Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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AttributesSamplingMeasurement MethodRemarksNetworkFrequencyB. NoiseHourly equivalent noise levelsHourly equivalent noise levelsSame as for Air Pollutionalong with others Identifiedin study areaInplant (1.5 m frommachinery or high emissionprocesses)Hourly equivalent noise levels Highways (within 500metres from the road edge)At lest one day continuousin each season on aworking and non-workingdaySame as above for day andnightSame as above for day andnightPeak particle velocity 150- 200m from blast site Based on hourlyobservationsC. WaterParameters for water quality Ph, temp, turbidity, magnesiumhardness, total alkalinity,chloride, sulphate, nitrate,fluoride, sodium, potassiumsalinity Total nitrogen, total phosphorus,DO, BOD, COD, Phenol Heavy metals Total coliforms, faecal coliforms Phyto plankton Zooplankton Fish & other aquatic flora &fauna(parameters are given in ToR forEIA studies based on nature ofproject, raw material & processSet of grab samples duringpre and post- monsoon forground and surface waterfor the whole study zone.For lab. Analysis thesamples should bepreserved for transport safeDiurnal and season-wiseInstrument : Sensitive Noise levelmeter (preferably recording type)Instrument : Noise level metreMin: IS: 4954- 1968 asadopted by CPCBCPCB / OSHAInstrument : Noise level meter CPCB / IS : 4954-1968PPV meterSamples for water quality shouldbe collected and analyzed as per:IS: 2488 (Part 1-5) methods forsampling and testing of industrialeffluentsStandard methods for examinationof water and waste water analysispublished by American PublicHealth Association.International standard practicesfor benthos and aquatic flora &faunaii

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