Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Conceptual Facets of EIA2.3.2.8 4-R conceptThe concept endorses utilization of wastes as by-products to the extent possible i.e., Recycle,Recover, Re-use, Recharge. Recycling refers to using wastes/by-products in theprocess again as a raw material to maximize production, etc., Recovery refers toengineering means such as solvent extraction, distillation, precipitation, etc., to separateuseful constituents of wastes, so that these recovered materials can be used. Reuse refersto the utilization of waste from one process as a raw material to other. Recharging is anoption in which natural systems are used for renovation of waste for further use. Eco-efficiencyThe World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD) defines ecoefficiencyas “the delivery of competitively priced goods and services that satisfy humanneeds and bring quality of life, while progressively reducing ecological impacts andresource intensity throughout the life cycle, to a level at least in line with earth’s carryingcapacity”. The business implements the eco-efficiency on four levels i.e., optimizedprocesses, recycling of wastes, eco-innovation and new services. Fussler (1995) definedsix dimensions of eco-efficiency, which are given below to understand/examine thesystem:Mass: There is an opportunity to significantly reduce mass burdens (raw materials,fuels, utilities consumed during the life cycle)Reduce Energy Use: The opportunity is to redesign the product or its use to providesignificant energy savingsReduce <strong>Environmental</strong> Toxins: This is a concern to the environmental quality andhuman health. The opportunity here is to significantly control the dispersion of toxicelements.Recycle when Practical: Designing for recyclability is importantWorking with Mother Nature: Materials are borrowed and returned to the naturewithout negatively affecting the balance of the ecosystem.Make it Last Longer: It relates to useful life and functions of products. Increasingthe functionality of products also increases their eco efficiency.The competitiveness among the companies and long-term survival will continue and thesuccessful implementation of eco-efficiency will contribute to their success. There is aneed to shift towards responsible consumerism equal to the efficiency gains made bycorporations – doing more with less. Industrial ecosystem or metabolismEco-industrial development is a new paradigm for achieving excellence in business andenvironmental performance. It opens up innovative new avenues for managing businessand conducting economic development by creating linkages among local ‘resources’,including businesses, non-profit groups, governments, unions, educational institutions,and communities. They can creative fostering of dynamic and responsible growth.Antiquated business strategies based on isolated enterprises are no longer responsiveenough to market, environmental and community requirements.TGM for Tanneries August 20102-8

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