Care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS

Care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS

Care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS


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Report on the global <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> epidemic – June 2000tripling to 1.25% between 1995 <strong>and</strong> 1997, the State Government acted decisively. Itset up an <strong>AIDS</strong> Society which worked closely <strong>with</strong> nongovernmental organizations<strong>and</strong> other partners to develop an active <strong>AIDS</strong> prevention campaign. It hired a leadinginternational advertising agency to promote condom use <strong>for</strong> risky sex in a humorousway, <strong>with</strong>out offending the many <strong>people</strong> who do not engage in risky behaviour.The campaign also attacked the ignorance <strong>and</strong> stigma associated <strong>with</strong> <strong>HIV</strong> infection,encouraging compassion <strong>for</strong> those affected.The bold safe-sex campaign has been a hit <strong>with</strong> its target market – young, sexuallyactive men. Regular behavioural surveillance shows that the number of visits to sexworkers <strong>and</strong> sex <strong>with</strong> other irregular partners has fallen, <strong>and</strong> condom use during riskysexual encounters has risen dramatically.Figure 4.%70Proportion of men reporting casual sex in the past year <strong>and</strong>condom use <strong>with</strong> their last non-regular partner, Tamil Nadu,India, 1996-199860504030casual sex, truckerscasual sex, factory workerscondom use, truckerscondom use, factory workers201001996 1997 1998Source: <strong>AIDS</strong> Prevention <strong>and</strong> Control Project, Tamil Nadu, India, 1999Figure 4 shows that more men than be<strong>for</strong>e decided to avoid sex <strong>with</strong> non-regularpartners, while men who continued to have casual sex were far more likely to use acondom. The groups illustrated here – factory workers <strong>and</strong> truck drivers – are thoughtto represent men <strong>with</strong> a medium <strong>and</strong> a high likelihood, respectively, of engaging inrisky sexual behaviour.Thail<strong>and</strong>’s well-publicized success in curbing a rampant heterosexual epidemic hasbrought to light other routes of transmission against which <strong>HIV</strong> prevention programmeshave been far less successful. <strong>HIV</strong> continues to spread virtually unchecked14

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