Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Conceptual Facets of EIAR&D activities – Government and industry may have agreement to establish bettercontrol technologies.Monitoring & reporting of the agreement conditions by other agents (NGOs, publicparticipants, civil authority etc.)In India, the MoEF, has organized such programme, popularly known as the corporateresponsibility for environment protection (CREP) considering identified 17 categories ofhigh pollution potential industrial sectors.. Publication in this regard, is available withCentral Pollution Control Board (CPCB).2.3.3 Tools for communication2.3.3.1 State of environmentThe Government of India has brought out the state of environment report for entirecountry and similar reports are available for many of the states. These reports arepublished at regular intervals to record trends and to identify the required interventions atvarious levels. These reports consider the internationally accepted DPSIR framework forthe presentation of the information. DPSIR refers to D – Driving forces – causes of concern i.e. industries, transportation etc. P – Pressure – pollutants emanating from driving forces i.e. emission S – State – quality of environment i.e. air, water & soil quality I – Impact – Impact on health, ecosystem, materials, biodiversity, economic damageetc. R – Responses – action for cleaner production, policies (including standards/guidelines), targets etc.Environment reports including the above elements give a comprehensive picture ofspecific target area in order to take appropriate measures for improvement. Such reportscapture the concerns which could be considered in EIAs. Corporate environmental reportingCorporate environmental reports (CERs) are only one form of environmental reportingdefined as publicly available, stand alone reports, issued voluntarily by the industries ontheir environmental activities (Borphy and Starkey-1996). CER is just are a means ofenvironmental improvement and greater accountability, not an end in itself.Three categories of environmental disclosure are:Involuntary Disclosure: Without its permission and against its will (env. Campaign,press, etc.)Mandatory Disclosure: As required by lawVoluntary Disclosure: The disclosure of information on a voluntary basisTGM for Tanneries August 20102-10

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