Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance

Leather/Skin/Hide Processing Industry - Environmental Clearance


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Operational Aspects of EIAThe proceedings of the public hearing shall be conspicuously displayed at the officeof the Panchayats within whose jurisdiction the project is located, office of theconcerned Zilla Parishad, District Magistrate/District Collector/DeputyCommissioner (s), and the SPCB or UTPCC. The SPCB or UTPCC shall alsodisplay the proceedings on its website for general information. Comments, if any, onthe proceedings, may be sent directly to the concerned regulatory authorities and theApplicant concerned.The public hearing shall be completed within a period of 45 (forty five) days fromdate of receipt of the request letter from the Applicant. Therefore the SPCB orUTPCC concerned shall send the public hearing proceedings to the concernedregulatory authority within 8(eight) days of the completion of the public hearing.Simultaneously, a copy will also be provided to the project proponent. The proponentmay also directly forward a copy of the approved public hearing proceedings to theregulatory authority concerned along with the final EIA report or supplementaryreport to the draft EIA report prepared after the public hearing and publicconsultations incorporating the concerns expressed in the public hearing along withaction plan and financial allocation, item-wise, to address those concerns.Upon receipt of the same, the Authority will place executive summary of the reporton the website to invite responses from other concerned persons having a plausiblestake in the environmental aspects of the project or activity.If SPCB/UTPCC is unable to conduct the public hearing in the prescribed time, theCentral Government incase of Category A projects and State Government or UTadministration in case of Category B projects at the request of the SEIAA can engageany other agency or Authority for conducting the public hearing process within afurther period of 45 days. The respective governments shall pay the appropriate feeto the public agency for conducting public hearing.A public agency means a non-profit making institution/ body such astechnical/academic institutions, government bodies not subordinate to the concernedAuthority.If SPCB/Public Agency authorized for conducting public hearing informs theAuthority, stating that it is not possible to conduct the public hearing in a manner,which will enable the views of the concerned local persons to be freely expressed,then Authority may consider such report to take a decision that in such particularcase, public consultation may not have the component of public hearing.Often restricting the public hearing to the specific district may not serve the entirepurpose, therefore, NGOs who are local and registered under the Societies Act in theadjacent districts may also be allowed to participate in public hearing, if they sodesire.Confidential information including non-disclosable or legally privileged informationinvolving intellectual property right, source specified in the application shall not beplaced on the website.The Authority shall make available on a written request from any concerned personthe draft EIA report for inspection at a notified place during normal office hours tillthe date of the public hearing.While mandatory requirements will have to be adhered to, utmost attention shall begiven to the issues raised in the public hearing for determining the modificationsneeded in the project proposal and the environmental management plan to addresssuch issues.TGM for Tanneries August 20104-38

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