Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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2. The user should make efforts to bring down the noise levels due to the DG set, outside his premises,within the ambient noise requirements by proper siting and control measures.3. The manufacturer should furnish noise power levels of the unlicensed DG sets as per standardsprescribed under (A)4. The total sound power level of a DG set, at the user's end, shall be within 2 dB(A) of the total soundpower level of the DG set, at the manufacturing stage, as prescribed under (A).5. Installation of a DG set must be strictly in compliance with the recommendation of the DG setmanufacturer.6. A proper routine and preventive maintenance procedure for the DG set should be set and followed inconsultation with the DG set manufacturer which would help prevent noise levels of the DG set fromdeteriorating with use.(5th December, 2001)In exercise of the powers conferred by section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, (29 of 1986),read with the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs notification S.O. 667 (E) bearing No. F.No. U-11030/J/91-VTL dated 10th September, 1992, the Lt. Governor of Government of National Capital of Delhihereby directs to all owners/users of generators sets in the National Capital Territory of Delhi as follows :-1. that generator sets above the capacity of 5 KVA shall not be operated in residential areas betweenthe hours of 10.00 PM to 6.00 AM;2. that the generator sets above the capacity of 5 KVA in all areas residential/commercial/industrialshall operate only with the mandatory acoustic enclosures and other standards prescribed in theEnvironment (Protection) Rules, 1986;3. that mobile generator sets used in social gatherings and public functions shall be permitted only ifthey have installed mandatory acoustic enclosures and adhere to the prescribed standards for noiseand emission as laid down in the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986.The contravention of the above directions shall make the offender liable for prosecution under section 15 ofthe said Act which stipulates punishment of imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years withfine which may extend to one lakh rupees, or with both, and in case the failure of contravention continues,with additional fine which may extend to five thousand rupees for every day during which such failure orcontravention continues after the conviction for the first such failure or contravention and if still the failure orcontravention continues beyond a period of one year after the date of contravention, the offender continuesbeyond a period of one year after the date of contravention, the offender shall be punishable withimprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years.In exercise of the powers conferred by section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) readwith the Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs notification S.O. 667(E) bearing No. U-11030/J/91-VTL datedthe 10th September, 1992, the Lt. Governor Govt. of the National Capital Territory of Delhi hereby makes thefollowing amendment/modification in his order dated the 5th December, 2001 regarding the operation ofgenerator sets, namely:-In the above said order, for clause(1), the following shall be substituted, namely:-ii

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