Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Operational Aspects of EIAIf SIA and consultation processesindicate that alternative approaches may have betterdevelopment outcomes, such alternatives should be described and considered, along withthe likely budgetary and administrative effects these changes might have.Recommendations for project design and implementation arrangementsProvide guidance to project management and other stakeholders on how to integratesocial development issues into project design and implementation arrangements. Asmuch as possible, suggest specific action plans or implementation mechanisms to addressrelevant social issues and potential impacts. These can be developed as integrated orseparate action plans, for example, as Resettlement Action Plans, Indigenous PeoplesDevelopment Plans, Community Development Plans, etc.Developing a monitoring plan:Through SIA process, a framework for monitoring and evaluation should be developed.To the extent possible, this should be done in consultation with key stakeholders,especially beneficiaries and affected people.The framework shall identify expected social development indicators, establishbenchmarks, and design systems and mechanisms for measuring progress and resultsrelated to social development objectives. The framework shall identify organizationalresponsibilities in terms of monitoring, supervision, and evaluation procedures. Whereverpossible, participatory monitoring mechanisms shall be incorporated. The frameworkshould establish:a set of monitoring indicators to track the progress achieved. The benchmarks andindicators should be limited in number, and should combine both quantitative andqualitative types of data. The indicators for outputs to be achieved by the socialdevelopment strategy; indicators to monitor the process of stakeholder participation,implementation and institutional reform;indicators to monitor social risk and social development outcomes; and indicators tomonitor impacts of the project’s social development strategy. It is important tosuggest mechanisms through which lessons learnt from monitoring and stakeholderfeedback can result in changes to improve operation of the project. Indicators shouldbe of such nature that results and impacts can be disaggregated by gender and otherrelevant social groups;Define transparent evaluation procedures. Depending on context, these may include acombination of methods, such as participant observation, key informant interviews,focus group discussions, census and socio-economic surveys, gender analysis,Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA)methodologies, and other tools. Such procedures should be tailored to the specialconditions of the project and to the different groups living in the project area;Estimate resource and budget requirements for monitoring and evaluation activities,and a description of other inputs (such as institutional strengthening and capacitybuilding) needs to be carried out.4.6 Mitigation MeasuresThe purpose of mitigation is to identify measures that safeguard the environment and thecommunity affected by the proposal. Mitigation is both a creative and practical phase ofthe EIA process. It seeks best ways and means of avoiding, minimizing and remedyingimpacts. Mitigation measures must be translated into action in right way and at the rightTGM for Tanneries August 20104-28

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