Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Operational Aspects of EIAS. NO EIA STRUCTURE CONTENTS3. Description of theEnvironment4. Anticipated<strong>Environmental</strong>Impacts &Mitigation Measures5. Analysis ofAlternatives(Technology & Site)6. <strong>Environmental</strong>Monitoring Programrequired by the scope) Assessment of New & untested technology for the risk oftechnological failure Study area, period, components & methodology Establishment of baseline for VECs, as identified in thescope Base maps of all environmental components Details of Investigated <strong>Environmental</strong> impacts due toproject location, possible accidents, project design, projectconstruction, regular operations, final decommissioning orrehabilitation of a completed project Measures for minimizing and / or offsetting adverseimpacts identified Irreversible and irretrievable commitments ofenvironmental components Assessment of significance of impacts (Criteria fordetermining significance, Assigning significance) Mitigation measuresIn case the scoping exercise results in need for alternatives: Description of each alternative Summary of adverse impacts of each alternative Mitigation measures proposed for each alternative andselection of alternative Technical aspects of monitoring the effectiveness ofmitigation measures (incl. Measurement methodologies,frequency, location, data analysis, reporting schedules,emergency procedures, detailed budget & procurementschedules)7. Additional Studies Public Consultation Risk assessment Social Impact Assessment, R&R Action Plans8. Project Benefits Improvements in physical infrastructure Improvements in social infrastructure Employment potential –skilled; semi-skilled and unskilled Other tangible benefits9. <strong>Environmental</strong> CostBenefit Analysis If recommended at the Scoping stage10. EMP Description of administrative aspects ensure projectimplementation of the mitigative measures and theireffectiveness monitored, after approval of the EIA11. Summary &Conclusion (Thiswill constitute thesummary of the EIAReport)12. Disclosure ofConsultants engaged Overall justification for implementation of the project Explanation of how, adverse effects have been mitigated Names of the Consultants engaged with their brief resumeand nature of Consultancy renderedTGM for Tanneries August 20104-35

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