Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Operational Aspects of EIAResponsibilities for mitigation and monitoring should be clearly defined, includingarrangements for co-ordination between the various actors responsible for mitigation.Details should be provided w.r.t the deployment of staff (detailed organogram),monitoring network design, parameters to be monitored, analysis methods, associatedequipments etc.Implementation schedule and reporting procedures: The timing, frequency andduration of mitigation measure should be specified in an implementation schedule,showing links with overall project implementation. Procedures to provide information onthe progress and results of mitigation and monitoring measures should also be clearlyspecified.Contingency Plan when the impacts are greater than expected: There shall be acontingency plan for attending to the situations where the monitoring results showsresidual impacts are higher than expected. It is an imperative requirement for all theproject authorities to plan additional programmes to deal with the situation, with theintimation to the concerned local regulatory bodies.4.8 ReportingStructure of the EIA report (Appendix III of the EIA Notification), applicable fortanneries is given in the following Table 4-5. Each task prescribed in ToR shall beincorporated appropriately in the contents in addition to the contents described in thetable.Table 4-5: Structure of EIA ReportS. NO EIA STRUCTURE CONTENTS1. Introduction Purpose of the report Identification of project & project proponent Brief description of nature, size, location of the project andits importance to the country, region Scope of the study – details of regulatory scoping carriedout (As per ToR for EIA studies )2. Project Description Condensed description of those aspects of the project (based onproject feasibility study), likely to cause environmental effects.Details should be provided to give clear picture of thefollowing: Type of project Need for the project Location (maps showing general location, specificlocation, project boundary & project site layout) Size or magnitude of operation (incl. Associated activitiesrequired by for the project) Proposed schedule for approval and implementation Technology and process description Project description including drawings showing projectlayout, components of project etc. Schematicrepresentations of feasibility drawings which giveinformation important for EIA Description of mitigation measures incorporated into theproject to meet environmental standards, environmentaloperating conditions, or other EIA requirements (asTGM for Tanneries August 20104-34

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