ENNIS FLEADH NUA - Comhaltas Archive

ENNIS FLEADH NUA - Comhaltas Archive

ENNIS FLEADH NUA - Comhaltas Archive

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OMOS DO PHIL ROONEYEddie MongeyOn Sunday, 31st May, 1987,ThePhilRooney Branch of CCE, Ballyshannonheld a day of commemoration "Om6sdo Phil Rooney" in honour of PhilRooney who died on 29th April, 1986.In the afternoon, an accordian workshopwas held in the Old Barracks atwhich Patsy Wilson from Donegal, JimMcGrath from Derrygonnelly and KevinLoughlin from Belleek demonstratedtheir skills in playing three differenttypes of boxes. The large audiencewhich turned up included musiciansfrom the surrounding counties. Amongthose present was Donal Kelly fromDonegal Town who played his singlerow, three-stopper melodion. Theworkshop ended at 7.30 p.m. with asession of music played by the fourabove-named musicians and seven othermusicians.The night session started promptly at8.30 p.m. and continued until after 1.00a.m. So many musicians turned up thattwo sessions were on simultaneouslyone at each end of the house , even atthis some musicians did not get sufficientairing.The response from musicians andaudience was so great that the committeehave decided to hold this event againnext year but to make a weekend of it,including a concert/ceili and an accordionworkshop given by more widelybased musicians.PHIL ROONEYDuring his lifetime Phil Rooney waswell known for his playing of traditionalmusic in his native Co . Leitrim and theadjoining counties of Donegal, Sligo andFermanagh. Anyone who was organisinga session made sure to book PhilRooney as he would always turn up andbring a few other musicians with himand the fact that Phil was playing woulddraw more musicians.Phil gave great encouragement to upand-comingmusicians and was a sourceof inspiration to many. Among hisgreatest admirers were the Lennonfamily , Ben, Charlie, Maurice , andBrian, and Phil was always included inany gathering of the Lennon family andfriends.Many of Phil's friends feel his memoryshould be kept alive as an inspirationto musicians of the future. For thisreason Ballyshannon branch of <strong>Comhaltas</strong>Ceolt6iri Eireann has been named"The Phil Rooney" Branch CCE and thecommittee arranged the commemoration"Om6s Do Phil Rooney" last Mayat "The Old Barracks" , Ballyshannon.Phil played in the Old Barracks everyFriday night for many years before hedied . The Old Barracks has a magnificentfireplace built by Phil in his capacityas master builder, it also displaysa large portrait of Phil and friends ,specially painted by Bundoran artistBrian McGovern.THE THATCH -WEAVERS OF SUCCESSAn estimated 1,400 people packed the Community Hall for a f east of Ceilimusic in the Ceili Band competition, where the Thatch Ceili Band from Londontook the All-ireland title for the second year in a row. Second prize went toanother London band, the St. Columcille Ceili Band.The Thatch Band have been together for just over three years but many of itsmembers have played together for over 20 years. The leader, John Bowe,originally from Offaly and now livil1g in Highbury was delighted with theirsuccess and with the Fleadh."This is the ultimate competition for us and Listowel has been absolutelybrilliant this year," he said. The other members of the band come from Clare,Dublin, Sligo, Mayo and three from London itselfAnd as the competition came to an end it was left to the compere for theevening, Paddy Kelly, to sum up the feelings of many. Kerry, he told theaudience, would not be winning the All-Ireland football final this year, butListowel could be proud of the welcome and enjoyment it had given tens ofthousands of people during the Fleadh.8

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