Amos - Free sermon outlines, Bible study and

Amos - Free sermon outlines, Bible study and

Amos - Free sermon outlines, Bible study and


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see Deut. 30:19; 31:28); <strong>and</strong> <strong>Amos</strong> summoned the Gentile nations to witness against theNorthern Kingdom of Israel whose capital was Samaria. The sin of Israel was so great that iteven appalled the pagan nations; for, after all, Israel was sinning against a flood of light (1 Cor.5:1).<strong>Amos</strong> called for the Philistines (“Ashdod,” <strong>Amos</strong> 1:8) <strong>and</strong> the Egyptians to witness what wasgoing on in Samaria (v. 9). The leaders of Israel weren’t interested in obeying God’s Law <strong>and</strong>helping the less fortunate. Rather, they were eagerly <strong>and</strong> unjustly robbing the poor <strong>and</strong> amassingas much wealth as possible. They built costly houses, filled them with expensive furnishings, <strong>and</strong>lived in luxury while the poor of the l<strong>and</strong> suffered (3:15; 4:1; 5:11; 6:4-6).What a terrible indictment: “They do not know how to do right” (<strong>Amos</strong> 3:10, NIV). They were sobound by their greed <strong>and</strong> idolatry that it was impossible for them to do what was right.Constable: Yahweh announced that the Israelites had plundered, looted, <strong>and</strong> terrorized each otherso long that they no longer knew how to do right (Heb. nekohah, straightness). The Israeliteswere different from their aggressors because they plundered <strong>and</strong> looted their own fortressesrather than those of a foreign enemy. It was as though the Israelites hoarded up violence <strong>and</strong>devastation as others, <strong>and</strong> they, hoarded material wealth. Now the wealthy foreigners, infamousfor their own similar sins, would see that the Israelites behaved even worse in their citadels.2. (:11-15) Judgment Decreed -- Comprehensive Judgment – Extending to TheirPerceived Invincibility, Their Man-Made Religious System <strong>and</strong> Their Decadent OpulenceWiersbe: <strong>Amos</strong> announced that the kingdom of Israel would fall to an enemy <strong>and</strong> the great cityof Samaria would be plundered. This happened in 722 B.C. when the Assyrians invaded Israel.The people of Israel had plundered one another, but now a pagan Gentile nation would plunderthem. We reap what we sow.To illustrate what would happen to Israel, <strong>Amos</strong> borrowed from his experiences as a shepherd.According to Exodus 22:10-13, if a lion takes a sheep <strong>and</strong> tears it to pieces, the shepherd had tobring remnants of the sheep to prove that it was truly dead (see Gen. 31:39). This would assurethe owner of the flock that the shepherd wasn’t stealing sheep <strong>and</strong> lying to his employer. By thetime Assyria was through with Israel, only a small remnant of the people would be left. The lionwas about to roar! (<strong>Amos</strong> 1:2; 3:8)According to 2 Kings 17:5ff, the Assyrians killed some Israelites, took others captive, <strong>and</strong> thenbrought into the l<strong>and</strong> captives from other nations, thus producing a people with diverse racial <strong>and</strong>religious backgrounds. The surviving Jews in the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom marriedpeople who were not Jews, <strong>and</strong> this produced the people we know as the Samaritans. The “pure”Jews rejected this new “mongrel race” (John 4:9); so the Samaritans set up their own temple <strong>and</strong>priesthood <strong>and</strong> established their own religion, which the Lord rejected (vv. 19-24).<strong>Amos</strong> made it clear that the invasion of the Assyrians was a work of God, for He was punishingIsrael for her sins (<strong>Amos</strong> 3:14). Why? Because of their selfish luxury <strong>and</strong> their impudentidolatry. The people resting on their ivory beds in their expensive mansions would be stripped<strong>and</strong> led off as prisoners of war. The wealthy who had both summer <strong>and</strong> winter houses wouldhave no houses.

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