Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Stakeholders’ Roles and ResponsibilitiesS. No. AttributeRequirement4 Age Below 67 years at thetime of Notification ofthe Authority5 Other memberships inCentral/State ExpertAppraisal Committee6 Tenure of earlierappointment (continuous)7 Eminent environmentalexpertise withunderstanding onenvironmental aspects andimpacts8 Expertise in theenvironmental clearanceprocessNote:Members Member-Secretary ChairpersonShall not be a memberin anySEIAA/EAC/SEACOnly one term beforethis in continuity ispermittedAs per StateGovernment ServiceRulesShall not be a memberin anySEIAA/EAC/SEACNot applicableBelow 72 Years atthe time of theNotification of theAuthorityShall not be amember in anySEIAA/EAC/SEACOnly one termbefore this incontinuity ispermittedDesirable Desirable CompulsoryDesirable Desirable Compulsory1. A member after continuous membership in two terms (six years) shall not be considered forfurther continuation. His/her nomination may be considered after a gap of one term (three years),if other criteria meet.2. Chairperson/Member once notified may not be removed prior to the tenure of three yearswithout cause and proper enquiry.5.2 EAC and SEACEAC and SEAC are independent Committees to review each developmental activity andoffer its recommendations for consideration of the Central Government and SEIAArespectively.A. ConstitutionEAC and SEAC shall be constituted by the Central Government comprising amaximum of 15 members including a Chairperson and Secretary. In case of SEAC,the State Government or UT Administration is required to nominate theprofessionals/experts for consideration and Notification by the Central Government.The Central Government will notify as and when the nominations (in order) arereceived from the State Governments, within 30 days from the date of receipt.The Chairperson and the non-official member shall have a fixed term of three years,from the date of Notification by the Central Government.The Chairperson shall be an eminent environmental expert with understanding onenvironmental aspects and environmental impacts. The Secretary of the SEAC shallbe a State Government officer, not below the level of a Director/Chief Engineer.The members of the SEAC need not be from the same State/UT.TGM for Tanneries August 20105-6

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