Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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GUIDANCE FOR ASSESSMENT OF BASELINE COMPONENTS AND ATTRIBUTES*AttributesSamplingMeasurement MethodRemarksNetworkFrequencyA. Air Meteorological Wind speed Wind direction Dry bulb temperature Wet bulb temperature Relative humidity Rainfall Solar radiation Cloud coverPollutants SPM RPM SO 2 NO 2 CO H 2 S* NH* 3 HC* Fluoride* Pb* VOC-PAH* Mercury*(parameters to be proposed by theproponent, in draft ToR, which willbe reviewed and approved byEAC/SEAC)Minimum 1 site in theproject impact arearequirementsOther additional site(s) arerequire depending upon themodel applied or sitesensitivities10 to 15 locations in theproject impact areaMin: 1 hrly observationsfrom continuous records24 hrly twice a week8 hrly twice a week24 hrly twice a weekMechanical / automatic weatherstationRain gaugeAs per IMDAs per IMDGravimetric (High – Volume)Gravimetric (High – Volumewith Cyclone)EPA Modified West & GaekemethodArsenite Modified Jacob &HochheiserNDIR techniqueMethylene-blueNessler’s MethodInfra Red analyzerSpecific lon meterIS 5182 Part 1-20 Sit-specificprimary data is essentialSecondary data from IMD,New Delhi for the nearestIMD stationMonitoring Network Minimum 2 locations inupwind side, more sitesin downwind side /impact zone All the sensitive receptorsneed to be coveredMeasurement MethodsAs per CPCB standards forNAQM, 1994i

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