Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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ur{Rlifr TffEIJAIRAM RAMESH{*?rq df (sEtia qerru)rrql+rq u.i o-aa{rtaT sz$|Jag frrd-r r oooeMINISTER OF STATE (INDEPENDENT CHARGE)ENVIRONMENT & FORESTSGOVERNMENT OF INDIANEW DELHI .1IO OO322"d December 2010FOREWORDThe Ministry of Environment & Forests (MOEF) introduced the <strong>Environmental</strong> ImpactAssessment (EIA) Notification 2006 on 14tn September 2006, which not only reengineered theentire environment clearance (EC) process specified under the EIA Notification 1994, bfi alsointroduced a number of new developmental sectors which would require prior environmentalclearance. The EIA NotiJication 2006 has notiJied a list of 39 developmental sectors which havebeen further categorised as A or B based on their capacity and likely environmental impacts.Category B projects have been further categorised as B1 and 82. The EIA Notification 2006 hasfurther introduced a system of screening, scoping and appraisal and for the setting up ofEnvironment Impact Assessment Authority (EIAA) at the Central level and State LevelEnvironment Impact Assessment Authorities (SEIAAs) to gaant environmental clearances at theCentral and State level respectively. The Ministry of Environment & Forests is the EnvironmentImpact Assessment Authority at the Central level and 25 State Level Environment hnpactAssessment Authorities (SEIAAS) have been set up in the various States/UTs. The EIANotification 2006 also stipulates the constitution of a multi-disciplinary Expert AppraisalCommittee (EAC) at the Centre and state level Expert Appraisal Comrnittees (sEACs) atState/UT Level for appraisal of Category A or B projects respectively and to recomrnendgrant/rejection of environmental clearance to each project/ activities falling under the varioussectors to the EIAA/SEIAAs respectively.Although the process of obtaining environrnental clearance consisting of Screening,scoping and Appraisal and for undertaking public consultation including the process ofconduct of Public Hearing has been elaborated under the EIA Notification 2006, the Notificationitself provides for bringing out guidelines from tirne to time on the EIA Notification 2005 andthe EC process with a view to bringing clarity on the EC process for expediting environmentalclearance. This need was further rebJorced after the constitution of SEiAAs and SEACs invarious States, who were assigned the task for the first time and for addressing the concerns ofstandardization of the quality of appraisal and in reducing inconsistencies betweenSEACs/SEIAAs in granting ECs for similar projects in diJferent States.The Technical Guidance Manual of "Tannery- Leathey'<strong>Skin</strong>y'tlide <strong>Processing</strong> <strong>Industry</strong>"sector describes types of process and pollution control technologies, operational aspects of EIAwith model TOR of that Sector, technological options with cleaner production and wasteminirnization techniques, monitodng of environmental quality, post clearance monitodng

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