ENNIS FLEADH NUA - Comhaltas Archive

ENNIS FLEADH NUA - Comhaltas Archive

ENNIS FLEADH NUA - Comhaltas Archive

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THE BARD OF OUL' ARBOEAn appreciation by Paddy TunneyAll Ulster o'er the people moumedfor a singer lost to the land. It was withbitter grief and heart rending sorrow weleamed of the tragic death of GeordieHanna, unquestionably Ulster's mightiesttraditional singer. Go ndeanaidh anRz" maith air.It is not infrequently said of singersand musicians performing in the idiomof the people that they were moulded intradition. Geordie Hanna was muchmore than that. He was quarried out ofa granite tradition in some ways as oldas the country itself.When we listened to his racy speech,his genius for heightened language, but,above all, his rich and well-nigh miraculoussinging style we fell out of time'spocket into a world peopled by FinnMacCool, Osin, Cuchulainn, QueenMaeve and Cu Ri Ard MacDaire. Hedug deep into the Duchas of our Raceand gave unstintedly of the treasures hefound there.I recall clearly my first meeting withGeordie. It was in the Carlton Hotel inBelleek, Co. Fermanagh, at one of thegreat singing hostings made possible bythe Northern Arts Council. He shared abedroom with Brian Mullen from Derryand myself. As usual we sang into theearly hours of Sunday. In spite of thisGeordie was early afoot, shaving,washing and preparing for Sunday Mass.It never mattered how long orarduous the Saturday night singingsessions at Fleadhanna or Scoil Eigseandmany of them were and still aredurability tests - Geordie was first upand groomed for Sunday Mass.He went downstairs and started hisbreakfast to be joined by some Belfastmen searching vainly for a hair out ofthe dog that bit them. "Boys, it's atarrah!", Geordie declared to them, "Ileft Paddy Tunney and Brian Mullen upthere asleep as the bells of Armagh andthey singing away like two thushes! "Once when he returned home aftera hero's reception at a Fleadh Cheoil, heproudly boasted to his wife and family :"Boys oh boys, ye should have beenthere! When I or (another singer whoshall be unnamed) sang you could heara flea scratching himself! "GEORDIE HANNAOur minstrel boy, our singing warriorhas gone from us and left a naked placeagainst the sky..... But Geordie , youwont be forgotten. Wherever the sonsof Ulster meet the men of Ireland to liftup their voices in song, you shall be inour midst.Ye gods assist my poor wearied notionYe inspired muses lend me your handsAnd direct my quill, without blame orblemishTill I sing the praises of th ese lovelylands.Go mbeidh do 16istin geal anochti bParthas na Naomh!DROGHEDA CELEBRATESThe Fisherman's Wharf in Droghedawas the scene of a great night's jollificationon 28th August when the localbranch of Cornhaltas helped PaddyJoyce and his lovely wife Mary celebratetheir 25th wedding anniversary.faddy, . accompanied by his wifearrived in good time, thinking he wasgoing to join the musicians in entertainingsome foreigners who were on afishing holiday in Drogheda. His firstintimation of what was really happeningwas when his family , quite a large one,whom he had put to bed before he lefthome suddenly appeared on the scene.A sumptuous meal of tea, sandwichesand a great variety of cakes was followedby a wonderful night of music,song and dance and the best of crack.When Paddy and Mary had cut the cakethey led the floor in the first dance.Cecilia McGovern, John Gray, RogerRyan, Tom Kavanagh, Brendan Carolan,Mick Flanagan, Tom Collins, PatsyDuffy and Paddy himself provided themusic for the night. Lolo Robinsontreated the company to some sparklingdancing and songs were sung by DinnyMcDonnell and Shay White . Paddy'sdaughter SHe, a promising young musician,gave a moving rendition of"Eamonn an Chnoic" on her fiddle .Lolo , cathaoirleach na craoibhe, extendeda cead mHe failte to all present,congratulated Paddy and Mary andwished them many more years of healthand happiness.All too quickly the night's enjoymentcame to an end and the companydeparted with Paddy's lively renderingof "The Turkey in the Straw" ringing intheir ears.Go mba fada buan Paddy agus Maireagus an fuead6g stain.PADRAIG b DUF AIGH46

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