Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Conceptual Facets of EIAproduct after useful life span at appropriate centers. The concept of extendedproducers’ responsibility brought in to avoid accumulation of dangerous products inthe environment.Tradable Permits: Under this system, firms that achieve the emission levels belowtheir allotted level may sell the surplus permits. Similarly the firms, which arerequired to spend more to attain the required degree of treatment/allotted levels, canpurchase permits from others at lower costs and may be benefited.Market Barrier Reductions: Three known market barrier reduction types are asfollows:− Market Creation: Measures that facilitate the voluntary exchange of water rightsand thus promote more efficient allocation of scarce water supplies− Liability Concerns: Encourage firms to consider potential environmental damagesof their decisions− Information Programmes: Ecolabeling and energy efficiency product labelingrequirementsGovernment Subsidy Reduction: Subsidies are the mirror images of taxes and, intheory, can provide incentive to address environmental problems. However, it hasbeen reported that the subsidies encourage economically inefficient andenvironmentally unsound practices, and often lead to market distortions due todifferences in area. However, these are important to sustain the expansion ofproduction, in the national interests. In such cases, the subsidy may be comparable tothe net social benefit. Innovative funding mechanismThere are many forums under which the fund is made available for the issues which are ofglobal/regional concern (GEF, OECD, Deutch green fund etc.) i.e., climate change, Basalconvention and further fund sources are being explored for the Persistent OrganicPollutants Convention. Besides these global funding mechanisms, there needs to belocalized alternative mechanisms for boosting the investment in environmental pollutioncontrol. For example, in India the Government has established mechanism to fund thecommon effluent treatment plants, which are specifically serving the small and mediumscale enterprises i.e., 25% share by the state Government, matching grants from theCentral Government and surety for 25% soft loan. It means that the industries need toinvest only 25% in first run, thus encouraging voluntary compliance.There are some more options i.e., if the pollution tax/charge is imposed on the residualpollution being caused by the industries, municipalities, etc., fund will automatically begenerated, which in turn, can be utilized back for funding the environmental improvementprogrammes. The emerging concept of build-operate-transfer (BOT) and build-operateown(BOO) are an encouraging development, where there is a possibility to generaterevenue by application of advanced technologies. There are many opportunities whichcan be explored, however, what is required is the paradigm shift and focused efforts. EMS and ISO certificationEMS is that part of the overall management system, which includes organizationalstructure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, process and resources for determiningand implementing the forms of overall aims, principles of action w.r.t. the environment.It encompasses the totality of organizational, administrative and policy provisions to beTGM for Tanneries August 20102-6

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