Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Operational Aspects of EIAtime, if they are to be successful. This process is referred to as impact management andtakes place during project implementation. A written plan should be prepared for thispurpose, and should include a schedule of agreed actions. Opportunities for impactmitigation will occur throughout the project cycle.4.6.1 Important considerations for mitigation methodsThe responsibility of project proponents to ‘internalize’ the full environmental costs ofdevelopment proposals is now widely accepted under “Polluter Pay” principle. Inaddition, many proponents have found that good design and impact management canresult in significant savings applying the principles of cleaner production to improve theirenvironmental performance.The predicted adverse environmental as well as social impacts for which mitigationmeasures are required, should be identified and briefly summarized along with crossreferencing them to the significance, prediction components of the EIA report orother documentation.Each mitigation measure should be briefly described w.r.t the impact of significancesto which it relates and the conditions under which it is required (for example,continuously or in the event of contingencies). These should also be cross-referencedto the project design and operating procedures which elaborate on the technicalaspects of implementing the various measures.Cost and responsibilities for mitigation and monitoring should be clearly defined,including arrangements for coordination between various authorities responsible formitigation.The proponent can use the EMP to develop environmental performance standards andrequirements for the project site as well as supply chain. An EMP can beimplemented through EMS for the operational phase of the project.Prior to selecting mitigation plans it is appropriate to study the mitigation alternatives forcost-effectiveness, technical and socio-political feasibility. Such mitigation measurescould include:Avoiding sensitive areas such as eco-sensitive area, e.g., fish spawning areas, densemangrove areas or areas known to contain rare or endangered speciesAdjusting work schedules to minimize disturbanceEngineered structures such as berms and noise attenuation barriersPollution control devices, such as scrubbers and electrostatic precipitatorsChanges in fuel feed, manufacturing, process, technology use, or waste managementpractices, etc.TGM for Tanneries August 20104-29

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