Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Operational Aspects of EIALegislative and regulatory considerations:To review laws and regulations governing the project’s implementation and access ofpoor and excluded groups to goods, services and opportunities provided by the project. Inaddition, review the enabling environment for public participation and developmentplanning. SIA should build on strong aspects of legal and regulatory systems to facilitateprogram implementation and identify weak aspects while recommending alternativearrangements.Key social issues:SIA provides baseline information for designing social development strategy. Theanalysis should determine the key social and Institutional issues which affect the areproject objectives; identify the key stakeholder groups in this context and determine howrelationships between stakeholder groups will affect or be affected by the project; andidentify expected social development outcomes and actions proposed to achieve thoseoutcomes.Data collection and methodology:Describe the design and methodology for social analysis. In this regard:Build on existing data;Clarify the units of analysis for SIA: intra-household, household level, as well ascommunities/settlements and other relevant social aggregations on which data isavailable or will be collected for analysis;Choose appropriate data collection and analytical tools and methods, employingmixed methods wherever possible; mixed methods include a mix of quantitative andqualitative methods.Strategy to achieve social development outcomes:Identify the likely social development outcomes of the project and propose a socialdevelopment strategy, including recommendations for institutional arrangements toachieve them, based on the findings of the social assessment. The social developmentstrategy could include measures that− strengthen social inclusion by ensuring inclusion of both poor and excluded groupsas well as that intended beneficiaries in the benefit stream; offer access toopportunities created by the project− empower stakeholders through their participation in design and implementation ofthe project, their access to information, and their increased voice and accountability(i.e., a participation framework); and− enhance security by minimizing and managing likely social risks and increasing theresilience of intended beneficiaries and affected persons to socioeconomic shocksImplications for analysis of alternatives:Review proposed approaches for the project, and compare them in terms of their relativeimpacts and social development outcomes. Consider what implications the findings ofsocial assessment might have on those approaches. Should some new components beadded to the approach, or other components be reconsidered or modified?TGM for Tanneries August 20104-27

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