Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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<strong>Leather</strong> / <strong>Skin</strong> / <strong>Hide</strong> <strong>Processing</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> (Tannery)a) BackgroundThe following factors have to be taken into account when considering the application ofcleaner technologies:The condition of the raw stock received by the tanning industry has a direct effect onthe resulting cleaner technologies that can be applied.Good farming practices are encouraged so that hides and skins do not suffer fromectoparasite infestation or damage inflicted by barbed wire, horns or other outsideinfluences. Such damage has to be masked by the tanners involving extra processesusing additional material resources and often creating added waste disposal problems(e.g. buffing dust, shavings, etc.)The amount of dung attached to an animal hide or skin as a direct result of poorfarming practices also uses more natural resources and creates additional loadings onthe effluent and the solid wastes treating which becomes the responsibility of thetanner.Damage to the hide or skins, such as poor flaying practice at the abattoir, may alsocreate increased waste disposal problems for the tanner.The IUE Commission is concerned to take into account the technologies currently appliedby the most advanced tanneries and not just to consider the latest developments fromresearch units.The general recommendations have to be adapted to local conditions and under thesupervision of a leather specialist and taking into account the requirements of theproduction.b) Preservation of fresh or cooled hides and skinsFresh or uncured raw stock is available to tanneries in many countries. Wheneverpossible, treatment of fresh hides and skins is the best solution to reduce salt pollution.Time elapsing between slaughtering and further treatment (whether curing itself or theinitiating of wet processing in the tannery) must not exceed a few hours. When anabattoir and a tannery are operationally linked, fresh raw stock may be used. In suchcases, proper measures may be taken to handle excess raw stock available with theabattoir.Beyond this period, it is necessary to cool the raw stock, either in ice or cold air. Cold airis necessary if hides are transported over long distance. Storage below 4°C yields goodpreservation up to three weeks, under ideal conditions, although some dehydration maybe expected. This system of retaining raw stock quality is used in Europe, by transportingraw stock in refrigerated lorries, but it is recognized that this may not be feasible oreconomical in developing economies. Raw stock may be preserved in ice, but storage ismore problematical than chilling, due to melting of the ice, run-off of water and thepotential for bacterial growth on wetted pelt.c) DryingShade drying of small skins is a low cost environmentally acceptable process in someclimates. Controlled air-drying using heat pump or other system is suitable for anyclimate.TGM for Tanneries August 20103-14

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