Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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AttributesSamplingMeasurement MethodRemarksNetworkFrequencyQuality: General segregation intobiological/organic/inert/hazardous Loss on heating pH Electrical Conductivity Calorific value, metals etc.Hazardous WasteGrab and CompositesamplesProcess wise or activitywise for respective rawmaterial used. Domesticwaste depends upon theseason alsoAnalysisIS 9334 : 1979IS 9235 : 1979IS 10158 : 1982Permeability And porosityMoisture pHElectrical conductivityLoss on ignitionPhosphorousTotal nitrogenCaution exchange capacityParticle size distributionHeavy metalAnsoniaFluorideGrab and Compositesamples. Recyclablecomponents have toanalyzed for the recyclingrequirementsProcess wise or activitywise for respective rawmaterial used.AnalysisIS 9334 : 1979IS 9235 : 1979IS 10158 : 1982Impacts of hazardous wasteshould be performed criticallydepending on the wastecharacteristics and place ofdischarge. For land disposalthe guidelines should befollowed and impacts ofaccidental releases should beassessedF. Biological Environment AquaticPrimary productivityAquatic weedsEnumeration ofphytoplankton, zooplankton andbenthosFisheriesDiversity indicesConsidering probableimpact, sampling points andnumber of samples to bedecided on establishedguidelines on ecologicalstudies based on site ecoenvironmentsetting within10/25 km radius from theSeason changes are veryimportantvStandards techniques (APHA et.Al. 1995, Rau and Wooten 1980)to be followed for sampling andmeasurementSeasonal sampling for aquaticbiotaOne season for terrestrialbiota, in addition to vegetationstudies during monsoonseasonPreliminary assessment

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