Application for Consent Orders Kit - Community Law

Application for Consent Orders Kit - Community Law

Application for Consent Orders Kit - Community Law


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PROPOSED DIVISION OF PROPERTYAPPLICANTRESPONDENT56Proposedpercentagedivision of theproperty(includingsuperannuation)Husband %Wife %AgreeDisagree GIVE BRIEF REASONS WHYYOU DISAGREE AND SPECIFY YOURESTIMATE OF THE PROPOSED DIVISION57Were thefinancialcontributions ofthe parties thesame?(see s.79(4)(a)of the Family<strong>Law</strong> Act)Yes GO TO ITEM 58No GIVE BRIEF DETAILS OFWHO MADE THE GREATERCONTRIBUTIONAgreeDisagree GIVE BRIEF REASONSWHY YOU DISAGREE58Were the nonfinancialcontributionsfrom each ofthe parties thesame?(see s.79(4)(a)of the Family<strong>Law</strong> Act)Yes GO TO ITEM 59No GIVE BRIEF DETAILS OFWHO MADE THE GREATERCONTRIBUTIONAgreeDisagree GIVE BRIEF REASONSWHY YOU DISAGREESignature of applicantSignature of respondent16

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