Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Operational Aspects of EIALand acquired shall be sufficiently large to provide space for appropriate green coverincluding green belt around the battery limit of the industry.Enough space should be provided for storage of recyclable solid wastes so that thesecould be available for possible reuse.Layout of the industry that may come up in the area must conform to the landscape ofthe area without affecting the scenic features of that place.Associated township of the industry may be created at a space having physiographicbarrier between the industry and the township.Decentralized secure landfill may be developed for the cluster of new or existingtanneries. The secure landfill shall be connected to the CETP in the industrial estateor to the tannery’s ETP.Sites not suitable for leather/skin/hide processing industriesSites located near water resources such as lakes, ponds, rivers etc., used for drinkingwater bodies or agriculture use and or major ground water resources used for publicdrinking water sources or bird sanctuaries or sensitive eco parks within 2 km shall not bepermitted to start the tanneries processing raw hides/ skins (Category A and Category B).However if zero liquid discharge concept including secured saline stream/ salt disposal isensured this condition may be relaxed.4.3 Scoping for EIA StudiesScoping exercise is taken up soon after the project contours are defined. The primarypurpose of scoping is to identify the concerns and issues which may affect the projectdecisions. Besides, scoping defines the requirements and boundaries of an EIA study.Scoping refers to the process by which the EAC, in case of Category ‘A’, projects oractivities, and SEAC in the case of Category ‘B1’, including applications for expansionand/or modernization of existing projects, determines the ToR for EIA studies addressingall relevant environmental concerns for preparation of an EIA Report for a particularproject.Project proponent shall submit the application to the concerned authority. Theapplication (Form 1 as given in Annexure II) shall be attached with the prefeasibilityreport and proposed ToR for EIA studies. The proposed sequence to arriveat the draft ToR is discussed below:−Pre-feasibility report provides a precise summary of project details and also thelikely environmental concerns based on secondary information, which will beavailed for filling the Form 1.−−From pre-feasibility report and Form 1, valued environmental components(VECs) may be identified for a given project (receiving environment/socialcomponents, which are likely to get effected due to the projectoperations/activities).Once the project details from the pre-feasibility report & Form 1; and VECsare identified, a matrix establishing the interactions which can lead to theeffects/impacts could be developed (Qualitative analysis).TGM for Tanneries August 20104-8

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