Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Conceptual Facets of EIAtaken by a firm to control its environmental influences. Common elements of an EMS arethe identification of the environmental impacts and legal obligations, the development ofa plan for management & improvement, the assignment of the responsibilities andmonitoring of the performance. Total environmental quality movement (TEQM)Quality is regarded asA product attribute that had to be set at an acceptable level and balanced against thecostSomething delivered by technical systems engineered by experts rather than theorganization as a wholeAssured primarily through the findings and correction of mistakes at the end of theproduction processOne expression of the total environment quality movement (TEQM) is a system of controlcalled Kaizen. The principles of Kaizen areGoal must be continuous improvement of quality instead of acceptable qualityResponsibility of quality shall be shared by all members of an organizationEfforts should be focused on improving the whole process and design of productsWith some modifications, the TQM approach can be applied in improvement of corporateenvironmental performance in both process and product areas. Eco-labelingEco-Labeling is the practice of supplying information on the environmentalcharacteristics of a product or service to the general public. These labeling schemes canbe grouped into three types:Type I: Multiple criteria base; third party (Govt. or non-commercial privateorganizations) programme claims overall environmental preferabilityType II: Specific attribute of a product; often issued by a company/industrialassociationType III: Agreed set of indices; provide quantified information; self declarationAmong the above, Type I are more reliable because they are established by a third partyand considers the environmental impacts of a product from cradle to grave. However, thelabeling program will only be effective if linked with complementary program ofconsumer education and up on restriction of umbrella claims by the producers. Cleaner productionCleaner production is one of the tools, which has lot of bearing on environmentalpollution control. It is also seen that the approach is changing with time i.e., dumping-tocontrol-to-recycle-to-prevention.Promotion of cleaner production principles involves aninsight into the production processes not only to get desired yield but also to optimize onraw material consumption i.e., resource conservation and implications of the wastetreatment and disposal.TGM for Tanneries August 20102-7

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