Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Operational Aspects of EIA<strong>Environmental</strong> ComponentNoiseBiologicalLanduse<strong>Environmental</strong> Indicators Airshed importance Odour levels, etc Identifying sources of noise Noise due to traffic/transportation of vehicles Noise due to heavy equipment operations Duration and variations in noise over time, etc Species composition of flora and fauna Flora – type, density, exploitation, etc. Fauna – distribution, abundance, rarity, migratory, speciesdiversity, habitat requirements, habitat resilience,economic significance, commercial value, etc. Fisheries – migratory species, species with commercial/recreational value, etc Landuse pattern, etc.Guidance for assessment of baseline components and attributes describing samplingnetwork, sampling frequency, method of measurement is given in Annexure V.Infrastructure requirements for EBMIn addition to devising a monitoring network design and monitoring plans/program, it isalso necessary to ensure adequate resources in terms of staffing and skills, equipment,training, budget, etc., for its implementation. Besides assigning institutionalresponsibility, reporting requirements, QA/QC plans and its enforcement capability areessential. A monitoring program that does not have an infrastructural support andQA/QC component will have little chance of success.Defining data statistics/analysis requirementsThe data analysis to be conducted is dictated by the objectives of the environmentalmonitoring program. The statistical methods used to analyze the data should be describedin detail prior to data collection. This is important because repetitive observations arerecorded in time and space. Besides, the statistical methods could also be chosen so thatuncertainty or error estimates in the data can be quantified. For e.g., statistical methodsuseful in an environmental monitoring program include: 1) frequency distributionanalysis; 2) analysis of variance; 3) analysis of covariance; 4) cluster analysis; 5) multipleregression analysis; 6) time series analysis; 7) the application of statistical models.Use of secondary dataThe EBM program for EIA can at best address temporal and/or spatial variations limitedto a limited extent because of cost implications and time limitations. Therefore analysisof all available information or data is essential to establish the regional profiles. So all therelevant secondary data available for different environmental components should becollated and analyzed.To facilitate stakeholders, Ecosmart, has made an attempt to compile the list ofinformation required for EIA studies. Respective sources of secondary data are providedin Annexure VIA, and Annexure VIB.TGM for Tanneries August 20104-24

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