Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Stakeholders’ Roles and ResponsibilitiesIn case the State Governments/ UTs so desire, the MoEF can form regional EAC toserve the concerned States/UTs.State Governments may decide to their convenience to house SEAC at theDepartment of Environment or at SPCB or at any other department, to extend supportto the SEAC activities.B. CompositionComposition of EAC/SEAC as per the Notification is given in Annexure VIII.Secretary to EAC/SEAC may invite a maximum of two professionals/experts with theprior approval of the Chairperson, if desired, for taking the advisory inputs forappraisal. In such case, the invited experts will not take part in the decision makingprocess.The Secretary of each EAC/SEAC preferably be an officer of the level equivalent toor above the level of Director, MoEF, GoI.C. Decision-makingThe EAC and SEAC shall function on the principle of collective responsibility. TheChairperson shall endeavor to reach a consensus in each case, and if consensus cannot bereached, the view of the majority shall prevail.D. Operational issuesSecretary may deal with all correspondence, formulate agenda and prepare agendanotes. Chairperson and other members may act only for the meetings.Chairperson of EAC/SEAC shall be one among the core group having considerableprofessional experience with proven credentials.EAC/SEAC shall meet at least once every month or more frequently, if so needed, toreview project proposals and to offer recommendations for the consideration of theAuthority.EAC/SEAC members may inspect the site at various stages i.e., during screening,scoping and appraisal, as per the need felt and decided by the Chairperson of theCommittee.The respective Governments through the Secretary of the Committee maypay/reimburse the participation expenses, honorarium etc., to the Chairperson andmembers.i. Tenure of EAC/SEIAA/SEACThe tenure of Authority/Committee(s) shall be for a fixed period of three years. At theend of the three years period, the Authority and the committees need to be re-constituted.However, staggered appointment dates may be adopted to maintain continuity ofmembers at a given point of time.ii. Qualifying criteria for nomination of a member to EAC/SEIAA/SEACWhile recommending nominations and while notifying the members of the Authority andExpert Committees, it shall be ensured that all the members meet the following threecriteria:Professional qualificationTGM for Tanneries August 20105-7

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