society • History of jesuit practices • The Jesuit perception of China during the Enlightenment Positions of Responsibility 2013 to the present CORSCI member (researchers council) -­‐ <strong>UCL</strong> Elected representative for Human Sciences. 2011-­‐2012 President of ‘Maison de l’Histoire’ Similar to a history society (Belgian specificity : kot-­‐à-­‐projet, faculty on-­‐site accommodation project). 2007-­‐2011 CP HIST and AGL member (local and central bodies) -­‐ <strong>UCL</strong> Student representative for History. Memberships • GEMCA member (Group for Early Modern Cultural Analysis), <strong>UCL</strong>. • LaRHis member (Laboratoire de Recherches Historiques), <strong>UCL</strong>. • CARE member (Centre d’Anthropologie Religieuse Européenne), EHESS. • Sophia member (Réseau belge des études de genre), Belgium. • Olivaint Conference member, Belgium. Additional Skills Languages : active French, Spanish and English passive Dutch, Italian, ancient Greek and Latin IT Skills : advanced Excel, Word, Access, InDesign and Photoshop ; basic LaTeX and HTML 3

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