Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Operational Aspects of EIA−−−For each identified possible effect in the matrix, significance analysis could beconducted to identify the impacts, which need to be further studied(quantitative analysis) in the subsequent EIA studies. All such points willbecome the part of the draft ToR to be proposed by the project proponent alongwith the application form. The draft ToR shall include applicable baselineparameters (refer annexure V) and impact prediction tools proposed to beapplied.The information to be provided in pre-feasibility report, guidelines for fillingForm 1 and guidelines for developing draft ToR is summarized in subsequentsections.Authority consults the respective EAC/SEAC to reply to the proponent. TheEAC/SEAC concerned reviews the application form, pre-feasibility report andproposed draft ToR by the proponent and makes necessary additions/deletionsto make it a comprehensive ToR that suits the statutory requirements forconducting the EIA studies.The concerned EAC/SEAC may formulate a sub-committee for a site visit, ifconsidered necessary. The sub-committee will act up on receiving a written approvalfrom the chairperson of the EAC/SEAC concerned. Project proponent will facilitatesuch site visits of the sub-committees.EAC/SEAC shall provide an opportunity to the project proponent for presentation anddiscussions on the proposed project and related issues as well as the proposed ToR forEIA studies. If the State Government desires to present their views on any specificproject in the scoping stage, it can depute an officer for the same at the scoping stageto EAC, as an invitee but not as a member of EAC. However, non-appearance of theproject proponent before EAC/SEAC at any stage will not be a ground for rejection ofthe application for the prior environmental clearance.If a new or expansion project is proposed in a problem area as identified by theCPCB, the MoEF may invite the representative SEIAA to the EAC present its views,if any at the stage of scoping.The final set of ToR for EIA Studies shall be conveyed to the proponent by the EAC/SEAC within sixty days of the receipt of Form 1 and pre-feasibility report. If thefinalized ToR for EIA studies is not conveyed to the proponent within sixty days ofthe receipt of Form 1, the ToR suggested by the proponent shall be deemed as finaland will be approved for EIA studies.The final ToR for EIA studies shall be displayed on the website of the MoEF/SEIAA.Applications for prior environmental clearance may be rejected by the concernedAuthority based on the recommendations by the concerned EAC or SEAC at thescoping stage itself. In case of such rejection, the decision along with the reasons forrejection shall be communicated to the proponent in writing within sixty days of thereceipt of the application.The final EIA report and other relevant documents submitted by the applicant shall bescrutinized by the concerned Authority strictly with reference to the approved ToRfor EIA studies.TGM for Tanneries August 20104-9

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