Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Operational Aspects of EIAFinal EIA report after making needed amendments, as aforesaid, shall be submittedby the applicant to the concerned Authority for prior environmental clearance.Alternatively, a supplementary report to draft EIA and EMP addressing all concernsexpressed during the public consultation may be submitted.4.10 AppraisalAppraisal means the detailed scrutiny by the EAC or SEAC of the application and theother documents like the final EIA report, outcome of the public consultation includingpublic hearing proceedings submitted by the applicant for grant of environmentalclearance.The appraisal shall be made by EAC to the Central Government or SEAC to SEIAA.Project proponent either personally or through consultant can make a presentation toEAC/SEAC for the purpose of appraising the features of the project proposal and alsoto clarify the issues raised by the members of the EAC/SEAC.On completion of these proceedings, concerned EAC/SEAC shall make categoricalrecommendations to the respective Authority, either for grant of prior environmentalclearance on stipulated terms & conditions, if any, or rejection of the application withreasons.In case EAC/SEAC needs to visit the site or obtain further information before beingable to make categorical recommendations, EAC/SEAC may inform the projectproponent accordingly. In such an event, it should be ensured that the process ofenvironmental clearance is not unduly delayed to go beyond the prescribedtimeframe.Upon the scrutiny of the final report, if EAC/SEAC opines that finalized ToR at thescoping stage has not been comprehensively covered by the proponent, then theproject proponent may be asked to provide such information. If such information isdeclined by the project proponent or is unlikely to be provided early enough so as tocomplete the environmental appraisal within prescribed time of 60 days, theEAC/SEAC may recommend for rejection of the proposal with the same reason.Appraisal shall be strictly in terms of the finalized ToR at the scoping stage and theconcerns expressed during public consultation.This process of appraisal shall be completed within 60 days from the receipt of theupdated EIA report and EMP report, after completing public consultation.The EIA report will be typically examined for following:− Project site description supported by topographic maps & photographs – detaileddescription of topography, land use and activities at the proposed project site andits surroundings (buffer zone) supported by photographic evidence.− Clarity in description of drainage pattern, location of eco sensitive areas, vegetationcharacteristics, wildlife status - highlighting significant environmental attributessuch as feeding, breeding and nesting grounds of wildlife species, migratorycorridor, wetland, erosion and neighboring issues.− Description of the project site – how well the interfaces between the project relatedactivities and the environment have been identified for the entire project cycle i.e.construction, operation and decommissioning at the end of the project life.− How complete and authentic are the baseline data pertaining to flora and fauna andsocio economic aspects?TGM for Tanneries August 20104-39

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