ENNIS FLEADH NUA - Comhaltas Archive

ENNIS FLEADH NUA - Comhaltas Archive

ENNIS FLEADH NUA - Comhaltas Archive

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the branch has gone from strength tostrength and marked a particularly importantmilesto ne in its histo ry when ithosted the Connacht Fleadh Cheoil lastSumm er.One of th e las t ph otograph s taken of thegreat Sligo fiddle maestro JOE O' DOWD,(second from left) at the unve iling of the FredFi nn memorial, with from, left: N9ELTANS EY, Gurteen , P. J_ 0 hI A ~AIN ,Ca rna and Joe's so n, fiddler SEAMASO' DOWD , Strand hill.(Photo MARCAS b MURCHO , Beal Feirste)The family and wid ow of the late Sligo fiddlerFRED FINN at the unveiling of themonument in his honour. Fred 's widow,ROSE (SMITH) FIN N, is next to the monumenton the right o f the photograph, originallya native o f Belfast and now living inKn ockgrania, Killavil.(Photo: MARCUS b MURCHO, Beal Fcirste)KILKENNY TO HOST 1988 ALL-IRELANDKilkenny City has been selectedby the Ardchomhairle of <strong>Comhaltas</strong>to host the 1988 Fleadh Cheoil nahEireann on the 26/29 August.This will be the third occasion onwhich the Fleadh has been allocatedto Kilkenny.The selection was a closely contestedone between Kilkenny andListowel with only one vote dividingthem. Liverpool, which hadalso applied for the event, withdrewtheir application before the vote.The British delegates said theywould be back again with anotherapplication.Tributes were paid to Listowelon their excellent organisation ofthe 1987 Fleadh and their contributionto Fleadh Cheoil na hEireannover the years. The hope wasexpressed that the Fleadh wouldagain return to Listowel in the nottoo distant future.The business community in Kilkennyhas committed itself to afinancial contribution of £29,000and the Fleadh Committee are nowmaking plans to raise an additionalcontribution towards the fund.Among those interested inhosting the 1989 Fleadh is Sligotown and it is expected thatListowel and Kilkenny may also befront runners. An Ulster applicationis also possible.The Accommodation Officer forthe 1988 Fleadh is. Theresa Ryan,29 Blackmill Street, Kilkenny(phone. 056-22637).5

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