Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Operational Aspects of EIAGeological features and geo-hydrological status of the study area.Surface water quality of nearby water sources and other surface drains.Details on ground water quality.Details on water quality parameters such as Colour, pH, BOD, COD, TotalSuspended Solids, TDS Oil & Grease , Total Kjeldhal Nitrogen, Sulphides,Chloriodes, Total Chromium , Total Coliform bacteria etc.Details on existing ambient air quality and expected, stack and fugitive emissions forPM10, PM2.5, NH 3 , SO 2 *, NOx*, VOCs*, etc., and evaluation of the adequacy of theproposed pollution control devices to meet standards for point sources and to meetAAQ standards. (* - As applicable)Details on noise levels at sensitive/commercial receptors.Site-specific micro-meteorological data including mixing height.One season site-specific data excluding monsoon season.Proposed baseline monitoring network for the consideration and approval of theCompetent Authority.Ecological status (terrestrial and aquatic) of the study area such as habitat type andquality, species, diversity, rarity, fragmentation, ecological linkage, age, abundance,etc. .If any incompatible land use attributes fall within a 5 km radius of the projectboundary, proponent shall describe the sensitivity (distance, area and significance)and propose the additional points based on significance for review and acceptance bythe EAC/SEAC. Incompatible land use attributes include:− Public water supply areas from rivers/surface water bodies, from ground water− Scenic areas/tourism areas/hill resorts− Religious places, pilgrim centers that attract over 10 lakh pilgrims a year− Protected tribal settlements (notified tribal areas where industrial activity is notpermitted)− CRZ− Monuments of national significance, World Heritage Sites− Cyclone, Tsunami prone areas (based on last 25 years)− Airport areas− Any other feature as specified by the State or local government and other featuresas locally applicable, including prime agricultural lands, pastures, migratorycorridors, etc.If ecologically sensitive attributes fall with in a 5 km radius of the project boundary,proponent shall describe the sensitivity (distance, area and significance) and proposethe additional points based on significance for review and acceptance by the EAC /SEAC. Ecological sensitive attributes include:− National parks− Wild life sanctuaries Game reserve− Tiger reserve/elephant reserve/turtle nesting ground− Mangrove area− Wetlands− Reserved and Protected forests, etc.− Any other closed/protected area under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, anyother area locally applicableTGM for Tanneries August 20104-18

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